

Study on Operation and Sustainable Development of Chongqing Municipal WUA

【作者】 李鸿鹰

【导师】 谢德体; 骆云中;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,水资源问题突出,特别是农业灌溉用水。中国灌区存在的问题也日益突显,如管理体制落后、水费收缴率低、末级渠系工程管理主体“缺位”等。灌区目前的管理体制已不适应社会主义市场经济体制。为了实现灌区农业供水良性循环,促进灌区的可持续发展,必须吸收用水户参与到灌区末级渠系的管理中来,即推行参与式的灌溉管理。在灌区末级渠系组建农民用水户协会(WUA)是参与式灌溉管理中一种最主要的模式。中国自1995年湖北省漳河灌区第一个农民用水户协会成立至今,协会已由最初的试点阶段走向了推广发展阶段。重庆市于2007年3月与国家农业综合开发办公室正式签定了项目执行协议,正式成为利用世界银行贷款加强灌溉农业三期项目的WUA试点建设参与省,开始在大足、合川、开县试点推行WUA,经过这几年的发展与推广,农民用水户协会在组建运行及管理中逐渐趋向成熟,但仍存在许多问题与不足。鉴于目前国内对农民用水户协会研究的缺陷,如缺少深入调查、缺少动态数据的支持等问题,本文以实地调查为依据,以重庆市农业综合开发办公室WUA研究课题组2007年至今对大足、合川、开县WUA的跟踪调查资料为依托,较为全面地了阐述了农民用水户协会的组建运行和管理情况,探讨其绩效和存在的若干问题,通过以上系统的研究工作,得出重庆市WUA可持续发展的管理机制和发展模式。论文主要内容包括对重庆市农民用水户协会(WUA)的组建运行及管理实证研究、绩效分析、存在的问题分析、可持续发展的措施研究。得出的研究结论如下:(1)重庆市农民用水户协会(WUA)筹建运行形成了三级梯队、三个层面。重庆市WUA经过三年的发展逐渐分化成三级梯队:第一梯队是WUA的典范队伍,各项制度完备、管理有力、发展潜力大,具有协会的个性特点,属于成熟型协会;第二梯队是WUA的主导队伍,制度相对完善、管理上没有形成具有本协会特色的管理方式、发展潜力不足,属于半成熟型协会;第三梯队是WUA中的落后群体,问题与矛盾均较为突出,是未成熟型协会。重庆市WUA管理过程主要涉及三个层面:相关政府机构管理人员、WUA管理人员、WUA会员,三个层面人员在WUA管理过程中反馈出WUA的不同信息及其对WUA的认知和支持程度。(2)重庆市农民用水户协会(WUA)绩效在年度间的时间差异、WUA区与非WUA区的空间差异均表现明显。财政绩效表现在灌溉成本的降低和水费收入的增加,灌溉成本年均降低2235.5元、WUA区比非WUA区节约13331.1元,水费收取率年均增加20%、WUA区比非WUA区增加43%;工程管护绩效表现在纵向上维护费用年均增加1052.5元;农业和农户绩效表现在年人均收入增加478.7元、WUA区比非WUA区多增加3354元;脱贫绩效表现在贫困户和贫困人口减少,贫困户年均减少570户、WUA区比非WUA区多减少917户;妇女参与管理绩效表现在女性执委占有比例保持在30%左右,参与培训量保持在40%左右。(3)重庆市农民用水户协会(WUA)存在管理机制与发展模式两方面的问题。管理机制问题表现在缺乏统筹管理、权利行使障碍、灌溉工程管护困难、财务管理不规范、水费计价偏高征收困难;发展能力问题表现在WUA人员素质较低、协会负责人激励不足、协会资金来源与经营管理较单一等。(4)重庆市农民用水户协会(WUA)可持续发展的管理机制和发展模式:WUA管理机制主要包括融资机制、激励机制、权力机制、培训机制、水价机制;根据WUA三级梯队现状制定三种发展模式:进化模式、改进模式、整改模式,对第一梯队进行协会能力的强化建设,提高其发展空间与潜力,对第二梯队进行改进,促进其制度等方面完备与能力发展,形成协会特色,对第三梯队进行整改,使其规范化发展。本论文的研究可为农民用水户协会的组建运行及可持续发展提供理论依据。特别是对丘陵山区WUA的组建运行模式、规模、水费的定价收取及可持续运营发展等提供参考。

【Abstract】 Currently, water resources, especially agricultural irrigation water is a serious problem. In China, it is also increasingly highlighted, such as the lagged management system, low water-fee-collection rate, vacant final canal system engineering management and so on. Irrigation management systems are not suited to the current socialist market economic system. In order to achieve a virtuous circle and promote the sustainable development of irrigation, water users must participate in the management of final canal system for irrigation, i.e. the introduction of participatory irrigation management. The formation of Irrigation Water Users Associations (WUA) is a kind of participatory irrigation management in the main model.Since 1995, in China’s Hubei Province, the first Water Users Association was established, the Association has been developed fast from the initial pilot phase to the promotion stage of development. In March 2007, Chongqing Municipality formally signed a project implementation agreement with the National Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office, officially becoming the pilot province of Phase Three of irrigating agriculture project through World Bank loans and implementing WUA in Dazu, Hechuan, and Kaixian. After several years of development and promotion, WUA’s operation and management are gradually maturing, but there are still some problems and deficiencies.In light of the lack of current national research on WUA, such as the lack of in-depth investigation, the lack of dynamic data to support, and so on. The thesis, based on the field investigations, the tracking survey of comprehensive agricultural development in Chongqing WUA office Research Group on Dazu, Hechuan, Kaixian WUA since 2007, comprehencively expounds the forming operation and management of Water Users Association and explores its performance and existence issues. The above system work obtained the sustainable development of Chongqing WUA management system and development model.The main contents:Chongqing Municipal Water Users Associations (WUA) operation and certification of Management; WUA performance analysis; WUA existing problems analysis; WUA measures of sustainable development. Through the above content, we draw the following conclusions:(1) Chongqing Municipal Water Users Associations (WUA) in preparation to run the 33-that is three echelons, and three levels. Chongqing Municipal WUA has progressively differentiated into three echelons after three years development. The first echelon is the WUA’s model team, with the comprehensive systems, effective management, and potential development, which owns the personality of the Association, being the mature association. The second echeion is the WUA’s leading team, with the relatively complete syetem, the management without the Association’s management features, and the shortage of potential development being the semi-mature association. The third echelon is the WUA in the backward groups, with prominent problems and contradictions, being the immature association. Chongqing Municipal WUA management process involves three levels:relevant government agencies management, WUA management, and WUA members. Three level staffs feedback WUA’s different information and their awareness and support of WUA during the management.(2) Chongqing Municipal Water Users Associations (WUA) performance in the inter-annual comparison between, WUA area and non-WUA areas exhibited significant lateral. The financial performance was the irrigation water cost reduction and revenue increase, in which the average annual irrigation cost reduction was 2235.5 yuan vertically, saving13331.1 yuan in the WUA and non-WUA areas horizontally, and the water collection rates with an average annually increase of 20% vertically,43% lower compared to the previous; the project management and protection performance was the vertically annual increase of 1052.5 yuan on maintenance costs; the agriculture and farmers performers was the per capita income increase of 478.7 yuan per year vertically, increasing more 3354 yuan than the WUA and non-WUA areas horizontally; poverty-lifted performers was the poverty reduction in poor households, with the poor households reduction or vertically, decreasing less 570 households than the WUA and 917 non-WUA areas horizontally; the performance of women in management was the proportion of women executive members holds about 30%, with a training volume in participation remained at 40%.(3)Chongqing Municipal Water Users Associations (WUA) exists the management system and development model issues. The management mechanism manifest in the lack of integrated management, the right to exercise barriers, difficulties in managing and protecting irrigation projects, unstandardized financial management, and high water price collection difficulty. Development capacities reflect in the low quality of WUA staff, insufficient incentives for association executives, association sources of funding and management over a single, etc.(4)The sustainable development management system and development model of Chongqing Municipal Water Users Associations (WUA):WUA management mechanism includes financing mechanism, incentive mechanism, the power system, training system, and water price system;Through the WUA three tiers status to develop three kinds of development models, which are evolutionary model, improved model, and the rectification model, so as to strengthen capacity building of the first echelon, and enhance its potential for the development of space; improve the second echelon and promote their perfect system and capacity development, so that to form the association characteristics; rectificate the third echelon, and standardize its development.The thesis can provide theory reference on WUA’s operation and sustainable development, especially WUA’s operation mode, scale, water pricing and sustainable operation development fee in hilly areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

