
灰离褶伞(Lyophyllum cinerascens Konr & Maubl)液体发酵工艺研究及成分分析

The Study on the Liquid Fermentation Conditions and the Comparation of the Major Nutrients and Crude Polysaccharide of Lyophyllum Cinerascens Konr & Maubl

【作者】 赵季

【导师】 贺稚非;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验对灰离褶伞液体发酵条件进行了筛选,最终确定了培养基组成和最佳工艺条件。同时,实验还比较了灰离褶伞菌丝体和野生子实体中主要营养成分及粗多糖含量。另外,实验初步研究了灰离褶伞在发酵罐中的最佳发酵时间及发酵时的主要参数变化,包括菌丝体生物量、pH值、氨基态氮、粗多糖等。实验结果如下:(1)灰离褶伞(Lyophyllum cinerascens Konr & Maubl)摇瓶发酵过程中的最佳工艺条件为:氮源黄豆粉0.19%、碳氮比为15:1、碳源可溶性淀粉2.85%、K2HPO4/MgSO4为0.2%/0.1%、发酵时间6天、pH为6.0、接种量8%、装液量140mL/500mL、转速160r/min、温度28.7℃、频率179r/min。其中黄豆粉的添加量、发酵温度、摇床频率为主要影响因素。影响大小为:温度>黄豆粉>频率。(2)实验中对比了灰离褶伞子实体和菌丝体主要营养成分,结果如下:灰分含量,子实体8.75%,菌丝体7.35%;粗蛋白含量,子实体23.10%,菌丝体27.37%;脂肪含量,子实体4.73%,菌丝体3.62%;粗多糖含量,子实体4.34%,菌丝体4.07%。(3)灰离褶伞的子实体和菌丝体中所含的氨基酸,结构十分相似。菌丝体所含氨基酸总量比子实体高。子实体和菌丝体中均是谷氨酸含量最高,其次是天冬氨酸,胱氨酸和蛋氨酸含量最少。除胱氨酸外,菌丝体所含的其他氨基酸量均大于子实体中含量,其中精氨酸的含量几乎是子实体含量的两倍。(4)菌丝体在发酵罐中发酵时各主要参数变化情况为:发酵1-7天期间,发酵液pH值呈逐渐减小的趋势。pH在第7天时达到最低点,第8天开始略有回升。而菌丝球生物量从第2天起开始迅速上升,到第6天时达到最大生物量。氨基态氮在发酵的1-3天内迅速上升,第3天时达到最大值,然后又下降,8天后有略微增加。(5)菌丝体粗多糖的含量随菌丝生长而呈上升趋势。当发酵到第9天时,粗多糖含量开始呈下降趋势。

【Abstract】 The paper studied on the liquid fermentation conditions of the Lyophyllum cinerascens Konr & Maubl, and definited the composition of the culture medium and the optimum conditions. Meanwhile, the experiment compared the major nutrients and the crude polysaccharide of the myceliue with the fruiting body. In addition, the main parameters, such as the biomass,pH,amino nitrogen,polysaccharides and the optimum fermentation time, of fermentation in the fermenter were studied.The conclusions of this study as follows:1. The optimum fermentation conditions of the Lyophyllum cinerascens Konr Maubl were:0.19% soybean dosage;carbon and nitrogen ratio of 15:1; soluble starch2.85%; K2HPO4:MgSO4 0.2%: 0.1%; 6 days fermentation; pH 6.0; inoculum 8%; liquid volume 140mL/500mL; temperature28.7℃; 0.19% soybean dosage; frequency 200r/min, in which,the soybean dosage, temperature, rotation frequency were the main factors. And the effect size was:temperature> soybean dosage> frequency.2. The experiment compared the main nutritional componentes of the mycelium with the fruiting body and the conclutions were as follows:ash content, fruiting body of 8.75%,7.35% mycelia; the crude protein content, fruiting body of 23.10%,27.37% mycelium; fat content, fruiting bodies of 4.73%,3.62% mycelium; crude polysaccharide content, fruit body of 4.34%,4.07% mycelium.3. The content of the amino acids was very similar. But the content of amino acids was higher in mycelia. The glutamic acid were the highest in the mycelium and the fruiting body, followed by aspartic acid, and the contents of the cystine, the methionine were the least. In addition to the cystine,the other amino acids contents were higher in the mycelia, and the content of the arginine was almost twice of the content of fruiting body.4. Observed the changes of the main parameters of the mycelia fermenting in the fermenter, we can find the conclutions as follows:In the fermentation period of 1-7 days, the pH of the liqud in the ferment was gradually decreased. The pH reached the lowest point at the 7th day. And on the 8th day, the parameter increased slightly. On the other hand, the mycelium biomass increased rapidly from the second day to the sixth day, and reached to the maximum biomass at 6th day. And the content of the amino nitrogen, in the fermentation of 1-3 days, increaced rapidly to the maximun. Then the content drop down, and slight increase after 8th day. 5. The crude polysaccharide content was increased with the growth of the mycelium. At the 9th day of fermentation,the content began to decline.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

