

The Narrative Study on the Survival of the State of a Kindergarten Teacher in Rural Areas

【作者】 闫伟鹏

【导师】 李静;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学前教育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的目的是为了通过一个较为有代表性的个案来审视现在农村幼儿教师的生存状态,走进他们的现实生活,了解真实的状态和情况,发现问题之所在,并进行教育的思考以期获得解决问题的思路,为改善农村幼儿教师生存状态提供更好的思路。本文采用叙事研究法对一个农村幼儿园教师——东东老师的工作和生活状态进行了研究。东东老师家住重庆市S区F村,她于1998年开始从事幼教工作至今,在长达十年的工作中,东东老师经历了从入职新手到工作经验丰富教师的全过程,同时,在生活中也经历了为人妻、为人母等过程,可以说,这十年是东东老师人生生存状态很完备的一个阶段。这也是本研究选取她作为研究对象的原因所在。为了达到上述的目的,本研究选用马斯洛的需要层次理论为着力点进行研究。本研究主要采用叙事研究法对东东老师的生存状态进行研究,这是一种生态取向的研究。此研究方法可以给农村幼儿教师一个发出自己声音的机会。农村幼儿教师是我国有一定代表性的群体,关注农村幼儿教师的生存状态,从短期效果来说势必优化农村幼教的水平,促进农村幼儿教育事业的发展;长远来看,必将促进农村教育的发展,使整个教师教育理论水平提高,也将有利于新农村的建设。我希望通过研究为丰富这方面的理论和实践尽微薄之力。本研究共分四个部分。其中第一部分为引论部分,本部分对所研究的问题、目的、方法、意义及其思路,相关概念的界定和相关研究的分析;研究对象的选取等进行了阐述。第二部分是被访者东东老师生存状态的故事,是本研究的核心和主题内容。在此部分中,在对个案的全面研究和反思以及对其全景式的观察基础上,运用叙事法,通过一位极具代表性的农村幼儿教师的故事叙述,考察农村幼儿教师的生存状态。对被研究者的工作、生活状态等方面的访谈和观察,使其将自己认为重要或有意义的某些特定时间或时刻,不依据生活史的时间顺序加以叙述,并主要以第一人称形式呈现和整理成文。第三部分研究者试图对故事进行解读,以期分析和解读出一些有关影响农村幼儿教师生存状态的因素。最后一部分是对本研究简要的结语。

【Abstract】 In this paper,a narrative study of kindergarten teachers in rural areas-the Eastern state of the work and life were studied. S,who lives in the Eastern District of Chongqing’s F Village, she began working in early childhood education since 1998, after in a decade of work, She experienced the whole process which teachers from the Eastern entry to the work of novice teachers, at the same time, she also experienced the life of wife, mother, etc.,we can be said that this decade of life is a complete set of a stage about the survival of the state of the Eastern teachers.This is also the purpose of this study to select her as the tested. The purpose is to adopt a more representative through look at the present cases to the survival of rural teachers in early childhood education, and into their real life to understand the real situation of the state and found where the problem lies, then, obtain education ideas to solve the problem, All of these are in order to improve the survival of the status of teachers in early childhood education in rural areas to provide a better idea. In order to achieve this objective, the study selected Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory to analyze.I’ll use the narrative research to study the Dongdong’s survival of the state, which is a study of eco-oriented. This research method can give a rural kindergarten teachers the opportunity to voice their own, rural child care teachers are some of our representative groups, concerned about the survival of teachers in early childhood education in rural areas,and from the short-term effects are bound to the level of optimization, the promotion of rural child care the development of education; In the long run, it will promote the development of rural education, so that the whole theory of the level of teacher education, for example, we will facilitate the construction of new countryside. I hope that through research in this area is rich in theory and practice to make modest.This study is divided into four parts, which is cited on the first part of the focus on this part of the study, purpose, method, meaning and ideas, the concept of the definition of the relevant studies and related analysis; study selection, etc.described. The second part is the story of the respondents which is the core of this study. In the case of a comprehensive study and reflection, as well as their panoramic observation, based on the use of narrative method, through a very typical story of teachers in early childhood education in rural areas are described to study the survival of rural child care teachers, and researchers on the work and other aspects of life interviews and observation, they think it will be important or meaningful in some particular time or moment, I will not in chronological order based on the life history to be described, but mainly in the form of first-person and documented. The third part of the researcher is trying to read the story, with a view to analysis and interpretation of the impact of some of the survival status of rural teachers in early childhood education factors. The last part is a summary of the conclusion of this study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G615
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1773

