

The Analysis of Southeast Guizhou Eco-tourism Development Based on GIS

【作者】 许斌

【导师】 罗红霞;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 胡锦涛在党的十七大上的报告上将生态文明列为继物质文明、精神文明、政治文明之后社会主义社会的建设重点,将产业结构、消费模式等与生态文明联系起来,作为全面建设小康社会的目标之一。黔东南州有着良好的原生态自然资源和人文资源,借国家西部建设的机遇,发挥黔东南原生态资源优势,大力发展黔东南原生态旅游以促进黔东南经济增长。同时,黔东南州人民政府已经将发展原生态旅游纳入十一五规划之中。本文通过收集黔东南原生态旅游资源,研究现状等资料,通过资料分析,最后对黔东南原生态旅游发展进行了规划。共分6个部分。第一部分为绪论部分,主要介绍论文的意义,国内外GIS、原生态旅游的研究现状以及黔东南原生态旅游的研究现状。第二部分主要介绍了研究区域——黔东南苗族侗族自治州的概况、旅游资源概括、旅游业发展现状等。第三部分应用层次分析法对黔东南原生态旅游影响因子进行分析和评价。把黔东南原生态旅游影响因子划分为休闲康乐价值、环境质量、民情风俗等18个,通过分析,结果显示:排在前五位的民情风俗、休闲康乐价值、环境质量、生态条件、文化古迹因子总权重为62.75%。排在前十位的影响因子的权重为86.60%。并结合各景点的实际分值,对黔东南旅游景点进行了评分。第四部分应用GIS对黔东南旅游资源评分、对收集到的黔东南经济、交通、人口等数据进行分析。分析结果表明:对黔东南原生态旅游资源的总评分总体上呈正态分布,具有可信度,可以用这个结果进行相关的分析。黔东南境内的包括铁路、高速公路、国道、省道4km缓冲区范围内,集中了选取作研究对象的99个景点中的59个,铁路、高速公路、国道、省道、县道2km缓冲区范围内集中了74个,具有很强的交通便捷性。少数民族人口比例大于84%的市县主要分布的黔东南中部和南部,共有10个县(市)集中聚居8.56万以上的苗族人口,最多的超过了30万。有6个县集中聚居8.59万以上的侗族人口,最多的超过36万。大规模的少数民族杂居或聚居,对工业文明还处于萌芽阶段的黔东南来说,传承民族文化和传统,积淀民族文化精华,保护各民族的独特性,保持各民族的原生态型等有着重要的意义。第五部分运用第三、第四部分分析结果,点-轴发展模式理论,结合黔东南各地风俗文化差异,规划建设3个原生态旅游大区域的结论:1、以湘黔铁路、舞阳河、省道为轴线的以苗文化、古文化为主的凯里、黄平、施秉、镇远、岑巩区域;2、以沪瑞高速黔东南段和320国道黔东南段为轴线的以苗文化、自然生态为主要旅游资源的麻江、凯里、丹寨、雷山、台江、剑河、三穗区域;3、以黎平机场为中心、321国道黔东南段、省道为轴线的以侗文化、生态资源、红色文化旅游为主的榕江、从江、黎平、锦屏、天柱区域。第六部分是论文的结论与展望部分。

【Abstract】 In the report at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), President Hu Jingtao ranked ecological civilization as one of the Chinese socialist constructional focus behind material civilization, spiritual civilization, and political civilization. He also linked industrial structure, consumption patterns with ecological civilization and regarded them as one of the goals in the process of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Southeast the Guizhou Province the Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture has a large number of original natural and cultural resources.Making full use of resources advantages, with the opportunity of developing the west regions to develop eco-tourism in the southeast of Guizhou and promote the indigenous economic growth has been listed in the eleventh five-year plan by the government of southeast Guizhou.Through collecting the original eco-tourism resources in Southeast Guizhou and the situation of study, this paper analyses relative dada, and at last, has a plan about the original eco-tourism development in Southeast Guizhou.There are six parts in this paper:Part I:Introduction. This part mainly introduces the meaning of this paper, the situation of GIS and eco-tourism study at home and abroad, and the situation of eco-tourism study in Southeast Guizhou.PartⅡ:Study area. This part mainly introduces the study area of this paper--Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture overview, tourism summary, and the situation of tourism development, etc.Part III:Analysis and evaluation the impact factors of the original eco-tourism resources in southeast Guizhou with the method Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The original eco-tourism impact factor of Southeast Guizhou is divided into 18 factors, including recreational values, environmental quality, and custom, etc. After analyzing those impact factors, this paper has a conclusion:the total weight of the top five impact factors(custom, recreational values, environmental quality, ecological condition, and cultural objects and historic relics) is 62.75%;the total weight of the top ten impact factors is 86.60%. Combing with the actual score of every scenic spot, this paper evaluates the scenic spots in Southeast Guizhou.PartⅣ:Evaluate tourism resources with the method of GIS and analysis the economy data, transportation, population in Southeast Guizhou. The results shows that the total score of the original eco-tourism resources in Southeast Guizhou is in general normal distribution, and has high credibility.In 4km buffer zone of railway, highway, national highway and provincial highway in Southeast Guizhou, there are 59 spots of the study selected for 99.meanwhile, there are 74 spots of 99 in the 2km buffer zone of railway, highway, national highway, provincial and county road. It tells us that the original eco-tourism in Southeast Guizhou with strong traffic convenience.The proportion of minority population which is greater than 84% are mainly distributed in central and southern Southeast Guizhou. There are 10 counties (cities) to focus more than 85,600 Miao, and the largest more than 300 000. and then 6 counties inhabited more than 85,900 Dong, the largest more than 360,000.To the Southeast Guizhou where industrial civilization is still in the embryonic stage, mass inhabitation by ethnic minorities or mixed has important meanings of inheriting culture and traditions, accumulating the essence of national culture, protecting the minorities’ unique, and maintaining the minorities’original eco-style.Part V:This part uses the results of part III and partⅣ-the theory spot and axis development, combing with the culture difference, has the plan and construction of three large area of the original eco-tourism in southeast Guizhou.1 Taking Xiang-qian railway, Wuyang He, provincial way as axis, Miao population culture, ancient culture as center, include Kaili, Huangping, Shibing, Zhenyuan and Cengong conties;2,Taking Shanghai-Ruili high-speed way and 320th national road as axis, Miao population culture and natural ecology resources as center, include Majiang, Kaili, Danzhai, Leishan, Taijiang, Jianhe, Sansui couties;3 Taking Liping Airport as center,32th national road and provincial way as axis, Dong population culture, ecological resources, red culture as main resources, include Rongjiang, Congjiang, Liping, Jinping, Tianzhu couties.Part VI:Conclusion and prospect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】521

