

The Study on the Unified Logic of the Mainland Movie and HongKong Left-wing Movice in the 1950’s

【作者】 苏益露

【导师】 余纪; 田义贵;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 电影学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 1984年12月19日,中英双方签订《中英联合声明》。根据这份声明,英国需在1997年7月1日将香港的主权移交中国,而香港即成为中国的一个特别行政区。从这时起,大陆与香港又重新开启了被尘封十数年的交融,开始在经济、文化等方面频繁地交流起来。1997年7月1日,香港回归祖国。香港地区第一次升起了中华人民共和国国旗。历经百年沧桑的香港,带着彻夜的狂欢,以崭新的姿态矗立在世界人民的面前。2003年,大陆、香港两地签署《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(简称CEPA),至2009年签署补充协议六,协议的签订推进了两地的互动。新世纪的大陆、香港两地实现了前所未有的水乳交融,这不仅反映在经济层面,同样也促使着我们去思考关于两地文化、两地电影的深层次关系和前途命运。在“华语电影”研究的主题下,怀着电影共荣的期待,本文便开始了那段最初的、曾被人遗忘的电影交流史。20世纪50年代,刚刚跨过历史性的1949年,大陆电影、香港电影之间还有着被允许的交流。1950年英国政府率先与新中国建立正式外交关系,使得亲内地的左派电影机构在香港得以保存,以“长城”、“凤凰”、“新联”为例,他们都与当时大陆的新中国政府有着千丝万缕的联系,有些则直接获得了政府资金或政权力量的支持。所以,面对同时存在于香港的右派思想文化和右派电影机构的活跃,左派电影机构做出了积极的回应,他们创建左派电影公司,拍摄了大批优秀的左翼思想电影,并在报刊上开辟了左的思想评论阵地,两种政治意识形态在香港的“交战”推动了香港电影文化的发展,也极大的影响了香港电影在今后十几年后的思想表态。本文试从新中国成立之初那青葱鲜嫩的电影岁月里,从最初的十年里,去找寻那埋于历史尘埃中的情感统一逻辑,完成新时期“华语电影”的现实期待。作为与大陆文化、大陆新政权有着密切关系的香港左派电影,其在20世纪50年代的发展脉络到底是怎样的?其与50年代大陆电影之间又有着怎样的联系?这种联系,对如今大陆、香港两地寻求更深的文化交流又有着什么样的启迪?则是本文研究所涉及的问题。因为20世纪50年代大陆电影和香港左派电影的产量之间呈现的令人惊讶的相似性。本文拟从电影产量所显现出的时间段对其进行分别阐述。本文共分为六个部分。绪论部分主要阐述了论文选题的意义和研究价值。作者也从个人情感上对论文的撰写状态表达了看法。正文主体部分共有四个章节。第一章题为“1949年陆港影业缩像”。主要目的是分析50年代大陆电影和香港左派电影发展态势的一个前景描述。1945-1949年间,受南下影人的影响,香港影业形成了左、右两种电影形态。这时的香港,成为国民党与共产党重新角力的场所。两种电影形态在对峙中,此消彼长,不相上下。内容包括1949年的政治格局,1949年前后大陆电影格局的变化,1949年前后香港电影业发展的概况。在阐述大陆电影和香港左派电影各自的发展格局时,分别对影响陆港电影发展的重大事件进行了阐述。如两次南下香港潮流对香港电影文化传统,对香港左派电影的影响等问题。第二章题为“风云变幻,艰难与坚持同行(1950—1952)”。1950年到1952年,因为大陆和香港各自政治环境、经济环境的繁复变化,使得陆港电影的产量都偏低。这一时期大陆电影和香港左派电影的共同关键词是:艰难、坚持。本节简述了这一时期陆港电影代表作的一些共同“音貌”。第三章题为“重整旗鼓,文化的传承与思索(1953—1955)”。在这一阶段,两地政治、经济都处于相对稳定的环境,留港的香港左派电影人经历了前两年思想的涌动和创作的困境后,重整旗鼓,将电影创作趋于稳定,电影作品产量较前两年有了提升,为香港左派电影的发展壮大打下根基。电影内容也呈现出多样化发展的良好态势,出现了众多颇具思想探索的优秀作品。针对这种情况,本章节的内容仍是从陆港电影发展的情况出发,在分述各自环境、政治因素影响的同时,找到他们共同的特征:文化的传承与思索。内容包括“大陆电影:‘整合’发展”、“香港左派电影:文化承递”以及“繁华的心灵世界——陆港电影代表作”三个部分。第四章题为“繁花似锦,陆港电影风华年(1956—1959)”。经过艰难,走过稳定,接下来便是发展时期了。这一阶段,大陆电影和香港左派电影之间最大统一性特征恐怕就是思想开放性所带来的繁荣局面,内容包括对大陆“双百”解放思想的阐述以及新中国十年庆呈现出的繁华景象。香港电影方面,则论述了好莱坞电影工业模式“垂直整合”思想对香港电影,乃至对香港左派电影的深远影响。不过在最后一部分,作者仍然提出陆港电影“情”“思”难断,阐述了陆港电影探索发展过程中所暗含的统一性。最后一个部分,则是作为本文中心意思表达的结语。本文试着从大陆电影和香港左派电影作品间表现出的点点滴滴做文章,找出其中的统一性气质。不可否认,陆港电影是有着不可割舍的文化统一特征。香港左派电影不管如何发展变化,始终不变的是一份中华情怀。

【Abstract】 On December 19,1984, China and Britain signed China and Britain Joint statement. According to this statement, Britain will have Hong Kong’s sovereignty to turn over China in July 1,1997, then Hong Kong namely became a special administrative region of China. Starting from this time, the mainland and Hong Kong made a fresh start of exchanging in the economy and cultural which have been blended by the dust-laden over ten years.On July 1,1997, Hong Kong returned the motherland. It was the first that the national flag of Peoplein’s Republic of China raised in Hong Kong. It has been through over a hundred years, Hong Kong, with all night revelry, standed in the front of the world as a new posture. In 2003, the mainland and Hong Kong signed Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (i.e. CEPA), since 2009 signed the sixth subsidiary agreement, that push the relationship between the mainland and Hong Kong. Not only reflected in the economical stratification plane, also urges us to ponder the culture and movie deep level relations and the fate.In this new century, the mainland and the Hong Kong have a same dream of "Chinese language film", in view of this, the article will study the history of movie in the 1950’s, which once had reflected the close relationship between the mainland and Hong Kong, and that had been forgotten for a long time.In the 1950’s, just bridged over historically in 1949, between the mainland movies, the Hong Kong movies also has the exchange which permits. In 1950’s the English Government lead and new China established the official foreign relations, caused the left wing movie organization to be able to preserve in Hong Kong, take "ChangCheng", "FengHuang", "XinLian" as the example, at that time, they all have the very complicated relation with the new gaverment. Therefore, facing simultaneously exists in Hong Kong’s the right-wing culture and right-wing movie organization liveliness, the left wing movie organization has made the positive response, they found the left wing movie company, has filmed large quantities of outstanding left wing thought movie, and opened the left thought in the publication to comment the position, two politics ideology reencounter impelled the Hong Kong movie culture development in Hong Kong, also the enormous influence Hong Kong movie has taken a stand in the next several year after thought.The article try to study the initial ten years, pursues the unified logic in the history, completes the reality anticipation in the new century. Because 20th century 50’s mainland movie and between the Hong Kong left wing movie output presents surprising similarity. This article will carry on from the time partition form to it elaborated separately.This article altogether divides into six parts. The introduction part mainly elaborated the paper selected topic significance and the research value. Author has also express view from the individual emotion to this paper.The main text has four chapters. The first chapter analyzes in 1949 under the historical political pattern, around 1949 mainland movie pattern change, around 1949 Hong Kong movie industry development survey.The second chapter analyzes the movie from 1950 to 1952. This time mainland movie and the Hong Kong left wing movie common key word is:difficult, insistence. Has summarized some together "the sound appearance", the two place movie representative works in this time.The third chapter analyzes the mainland movie and Hong Kong left-wing movie from 1953 to 1955. The fourth chapter analyzes the mainland movie and Hong Kong left-wing movie from 1956 to 1959. the chapter content including "Double Hundred" emancipates the lively picture to the mainland which mind elaboration as well as the new Chinese ten years celebrate present on the work performance. Hong Kong aspect, then elaborated the Hollywood movie industry pattern "the vertical conformity" the thought to the Hong Kong movie, and even to Hong Kong left wing movie profound influence. But in the last part, the author still proposed two place movies "the sentiment" "thought" difficultly to break, elaborated two place movies explored the unity which in the developing process implied.Last part, then is takes this article center meaning expression the elaboration. This article tries the intravenous drip which displays from the mainland movie and between the Hong Kong left wing movie work to write an essay, discovers unified makings. Undeniable, two place movies have cannot shear the shed the cultural tradition. How no matter the Hong Kong left wing movie does develop the change, invariable is throughout a Chinese mood and the social thought.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】328

