

Study on Mechanism of Magnesium Absorption and Photosynthesis Promotion in Citrus Incoulated AM Fungi

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 曾明;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 果树学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 柑橘(Citrus reticulata Banco)为芸香科(Rutaceae)柑橘属(Citrus Linn)植物。柑橘是我国南方重要的栽培果树,在南方柑橘的产量是所有水果里面最多的,在南方种植柑橘可以帮助果农增加经济效益,从而促进我国农业经济的整体发展,对提高农民收入,促进社会的稳定发展有重要的作用。镁是参与叶绿素合成的重要元素,柑橘缺镁表现出叶片失绿、坏死等症状,在外界高光照强度下,植物叶片上的失绿、坏死症状更加明显。柑橘生产上缺镁的原因除了土壤自身亏缺外,还与土壤pH过高是镁离子变成不溶解状态的络合物使柑橘缺镁。重庆是柑橘的主要产区之一,而重庆自身的气候特征和天气资料显示重庆在五到八月份的时候天气状况为温度高,降雨少土壤偏干,光照量充足。而在九月到十二月的天气资料却显示重庆的日照强度不够,为明显的“寡”日照地方。重庆有其独特的光照和气候条件,这些因素又是制约柑橘生长的重要条件,柑橘是容易形成菌根的植物,易于被各种的丛枝菌根真菌所侵染,而且柑橘根系对矿质元素和水分等的吸收很大程度上都依赖丛枝菌根真菌。丛枝菌根真菌和宿主相互间存在一定的选择性,不同的真菌对不同的宿主具有不同的侵染率,而且真菌不同其对柑橘的侵染效应和生长的促进作用也不同。因此,为柑橘选择合适的丛枝菌根真菌对促进柑橘根系对矿质元素的吸收,促进柑橘生长有重要作用。本试验是针对在重庆这个“独特”的天气情况下,通过接种地表球囊霉Glomus versiforme(Gv)、摩西球囊霉Glomus mosseae(G. m)和透光球囊霉Glomus diaphanum(G. d)来筛选柑橘的优势菌种,并且研究在不同拮抗条件下菌根真菌对柑橘镁元素吸收、利用及促进柑橘光合效应的机制,设置了3个试验:试验1优势菌种的筛选:试验1试验以盆栽一年生砧木卡里佐枳橙(Carrizo citrange, Citrus sinensis Osbeck×Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.)为试材,分别接种地表球囊霉G.v,摩西球囊霉G.m和透光球囊霉G.d,每处理3株为1个小区,设3个重复,随机区组排列。研究这三种不同的菌根真菌对柑橘的侵染情况及生长发育指标的影响,从而筛选出柑橘的优势菌种。结果表明,接种从枝菌根真菌对柑橘的生长发育有促进作用,接种后柑橘的株高,地下部分干重,地上部分干重都显著高于未接种对照。并且不同的真菌之间促进的程度有差异,接种摩西球囊霉对柑橘生长的促进作用最明显,柑橘的株高达到52.14±2.77cm,地下部分干重达到5.575±0.231cm,地上部分干重14.92±1.27cm。试验表明摩西球囊霉所研究菌种的柑橘的优势菌种。试验2菌根真菌对柑橘在缺镁条件下吸收镁元素的影响研究取同样的管理水平下的一年生砧木卡里佐枳橙(Carrizo citrange, Citrus sinensis Osbeck×Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Raf.),对柑橘苗进行无土栽培处理,研究在缺镁情况下菌根真菌对柑橘吸收镁元素的影响。试验共设3个处理,分别为对柑橘苗施加不含镁元素的营养液,对柑橘苗施加含40%量镁元素的营养液,对柑橘苗施加含100%量镁元素全营养液。以不接种为对照。每处理3株为1个小区,设3个重复,随机区组排列。结果表明,柑橘通过接种菌种可以促进柑橘根系对土壤中镁元素的吸收,并且在适度范围内缺镁的情况下接种菌根对柑橘根系对镁元素的吸收的促进作用最明显。柑橘苗施加含40%量镁元素的营养液,柑橘体内镁含量为112.37±4.87 mg·g-1。试验3菌根真菌对柑橘光合效应及生长效应的影响研究取同样的管理水平下的一年生砧木卡里佐枳橙(Carrizo citrange, Citrus sinensis Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.),试验共设3个处理,在pH5.5-6.4的土壤中种植接种了优势菌种的柑橘苗,在pH6.5-7.4的土壤中种植接种了优势菌种的柑橘苗,在pH7.5-8.5的土壤中种植接种了优势菌种的柑橘苗,以不接种为对照。每处理3株为1个小区,设3个重复,随机区组排列。结果表明,在相同的处理中接种丛枝菌根真菌能促进柑橘光合作用的进行,尤其是在pH5.5-6.4的土壤中光合效率最好,它的光合作用速率平均值为5.234±0.561(C02m-2s-1)蛋白质含量为3.987±0.543 mg·g-1,可溶性糖含量为1.617±0.107 mg·g-1

【Abstract】 The citrus is a member of Citrus Linn of Rutaceae. citrus is fruit cultivation in China Southern,production of citrus in the south which is the highest of all fruits, citrus cultivation in the south to help farmers increase the economic efficiency, thereby promoting the overall development of China’s agricultural economy, on increasing farmers income, promote social stability important role in the development. Magnesium is an important element involved in chlorophyll synthesis, citrus magnesium deficiency show leaf chlorosis, necrosis and other symptoms, high light intensity in the outside world, the loss of green leaves, necrosis of more obvious symptoms. Citrus production, magnesium deficiency causes deficiency in addition to the soil itself, but also with the soil pH are too high magnesium ions into an insoluble form of the complex to citrus magnesium deficiency.Chongqing is one of the main producing areas of citrus, while the climate in Chongqing’s own characteristics and weather information in Chongqing in August when five to weather conditions as high temperature, low rainfall in dry condition of soil, sunlight is sufficient. In September to December the weather information is displayed in Chongqing sunshine strong enough for the obvious "widowed" sunshine place. Chongqing has a unique light and weather conditions [5], these factors is an important condition for restricting the growth of citrus, citrus is easy to form mycorrhizal plants, easy to be all kinds of infection by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and the citrus root on the other mineral elements and water absorption are largely dependent on mycorrhizal fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and host each other there is a certain selectivity, different fungi on different hosts with different infection rates, and different fungal infection of its citrus effect and growth promoting effects are also different. Therefore, in order to choose the right citrus arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on citrus root for the absorption of mineral elements, play an important role to promote the growth of citrus. This test is for in Chongqing this "unique" weather conditions, by inoculating the surface Glomus Glomus versiforme (Gv), Moses Glomus Glomus mosseae (Gm) and light transmission Glomus Glomus diaphanum (Gd) to filter citrus the dominant species, and to study the antagonistic conditions different mycorrhizal fungi on citrus magnesium absorption, utilization and promotion of citrus photosynthesis effects, the set of three tests:Experiment 1 The filtration of preponderant Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi of citrusTest 1 Test with potted rootstock Carrizo citrange annual (Carrizo citrange, Citrus sinensis Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) As test materials were inoculated versiforme Gv, Glomus Moses and transparency balloon Gm mold Gd, each dealing with three to a cell, with 3 repeats, randomized block arrangement. Study three different mycorrhizal fungi on citrus growth and development of infection conditions and the impact indicators to screen out the dominant species of citrus.The results showed that vaccination from the mycorrhizal fungi on citrus growth and development are stimulated after vaccination citrus height, ground dry weight, shoot dry weight were significantly higher than non-vaccinated control. And between the different fungi to promote the degree of difference, Moses Glomus inoculation the growth promoting effects of citrus most significant citrus height to 52.14±2.77cm, underground dry weight were 5.575±0.231cm, shoot dry weight 14.92±1.27cm. Test showed that Glomus Moses studied the dominant species of citrus species.Experiment 2 Study on mycorrhizal fungi on citrus photosynthesis and growth effectsObtained under the same management level annual rootstock Carrizo citrange (Carrizo citrange, Citrus sinensis Osbeck x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.), On citrus seedlings in soilless cultivation treatment of mycorrhizal fungi in the case of magnesium deficiency on Citrus absorb the impact of magnesium. Test consists of three treatments were imposed on citrus seedlings in nutrient solution without magnesium element, imposed on citrus seedlings with 40% of the amount of magnesium in the nutrient solution, applied to citrus seedlings with 100% total amount of magnesium nutrition. To non-inoculated as controls. Each treatment three to a cell, with 3 repeats, randomized block arrangement. The results show that citrus by citrus roots inoculated with bacteria can contribute to soil in the absorption of magnesium and magnesium deficiency in the appropriate context within the scope of VA mycorrhiza on citrus roots on the absorption of magnesium the most significant effect. Citrus seedlings with 40% of the amount of applied nutrient solution magnesium, citrus body magnesium content 112.37±4.87 mg·g-1.Experiment 3 Study on photosynthesis by increasing of AMF the effect on growth of citrus Obtained under the same management level annual rootstock Carrizo citrange (Carrizo citrange, Citrus sinensis Osbeck×Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.), Total of three treatment experiment, the soil in the pH5.5-6.4 to grow immunized dominant strain of citrus seedlings, the soil in the pH6.5-7.4 to grow the dominant strain of citrus inoculated seedlings, the soil in the pH7.5-8.5 to grow the dominant strain of citrus inoculated seedlings, with no vaccination for the control. Each treatment three to a cell, with 3 repeats, randomized block arrangement.The results show that the same treatment in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation could promote the conduct of citrus photosynthesis, especially in the pH5.5-6.4 in the photosynthetic efficiency of the best soil, its photosynthetic rate averaged 5.234±0.561 (CO2m-2s-1) Protein content was 3.987±0.543 mg·g-1, soluble sugar content was 1.617±0.107 mg·g-1.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

