

Study on the Formation Mechanism of Educational Wisdom Practice Rationality

【作者】 陈贤艮

【导师】 孙振东;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,教育智慧成为了教育研究的热点之一。有关教育智慧的研究正逐步趋向深入和细化,但在如何理解和形成教育智慧过程中存在一些问题,主要表现为:教师专业发展中过分强调“实践——反思”取向,强调教师作为一个“人”的独特性;认为教师专业化成长需要的是“教学智慧”、“实践智慧”,而不是“抽象的教育理论”,教育理论是无用的;同时学术界对教育智慧的涵义界定未达成一致,一定程度造成了认识上的混乱。在对已有教育智慧界定梳理的基础上,借鉴实践理性,以教育理论与实践二者的关系为基点,以教育理论知识、教育价值观、教育具体情境三者为主线来考察,将教育智慧界定为教育实践理性,即在教育理论所提供的“是什么”和“怎么样”的知识基础上,教师结合实际教育情境进行价值分析和判断,对“应如何”和“应当怎么做”的观念掌握和解答。它由教育理论智慧、教育价值智慧、教育实践智慧三要素构成,三者和谐统一。具有实践性、价值型、知识性特点。教育理论为教育智慧形成提供前提性的认识基础,它通过一系列的教育概念、判断或命题,借助一定的推理形式,构成关于教育问题的系统性的陈述。教师必先对教育理论性质的差异、教育理论与实践的关系有正确认识,形成合理期待,再根据教学实际和价值取向,进行科学有效的学习。教育实践经验是教育智慧形成的现实材料。它是从事教育专业活动主体的教师,在充分掌握教育规律的基础上,形成的体现自我教育观念和能力的本质力量,通过合理的教育活动,“对象化”为预期的教育效果的过程,具有丰富而深厚的品性。教师在教育智慧的形成中要警惕过分倚重经验的教育惯习,摆脱我行故我在”的经验式教学,善于将教育理论和自己的内在经验进行对照,不断修正、充实、合理建构自己的教育经验。教育反思是教育智慧形成的重要途径。它是教师根据一定的教育理论及他人和自己的经验为基础,以教育教学观念及教学实践活动为对象,运用多种反思策略和方法,以提高自身教育智慧水平的行为。其中写教学反思案例和教学日记、分析他人的典型案例、自觉的理论学习和观察是教师进行有效反思的一般方法。把握具体的教育情境是教育智慧形成的基本方法。教育情境的易变性、不确定性和特殊性这特征使它不从属于某种概括性的基本规则,它要求教师能在面对千变万化的教育情境时作出良好的判断和决定,需要打破对教育常规的过分依赖,树立正确的教育观念,掌握情境知识,方能凝练为教育智慧。

【Abstract】 In recent years, educational wisdom has become a topic in education research. The educational wisdom of the research is the trend in refinement, but There are some problems in the course of understanding, such as teacher professional developmentoverly emphasize in practicing,and stressed teachers as a uniqueness of personal life and professional life of teachers association. So that teachers need professional teaching wisdom, instead of abstract theory of education.education theory is useless, the same time,academic education sector have not a consistency in defining educational wisdom, so that it cause a certain degree of confusion.On the base of defined educational wisdom, utilized practice rationality,educational with theory and practice’s relationship, determining theoretical knowledge of education, educational values and the specific context of education to examineclue, I define the educational wisdom as the educational practice rationality.It constitutes of educational theory, educational value, practical wisdom, and the three elements are harmonious and unified.it characteristize practical, value-based and knowledge.Knowledge of educational theory is the premise of educational wisdom. It adopted a series of educational concepts, judgments or propositions, with the reasoning, forming the statement about educational issues systematically. At the first,teachers must kown the nature of the differences in educational theory, and practice a proper understanding.And then on the basis of teaching practice and values scientific learn effective. Educational experience is the reality material for educational wisdom. When teachers engage in professional activities of education, grasp of law of education to form the embodiment of self concepts and capabilities of the essential power, through reasonable educational activities to the educational effectiveness.It has rich and deep character. The formation of the educational wisdom has to guard against over-reliance on education habit, out of the bank, and then must contradistinguish the experience of teaching, educational theory and their own internal control, which can enrich or reconstruc their education experience. Reflections on the control of education is an important way to the educational wisdom.On the basis of certain educational theory, the experience of others and their own foundation, to the concept of education and teaching practice target, teachers use a variety of reflection strategies and methods to improve their own wisdom in the level of education. There are some mainly methods about reflections on the control of education,such as writing teaching diary, analyzing typical teaching case of others, studying educatioal theory in conscious and observing,which are effective ways. Grasp the situation of education is the basic method of educational wisdom. Education Environment icharacteristizes uncertainty, particularity and not affiliated with a general basic rule, which requires teachers to make good judgments and decisions the educational situation in the face of ever-changing,and break the routine of educational over-reliance, establish a correct conception of education, master education context knowledge, concise wisdom for education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】608

