

Research on the Production Technology of Thouin Vinegar

【作者】 安玉红

【导师】 阚建全; 杜木英;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 食品科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 木瓜是一种药食同源的水果。本试验的原料主要是光皮木瓜,因其鲜食口感不佳,但含有多种维生素和氨基酸,尤其是其中的齐墩果酸。齐墩果酸有消炎抑菌,降低转氨酶的作用,还能促进肝细胞再生,防止肝硬化,故有望加工成一种具有特殊保健作用的果醋。本实验拟将綦江木瓜取汁后,采用液态发酵方式,经酒精发酵和醋酸发酵而制成木瓜果醋,既可作调味品又可作饮料。本试验主要对果胶酶酶解木瓜榨汁的工艺、酒精发酵工艺参数的优化、优良醋酸菌种的筛选、醋酸发酵工艺参数的确定、果醋的澄清工艺、产品的质量指标等方面进行了较系统的研究。其研究结果对木瓜果醋的工业化生产具有一定的指导意义。主要研究结果如下:1.木瓜的基本成分为:水分含量84.46%、可溶性固形物含量7.8%、还原糖含量2.423g/l00mL,总酸含量(以苹果酸计)2.68g/100mL,pH值2.88,蛋白质含量0.58%。2.利用果胶酶酶解木瓜榨汁的最佳工艺条件为:异抗坏血酸钠添加量0.06%、木瓜:水=1:1、果胶酶用量0.08%、酶解pH4、酶解温度50°C、酶解时间2.5h。此条件下,木瓜的出汁率为83.57%,是未经果胶酶处理56.10%的1.5倍。3.通过对清汁接种发酵、浊汁接种发酵和果浆接种发酵三种方式的对比,确定浊汁接种发酵是木瓜酒精发酵的最佳发酵方式。4.采用四元二次通用旋转组合设计优化酒精发酵工艺参数,并得到各因素与酒精度(Y)的回归方程模型为:Y=5.41429+0.30250x1-0.03750x2-0.04167x3+0.11250x4+0.00685x12-0.11190x22-0.06815x32-0.08690x42-0.04625x1x2-0.00875x1x3-0.04625x1x4+0.07500x2x3-0.05000x2x4-0.01250x3x4其中复相关系数R2值为0.9525,由模型的极值分析并可得酒精发酵参数的最优组合为:初始TTS含量为17%、pH值为3.25、接种量为0.08%,发酵期为7天,此时原酒酒度为6.09%。在实际应用中可以将醋酸发酵所需的酒精度及其它三个因素的编码值带入回归方程,计算出酒精发酵时的糖度。结合单因素实验,得到酒精发酵的最佳工艺为:S02有效量为30-50mg/L、硫酸铵添加量50mg/L、初始TTS含量为17%、pH值为3.25、接种量0.08%、发酵温度28°C、发酵时间7天。5.通过对五种醋酸菌株S1CC1.41、SICC1.42、AS1.41、B1及B2进行发酵试验,得到AS1.41的产酸能力最强,所得果醋酸味柔和,果香典型,醋香浓郁,确定AS1.41为醋酸发酵的最适菌种。6.采用四元二次通用旋转组合设计优化醋酸发酵工艺参数,并得到各因素与酸度(Y)的回归方程模型为:Y=5.41429+0.30250x1-0.03750x2-0.04167x3+0.11250X4+0.00685x12-0.11190x22-0.06815X32-0.08690x42-0.04625x1x2-0.00875x1x3-0.04625x1x4+0.07500x2x3-0.05000x2x4-0.01250x3x4其中复相关系数R2值为0.9789,由模型的极值分析并结合单因素实验,得到醋酸发酵的最佳工艺条件为:初始酒度为6%、初始pH为4、AS1.41醋酸菌活化液的接种量为17.5%、发酵温度为31℃、装液量为20%、转速为200r/min。发酵4天后所得木瓜果醋的醋酸含量为6.557±0.06g/100mL。7.通过对比壳聚糖、明胶、皂土对木瓜果醋澄清效果的影响,得出壳聚糖是木瓜醋的最佳澄清剂。用壳聚糖澄清木瓜果醋的最佳工艺为:添加6g/L的壳聚糖、充分混合后在25°C的环境下,澄清时间28h。8.在以上最佳工艺条件下生产的木瓜果醋呈黄色,有光泽,果香及醋香浓郁,无异味;总酸度约为6.5g/100mL,挥发酸的含量为5.6g/100mL,可溶性固形物的含量为7.0%,还原糖的含量为0.2g/100mL;细菌总数≤200cfu/mL,大肠菌群≤3MPN/100mL,致病菌未检出。本实验首次将光皮木瓜经酒化、醋化后制得产品质量有保证的果醋,此醋融营养、调味、保健功能为一体。

【Abstract】 Thouin is a kind of fruit with homology of food and Chinese medicine. This paper manyly takes the qijiang thouin as a raw material, although it is unpalatable when fresh, it includes the multivitamins and amino acid, particularly Oleanolic Acid can reduce inflammation and transaminase active、has bacteriostasic activity, meanwhile it can promote the liver cell to regenerate、prevent cirrhosis, therefore it can be processed as a kind of function fruit vinegar. This test studys on technology of Thouin vinegar, by thouin juice using liquid state fermentation included alcoholic fermentation and acetic acid fermentation. The results play the guiding role of the Thouin vinegar’s industrialization production. Thouin vinegar can be used as spice and drink.This paper mainly studied the squeezing process of thouin by means of pectinase enzymolysis、the optimization of alcoholic fermentation technical parameters、the selection of higher quality acetic acid bacteria, the determination of acetic acid fermentation technical parameters and the clarification and qualitative index of the thouin vinegar. The results as follows:1. The composition of thouin is:moisture content 84.46%、the total soluble solid content 7.8 %、reducing sugar content 2.423g/100ml、the total acid content (to malic acid meter) 2.68g/100ml、pH value 2.88、protein content 0.58%.2. The optimal squeezing condition of thouin by means of pectinase enzymolysis is:Sodium erythorbate addition 0.06%、thouin:water=1:1、pectinase 0.08%、enzymolysis pH 4.0、the acting temperature is 50℃、the acting time is 2.5h. Under this condition, the thouin extraction is 83.57%, which is 1.5 times to direct extraction (56.10%).3. Through comparison of raw wine qualitative fermented by cloudy juice、clarified juice and pulp, we determined that the cloudy juice fermentation is the best alcoholic fermentation method.4. The alcoholic fermentation technical parameters was optimized by means of quadratic general rotary unitize design. The regression equation of the four factors to alcohol content(Y) was:Y=5.41429+0.30250x1-0.03750x2-0.04167x3+0.11250x4+0.00685x12-0.11190x22-0.06815x32-0 .08690x42-0.04625x1x2-0.00875x1x3-0.04625x1x4+0.07500x2x3-0.05000x2x4-0.01250x3x4Te multiple relevance R2 value of this equation is 0.9525. According to the extreme value analysis of the model, we obtained the optimum alcoholic fermentation condition, they are:the initial TTS content is 17%, pH value is 3.25, vaccination quantities is 0.08%, the fermentation time is 7 days, under this condition, the alcohol content is 6.09%. Based on the equation and the other three best parameters, the sugar content could be calculated in alcohol fermentation from the alcohol content required during acetic acid fermentation.The optimum alcoholic fermentation condition obtained by single and response surface experiment are:additive amount of SO2 30~50mg/L、additive amount of ammonium sulfate50mg/L、initial TTS content 17%、initial pH 3.25, vaccination quantity 0.08%、fermentation temperature 28℃、and the fermentation time is 7days.5. Trough the comparison of five kind acetic acid strains:SICC1.41, SICC1.42, AS1.41, B1 and B2 from fermentation experiment, we found that the produce acid ability of AS 1.41 is strongest. And the vinegar tastes good、has typical fruit smell and strong vinegar fragrant. So we determined that the AS1.41 is the most suitable strain of acetic fermentation.6. The acetic acid fermentation technical parameters was optimized by means of quadratic general rotary unitize design. The regression equation of the four factors to acetic acid concentration (Y) was:Y=5.41429+0.30250x1-0.03750x2-0.04167x3+0.11250x4+0.00685x12-0.11190x22-0.06815x32-0 .08690x42-0.04625x1x2-0.00875x1x3-0.04625x1x4+0.07500x2x3-0.05000x2x4-0.01250x3x4Te multiple relevance R2 value of this equation is 0.9789. According to the extreme value analysis and the single experiment, the optimum acetic acid fermentation condition obtained are: initial alcohol concentration6%、initial pH value4、inoculation quantity of AS1.41 acetic acid bacteria 17.5%、temperature 31℃、volume of medium 20%、rotational speed 200r/min. In four days time, the acetic acid concentration of thouin vinegar is up to 6.557±0.06g/100 mL.7. According to the effect of different clarifications on the Thouin vinegar, the chitosan was selected as the optimal clarifier. Though orthogonal experiment,we got the optimum clarification conditions, they are chitosan amount 6g/L, clarifying temperature 25℃and clarifying time was28h.8. The thouin vinegar is yellow and shiny, the smell of vinegar and fruit is strong and have no abnormal odour. The total acid content was 6.5g/100mL. The volatilization acid content is 5.6g/100mL. The solubility solid thing is 7.0%. The deoxidize sugar is 0.2g/100mL. The gross bacteria are≤200cfu/mL. The coliform is≤3MPN/100mL. There are no dangerous bacterias.We can firstly find that Thouin can be used to ferment the good qualitity vinegar after liquor and acetification, The Thouin vinegar is a kind of seasoner, has nutritional value and the health care function.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

