

A Study on Forest Patches’ Feature and Pattern Optimization of Chongqing City

【作者】 黄佳乐

【导师】 周建华;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为城市生态环境的主要组成部分,森林斑块具有城市“绿肺”的作用,其景观价值、生态价值、经济价值和社会价值在城市建设的各方面都得以体现,因此对城市森林资源的景观生态学研究具有重要意义。随着人们对生态环境的要求日益提高,建设生态城市成为重庆市城市发展的必然趋势,而森林资源的保护和合理规划,是生态城市建设进程之中的重要工作内容,因此,本文从宏观尺度和中观尺度上,对重庆市主城区的森林斑块进行了调查和研究。文章在理论部分中,总结了景观生态学、城市森林、景观格局、以及格局优化的研究内容和研究动态,并结合生态学、园林美学、园林规划等各学科理论,作为论文研究的理论基础。宏观尺度上,根据重庆市主城区的实际地理情况和森林斑块现状,通过景观格局分析方法,运用地理信息系统和相关专业软件,选取景观格局指数对主城区森林斑块的现状特征、格局特征进行了分析和评价,得出了以下结论:(1)重庆市主城区森林斑块主要由少数大型斑块、巨型斑块和多数小型斑块、中型斑块中大型斑块组成,数量和面积以及位置分布不均匀;(2)森林斑块的形状较为单一,边缘褶皱较少,斑块分维数较低,说明森林斑块在局部区域内,受人为活动的干扰程度较重;(3)重庆市主城区森林斑块景观多样性指数为1.0231,数值较低,这反映了主城区森林斑块景观异质性较低;而优势度指数较大,为0.7453,景观均匀度指数为0.5624,说明森林景观中不同类型的斑块分配不均匀,存在少数几个斑块类型在一定程度上主导整个景观的现象。(4)主城区内的森林斑块密度和斑块边缘密度都较小,景观破碎化程度较低;(5)森林斑块整体空间关系上聚集度和连接度都较好,生物之间的物质、能量和信息交换较为顺畅;但最小距离指数表明,森林斑块整体连通性较差,大斑块之间的小斑块分布散乱,没有达到较好的连通效果。在总结了主城区森林斑块属性特征和格局特征的基础上,结合其资源优势和功能要求,针对分析得出的结论,提出了对应的格局优化思路和途径,从森林斑块数量、规模和形状的调整着手,因地制宜,采取保留、扩展和新建森林斑块的方式,改善森林斑块数量、规模的分布不均情况,丰富森林斑块边缘形态,提高森林斑块的景观异质性和景观多样性,加强景观连通性,从而完善森林景观格局,为主城区生态环境建设和社会经济发展提供动力。中等尺度研究时,从生态敏感性、视觉景观性、生物保护性和生物连通性等角度出发,在城市建成区内选取嘉陵江、长江与内环相交所围绕的范围为中等尺度研究区,对其进行实地调查和和分析总结,探讨了城市建设和人类活动对森林斑块数量、规模和形状的干扰影响,并对该地森林斑块分类型进行了生态综合评价,总结了其在景观功能、生态功能、社会服务功能上的优劣势,并结合土地利用现状和城市规划方向,提出对其进行生态规划的途径,对中等尺度研究区的生态环境建设和森林景观格局优化提供了一定的理论指导思路和实践方法。

【Abstract】 Urban ecological environment as a major component of urban forest patches with the "green lung" of the role, its landscape value, ecological value, economic value and social value in all aspects of urban development is embodied, so the Ecology study of urban forest resources have great significance. People on the ecological environment as the increasing requirements to build eco-city of Chongqing’s urban development in the inevitable trend, the forest resource conservation and rational planning, is the process of eco-city construction work among the important elements, In this article, from the macro-scale and meso-scale, make a study on the Chongqing urban area of forest patches.In the theoretical part of the article, summed up the contents and dynamics of landscape ecology, urban forestry, landscape pattern and pattern optimization, combined with ecology, landscape aesthetics, landscape and other disciplines theory, make them be the theoretical basis for this research paper.Macroscopic scale, according to the main city of Chongqing and the actual geography of the forest patch status, through the landscape pattern analysis, use the geographic information systems and related professional software, select the landscape pattern index on the status of the main features of urban forest patch, pattern characteristics analyzed and evaluated reached the following conclusions:(1) Chongqing City mainly composition with a few large patches and most small patchs, the number、size and location distributed uneven;(2) The shape of forest patches are more single, edge fold less, the lower patch fractal dimension, indicating the forest patches in the local area, subject to more severe interference from human activities;(3) Chongqing City landscape diversity index of forest patch was 1.0231, its the lower value, reflecting the heterogeneity of the main urban forest landscape in less; the dominance index was higher, at 0.7453, landscape evenness index was 0.5624, Note the different types of forest landscape patches unevenly distributed, there are a few patch types dominate the landscape to some extent the phenomenon.(4) Within the main urban forest patch density and patch edge density are small, low level of landscape fragmentation;(5) Forest patches on the whole aggregation and spatial relations are better connectivity, the biological material, energy and information exchange was more smooth; but the minimum distance index showed that the overall connectivity of forest patches is less, between the large patches scattered distribution of small patches, not to good connectivity.In conclusion of the main city property characteristics and patterns of forest patch characteristics based on the combination of their resources and capabilities required for the analysis of conclusions reached, corresponding to the pattern proposed optimization ideas and ways, from the forest patch number, size and proceed to adjust the shape, according to local conditions, to the retention, expansion and new ways of forest patches, to improve the number of forest patches, uneven distribution of the scale of the situation, rich forest patch edge forms, to improve the landscape of forest patches and landscape heterogeneity diversity, to enhance landscape connectivity, and thus improve the landscape pattern, the main urban ecological environment and socio-economic development momentum.Medium-scale study, from the ecological sensitivity, visual landscape nature of biological conservation and biological point of view of connectivity, select the Jialing River in the city built in the region, the Changjiang River intersects with the inner area surrounded as middle-scale study area, make a analysis of its field survey and summary of the urban construction and human activities on forest patch number, size and shape of the interference effects, and the classification of the forest patch model for the ecological evaluation, summed up the features in the landscape, ecological functions and social service functions on the advantages and disadvantages, combined with land use and urban planning direction, made its way to ecological planning, medium-scale studies on the ecological environment and forest landscape patterns provide some theoretical guidance ideas and practices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

