

Experiencing Rural Tourism’ Role in the Manpower Development of Urban and Rural Mass Sports

【作者】 王涛

【导师】 唐炎;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国大众体育的发展一直存在城乡之间的巨大差距,这是因为我国长期存在的城乡“二元经济”结构,以及城乡之间的不均衡发展所致。随着国家统筹城乡战略的实施,城乡之间的差距将逐渐的缩小,大众体育的在战略上发展也必然会随之转变,这种转变既带有外在的强制性,也具有来自大众体育自身发展需要的主动性。对大众体育的未来发展而言,外在的强制性主要表现为一种诱因,自身的主动性才是动力之源。因此,在国家统筹城乡战略的引导下,大众体育的城乡统筹发展就是把城乡大众体育作为一个统一的系统来看待,整体考虑城市与农村群众体育的发展问题,要求城乡群众体育之间开展要素的双向互动和优化配置,排斥孤立、割裂片面发展的推进方式。但是无论城乡发展水平如何接近,城乡之间的“差异”,特别是在文化上的差异总会客观存在。大众体育的统筹城乡发展绝不是简单的“农村体育城市化”或“城市体育的农村化”,而应当是在尊重“差异”的基础上相互促进。然而,如何促进,却是一个需要在理论上进行深入剖析的问题。为此我们以重庆市部分乡村体验旅游为案例,分析乡村体验旅游与城乡大众体育统筹发展之间的关系。通过明确乡村体验游对城乡大众体育的作用,进而为破解重庆市城乡大众体育发展中的“二元结构”,发展重庆市城乡大众体育,特别是为解决重庆市农村体育长期存在的缺少场地、组织和活动等问题做出努力,同时也为我国城乡大众体育的统筹发展探索出一条新颖的途径。该研究中我们首先运用了文献和访谈的方法,对研究的背景以及本研究中涉及的一些理论问题进行了梳理,并进一步分析乡村体验旅游的相关问题。为下一步研究工作做好理论铺垫。其次,运用田野调查、访谈以及问卷调查的方法对重庆市乡村嘉年华体验旅游区的游客、管理人员、当地居民等进行了调查。在此基础上系统的阐述了乡村体验旅游区的运行情况以及对当地城乡大众体育的统筹发展的到底产生了哪些作用。最后,运用文献和数理统计的方法对前期调研和跟踪收集的相关数据进行综合分析,并在此基础上总结出乡村体验旅游对城乡大众体育统筹发展的影响。同时,对乡村体验旅游这种发展城乡大众体育的模式进行展望,并说明今后需要继续研究的问题。该研究阐述了乡村体验旅游在城乡大众体育发展的中作用包括以下几点:首先,乡村体验旅游为城乡大众体育锻炼提供了新空间和锻炼方式,其次,解决了城乡大众体育锻炼难,场地设施及指导人员缺乏的问题。第三,优化了城乡大众体育消费,促进了体育休闲产业的发展。最后,乡村体验旅游为城乡大众体育的均衡可持续发展提供了有效的保障。但是,乡村体验旅游在实际的发展中还存在一些问题,而这些问题也影响着乡村体验旅游在城乡大众体育统筹发展中的作用发挥,这些问题主要有:第一,有关该研究的理论尚不健全,人们对乡村体验旅游具有的健身等作用认识尚不深入。第二,乡村体验旅游发展模式存在一定问题,部分乡村体验旅游与旅游地周边居民缺乏联系。第三,乡村体验旅游的项目设置上对身体的参与程度关注不够。针对实际发现的问题,我们提出了以下建议:首先,加强政府的支持力度,促进政府多部门及企业的合作,增加乡村体验旅游区的体育指导员数量。其次,加强乡村体验旅游的宣传力度,增加体育场地设施建设。第三,寻求乡村体验旅游与农民体育健身工程的结合,鼓励乡村体验旅游区周边居民与乡村体验旅游区运营企业的合作。

【Abstract】 Sports development has always been a huge gap between urban and rural areas, this is because of our long-standing and rural "dual economy" structure, as well as between urban and rural development is not balanced. As the national strategy of urban and rural areas, the gap between urban and rural areas will be gradually reduced, popular sports of strategic development also will change, this transformation is mandatory with external has come from the sport for their own development needs of the initiative. On the future development of mass sports, physical compulsory primary performance as an incentive, their initiative is. Therefore, in the national strategy for the urban and rural areas, popular sports under the guidance of rural development is the urban and rural sport as a unified system to treat, whole cities and the rural development of mass sports, physical education and rural masses demand among elements of interaction and optimal configuration, exclusive orphaned, promoting the development of ripping the one-sided. But no matter how close to the level of urban and rural development, rural-urban differences "between", especially in cultural differences will always exist. Popular sports in rural development is not a simple "rural sports urbanization" or "City" of sports of the countryside, but should be on respect for the differences between "on the basis of promotion. However, how to promote, but is a need for an in-depth analysis on the theory. To do this we are taking part in the rural tourism experience, analysis of country experiences and rural tourism and sport and manpower development. Swim through specific country experience on the role of sport in urban and rural areas, and thus to solve the Chongqing City and rural sports for development of the dual structure ", development of mass sports in Chongqing, especially to address rural sports long-standing lack of venues, organization and activities of effort, as well as between urban and rural sport co-ordinating the development of a novel way.The research we first use the documents and interviewing method, on the background to the study and the study of some theory in a comb, and further analysis of country experiences and travel-related issues. For the next research work well theory underlay. Secondly, using field research, interview and questionnaire approach to Chongqing is village Carnival experience tourist area of visitors, management staff, local residents, etc. On this basis system illustrates the village experience tourist area of operation as well as on local and rural sport co-ordinated development of something. Finally, use of documents and the statistical methods on early research and tracking related data collected by performing a comprehensive analysis, and summarizes the village experience tourism and rural development of mass sports. At the same time, rural experience tour this development and rural sport models of prospect, and explains the need for further research in the future.The study illustrates the village experience in urban and rural tourism development in popular sports include the following points:first, to urban and rural tourism country experience sport exercises provide new space and innovative exercise, secondly, resolved the urban and rural public sports facilities, and lack of guidance. Third, optimizes and rural sports consumption, promotes the development of sports and leisure industry. Finally, rural-rural tourism experience as a sport for balanced sustainable development provides effective protection. However, rural experience tour in a real development problems remain, but these problems affect tourism in urban and rural villages to experience the sport and manpower development role, these are the main issues are:first, for the study of the theory is not perfect, people in rural areas experience tour with fitness and understanding is not extensive. Secondly, rural experience tourism development model poses a problem, part of the rural tourism and the tourism area surrounding experience residents lack of contact. Third, experience on tourism project set on the body of the participation of interested enough. For actual findings, we put forward the following suggestions:first, strengthening the Government’s support for the Government sector and enterprise cooperation, increase rural experience tourist area sports instructors. Secondly, strengthening rural experience tour outreach efforts, increase the construction of sports facilities. Third, the needs of rural farmers experience tourism and sports engineering, encourage rural experience tourist area surrounding residents and rural experience tourist area of cooperation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【下载频次】305

