

The Strategic Adjustment of the Chinese Real Estate Business in the New Situation

【作者】 田永龙

【导师】 姜福洋;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国房地产业自1998年以来呈迅猛发展之势,并在国民经济中扮演愈来愈重要的角色,逐渐成为国民经济的支柱产业。然而由于近年来房地产投资增长过快,房地产价格在部分城市短短几年内翻了几番,房地产市场投机现象严重,甚至出现了房地产泡沫。过高的房价严重超出了普通居民的购买力,住房问题已成为全社会关注的焦点。2007年7月,中央政府发布“二次房贷”实施细则,标志着政府加强了对房地产市场的宏观调控,房地产业进入了调整期。尤其是2008年爆发了全球性金融危机,使我国房地产企业面临前所未有的困境。房地产企业要渡过当前的危机,就必须对企业战略进行调整。本文基于当前经济形势,对房地产企业的经营战略、融资战略、品牌建设和人才建设等四个方面进行了分析研究。在我国房地产企业外部环境方面,主要分析了目前的宏观经济形势、房地产市场状况和国家发布的一系列相关政策;在企业内部环境方面,分析了企业的管理、规模、资金来源和人力资源情况。在企业经营战略方面,主要探讨了企业组织结构调整、产品战略和营销战略。重点论述了企业产品战略和营销战略。在产品战略调整方面,介绍了我国房地产企业目前的产品战略,着重强调企业要适应市场发展的需要,在社区规划理念、社区公共设施配套、社区交通组织和户型上予以创新,为客户提供舒适的社区环境和超值的产品。在企业营销战略调整方面,阐述了当前房地产企业在营销管理中存在的误区,并提出构建企业营销创新系统,在意识、组织、产品、手段和服务上进行创新。在企业融资战略方面,分析了我国房地产企业融资的现状及存在的问题。我国房地产企业融资的现状是,企业的资金主要依靠企业自有资金和银行贷款。存在的问题有,银行贷款在企业资金中所占比重过大,大部分房地产企业负债率过高。针对房地产企业融资过程中存在的问题,文中提出提高企业信用,拓宽融资渠道,探索新的融资方式等措施来应对,以保证房地产企业的资金链不出现问题。在企业品牌建设方面,论述了品牌对企业发展的重要性。分析了影响企业品牌建设的因素,这些因素主要有开发项目、企业规模、企业财力和企业人员素质。从品牌意识、品牌管理、品牌宣传、品牌定位等方面分析了我国房地产企业在品牌建设中存在的问题。并针对这些问题提出了强化企业品牌意识,全面塑造企业品牌和拓宽传播渠道的措施。在企业人才建设方面,强调人力资源是企业最重要的资源,是形成企业核心竞争力的最关键因素。文中论述了房地产企业所需的人才类型,这些人才应具备较强的项目策划能力、设计研发能力、营销创新能力、资本运营能力和丰富的人文知识。在招聘人才的途径上提出了广告招聘,参加招聘会,通过员工介绍等方式。企业在招到人才后,关键在于如何使用人才,文中提出了“用当其时,用当其位,用当其长,用当其愿”的十六字方针。最后根据文中的论述得出了结论,并指出了文中存在的不足。

【Abstract】 Chinese real estate has the rapid development industry since 1998, it play more and more important role in the national economy, and gradually it become the pillar industry of national economy. However, due to real estate investment has excessive growth in recent years, real estate prices has doubling itself in some cities in just a few years. Speculative real estate market is a serious problem, even become the real estate bubbles. High housing prices has bayonet the purchasing power of ordinary people. Housing has become the focus of attention. July 2007, the central government issued a "second mortgage", the government become to strengthen control the property market. The real estate industry has entered a period of adjustment. The global financial crisis outbreaks in 2008, Chinese real estate enterprises are facing greater difficulties. If real estate enterprises want to overcome the current crisis, they must adjust to the corporate strategy. Based on the current economic situation, the real estate business strategies, financing strategies, brand building and talent-building are analyzed in article. In the external environment for Chinese real estate enterprises, the current economic situation, the real estate market and the state issued the relevant policies are main analyzed. In the enterprise environment, enterprise management, scale, source of funds and human resources are analyzed.In enterprise management strategy, my article discusses the adjustment of the organizational structure of enterprises, product strategy and marketing strategy.The article focuses on the enterprise product strategy and marketing strategy. In the product strategy, the real estate business the current product strategy is introduced in this paper, and the article emphasizes the development of the market needs. Enterprises innovates the concept of community planning, community public facilities, community organizations and the type of traffic.Businesses must give customers a comfortable community environment and quality products. In the Marketing strategy, this article discusses the existence of marketing management in the errors, the company should innovate enterprise, organizations, products, tools and services.In corporate finance strategies, the article analyzes the problems in the real estate business. Chinese real estate corporate finance is the funding status of enterprises mainly relies on its own funds and bank loans. The problem is the existence of the business bank loans in the enterprise funds account for the proportion of large and corporate debt ratio is too high. In order to ensure the funds in real estate business chain problems, the text proposed to increase the enterprise’s credit, expand financing channels, and explore new modes of financing and other measures.Brand building in the enterprise, the article discusses the brand-to-business development. This paper analyzes the impact of corporate brand-building factors. These factors are mainly development projects, firm size, financial resources and business enterprise the quality of personnel. This paper analyzes the brand awareness, brand management, brand promotion, brand positioning problems and so on. In this paper, strengthen brand awareness, create a comprehensive brand and broaden the channels of dissemination measures are proposed.Construction personnel in the enterprise, the article stressed that human resources are the most important resources and the formation of enterprise’s core competitiveness of the key factors. This paper discussed what type people the real estate businesses need. These people should have a strong ability to project planning, design research and development capabilities, marketing innovation, capital operation ability and abundant knowledge of the humanities. Personnel recruitment advertising to recruit is to participate in job fairs, through the introduction of staff. Enterprises should pay attention to how to use the talents. This paper presents a "use at a time when the bit to use when its use when it’s long, when it is ready to use" principle. Finally, the article come to the conclusion, and pointed out the shortcomings of the article.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】338

