

A Research on the Risk Management of CNG filling Stations in Jinan and Emergency Response System

【作者】 孙杰

【导师】 王世彤; 尹耀光;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 压缩天然气(CNG)是目前比较理想的一种车用替代能源,其应用技术已十分成熟。它也是我国能源结构优化调整、作为国家能源战略的一项重要内容,天然气作为新型汽车燃料而被推广使用。在国家863计划“节能与新能源汽车”项目的推动下,济南市的燃气汽车从2000年开始发展,到现在的天然气公交车达到1000辆、天然气出租车达到6000余辆,与之相配套的加气站从2000年开始建设,发展到现在的36座,已经逐渐形成一个比较完整的加气站网络。随着济南市加气站数量的不断增加,加气站的安全问题就显得愈发突出,加气站能否安全运行已经与城市安全紧密相连起来。在CNG加气站不断增加的情况下,怎样预防和控制其运营过程中的安全风险,并在发生安全生产事故时能够及时正确应对,从而实现城市社会公共安全就显得愈发重要。正是在这样的背景下,本文综合运用了文献回顾、规范研究、实证研究等多种研究方法,在对济南市CNG加气站的运营、管理进行深入分析的基础上,结合风险管理相关理论,对CNG加气站运营过程中的各种风险识别、评估、处置进行了详细的研究和分析,对风险的处置思路和加气站应急管理体系进行了研究与设计,在应急管理的基本原则、应急管理体制与职责、预防与预警、应急响应、应急物资与装备保障、应急结束与灾后处理和应急体系的概念系统等几个方面分析的基础上,提出加气站应急管理预案的具体设计方案。本文认为,科学的应急管理体制、成熟的危机预警机制、快速的应急响应机制和详实合理的应急预案是CNG加气站应急管理体系的关键内容。应当建立统一指挥、职责明确、合理分工、有效协调、多元协同、社会参与的应急管理体制;在对事故类型进行分析和界定的基础上,应当建立包含科学预警级别设置、预警发布和事故报告制度在内的危机预警机制;内外结合的应急响应,充足的应急物资保障和科学灾后处理应当是应急响应机制建设的着力点;构建多层次、多部门的应急预案体系,建立多层次、网格化的应急管理组织架构,科学的应急预案编制是建设有效的CNG加气站应急管理体系的努力方向。

【Abstract】 At present, CNG is an ideal substitute energy for automobiles. The technology of its application has entered a mature stage. CNG plays an integral part in domestic optimal adjustment of energy structure as well as in national energy strategy. As a new type of motor fuel, the application of CNG is widely promoted. Under the impetus of the project“energy-saving and new energy vehicles”which belongs to the national 863 Program, Jinan began its development of CNG automobiles in 2000. up to now, there have been 1000 GNG buses, 6000 CNG taxis. Matching with this development is the gradual formation of a complete network of 36 CNG filling stations since 2000. With the increase of filling stations in Jinan, the security issues become more prominent, safe operation of the filling stations have been closely connected with the safety of the city. Under this circumstance, problems like how to prevent and control the safety risks in the operations, and how to the correctly and timely respond to the safety accidents which happen in production, are gaining importance in the realization of urban public safety.On such a circumstance, this paper employs comprehensively several kinds of methods as literature review, normative study, empirical study, on the basis of analyzing deeply the operation and management of CNG gas-filling station in Jinan, combining with relative risk-management theory, various risk identification, evaluation, disposal during the operation are studied and analyzed in detail. The thought of dealing with the risk and emergency-response management system are researched and planned. On the basis of analysing such various respects as the basic principle of emergency-response management, emergency-response conclusion and the conceptual system of after-disaster processing, a specific design proposal of emergency-response management prediction scheme is to be raised.The paper points out that it is the vital point for CNG gas-filling station to make a scientific emergency-control system, a mature crisis-warning system, a fast emergency-response system and a detailed and reasonable emergency pre-proposal. The emergency-control system should be built with uniform command, clear duty, reasonable division of labor, effective coordination, multi-collaboration and wide social participation. On the basis of analyzing and defining the nature of the accident, the emergency-warning system should be established with such category as scientific installation of pre-warning class, the publication of pre-warning contents and the system of reporting accidents. It should be the origin of the force to combine with inside and outside emergency response, secure rich emergency goods and materials and scientifically cope with the situation after the disasters.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】U473.8
  • 【下载频次】272

