

Application of Integrated Management System: OTIS Elevator China Company Case Study

【作者】 苏佳美

【导师】 查京民;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 实施质量、环境和职业健康安全整合管理体系能够有效地帮助企业提高管理水平,改善企业中存在的资源浪费、管理效率不高的问题。目前,整合管理体系已经成为企业管理发展的重要特征和企业可持续发展能力的重要标志。因此,企业如何根据自身情况卓有成效地建立和实施整合管理体系,真正发挥整合管理体系带给企业的优势,已经逐渐成为当今企业现代化管理所需探讨的一个重要课题。本文概述了整合管理体系产生的背景和国内外企业整合管理体系的发展以及企业在整合管理体系建立运行中常见的问题,通过分析了ISO9001、ISO14001和OHSAS18001三个管理标准之间的相互关系和三个管理体系具体要素之间的对应关系,研究了整合管理体系的可行性,同时对管理体系标准条款进行了要素比较,分析了体系整合的原则和方法。并以奥的斯电梯(中国)有限公司为依托,分析了企业实施整合管理体系的必要性。通过对奥的斯电梯公司的质量、环境和职业健康安全整合管理体系的具体策划、实施、检查、改进的实践经验和切身体会,分析了企业整合管理体系的成功案例并总结了奥的斯电梯公司整合管理体系运作的经验。最后,通过对整合管理体系带给企业的收益和企业通过资深认证公司(BSI英国标准化管理体系认证公司)的认证审核对奥的斯电梯公司的整合管理体系的运行效果进行简要评估。最近两年,OHSAS18001和ISO9001标准先后进行修订,新版本的修订工作都考虑了三个体系的兼容性。因此,从长远看,整合管理体系是体系管理的发展趋势,希望本文对那些计划建立实施整合管理体系的企业提供参考价值。

【Abstract】 Implementing the ISO9001/ISO14001/OHSAS18001 Integrated Management System can help enterprise raise level of management, improve the waste of resource and resolve the problem without high efficiency. At present, Integrated Management System has become the important sign of the enterprise’s ability of sustainable development and the important feature of the development of business management. Therefore, how can enterprise launch the Integrated Management System efficiently according to itself condition, has become gradually a problem to discuss.This paper introduced history background of Integrated Management System produced, development of domestic and international enterprise and the common problem in enterprise’s operation. It studied feasibility of Integrated Management System through analyzing the correlation among ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 standard and 3 management system specific essential factors.Meanwhile, it compared 3 management system factors to analyze the principles and methods of conducting Integrated Management System. Based on the concrete practice, from plan, do, check and action of OTIS Elevator Company, this paper was trying to analyze a successful case of Integrated Management System and was giving some useful advice. Finally, it took a brief evaluation to OTIS Integrated Management System.Recent two years, OHSAS18001 and ISO9001 standard got revised. New edition revision work had considered the compatibility of 3 standards. Therefore, in the long run, Integrated Management System is the tendency of system management’s development. It is to be wished that this paper can offer reference value to enterprises that are planning to implement Integrated Management System.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期
  • 【分类号】F426.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】177

