

Research on Inventory Management Based on Supply Chain Collaboration

【作者】 张杨

【导师】 彭岩;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工业工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 新经济时代的供应链是一个范围更广的企业结构模式,它既存在着各层面企业间的横向竞争,更强调供应链上各企业的协同运作。供应链协同是一种新型的产业组织形式。供应链协同下库存管理模式的目的就在于追求供应链的整体效率和系统费用的最优化,使供应链上的企业保持稳定持久的竞争优势,进而提高供应链的整体竞争力。供应链协同的难度远远高于对单个企业供应链的管理。虽然供应链上各企业在协同下形成了一个收益共同体,但就其内部而言,企业与企业之间仍然是不同的收益个体,各个企业都在争取自身收益的最大化。而基于对自身收益的保护直接导致供应链上利益分配不均的问题。企业收益的获取过程实际上是供应链整体收益在各协同企业间分配的过程。因此,制定合理的利润分配方案成为保证供应链稳定、健康发展的关键。首先,本文从供应链库存管理的角度,运用定量分析的方法,分析了一个由制造商和供应商组成的二级供应链的库存成本在供应链协同前后的变化。着重分析了供应链协同后制造商库存成本下降和供应商库存成本上升的情况,即供应链协同后所获得的收益并没有合理的分配给制造商和供应商,反而集中转移给了制造商。其次,提出利用转移支付的方法解决这种不合理的现象,并确定合理的转移支付量给供应商。当制造商处于行业垄断地位时,提出利用效用函数法对供应商进行合理的评价,并根据其库存管理水平给予其一定的补偿或收益。而当制造商不处于行业垄断地位时,利用激励机制法鼓励供应商积极配合供应链协同下的库存管理,在充分保证供应商基本利益的情况下,根据供应商的努力水平为其确定合理的转移支付量。这两种定量方法为供应链协同下库存管理上的收益分配提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 Supply chain is a wider pattern of enterprise structure in the new age of economy. It not only includes the horizontal inter-firm competition, but also more emphasis on supply chain coordination in enterprises. The objective of inventory management under supply chain collaboration is to pursuit the system optimization. And both the supply chain and each company maintain the long-lasting competitive advantage.The supply chain collaboration management is more difficult than the single enterprise management. Although cooperative enterprises are formed as a community, they have their own interest. Each enterprise wants to maximize its benefit, which reflected from its protection from the regard on the distribution of income. Actually each enterprise profit is distributed from the overall incomes in the collaborative supply chain. So the way of rational distribution is a key to the stabilization and success in the supply chain collaboration.First of all, this paper analyzes the inventory costs change of a secondary supply chain which composed by manufacturer and supplier before and after the supply chain collaboration. And it particularly focuses on each company’s situation after supply chain coordination:manufacturers decline in inventory costs but the cost of suppliers, instead, has increased. In fact, the profit transferred to the manufacturer after supply chain collaboration. Then, transfer payment is proposed to solve this unreasonable problem. It determines the reasonable amount of transfer payment for supplier. The research determines the amount of transfer payment with utility function method as well as incentive mechanism method. The utility function is used to evaluate supplier in a reasonable way when the manufacturer is a monopoly. And the monopoly gives supplier compensation in accordance with its level of inventory management. When the manufacturer is not a monopoly, the use of incentive mechanism actively encourages cooperation between manufacturer and supplier to optimize the whole supply chain. This method ensures the basic interests of supplier and determines a reasonable amount of transfer payment in accordance with the level of supplier’s efforts. Both utility function and incentive mechanism provide scientific basis for the distribution of inventory management income under the supply chain collaboration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F224;F274
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】407

