

Study on Material Transfer of Different Processes of Compound Hawthorn Depuration Solution

【作者】 林勋

【导师】 蒋建兰;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 制药工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以复方山楂提取液为研究对象,运用HPLC法、紫外分光光度法以及HPLC-MS等方法对水提醇沉法和水提离心法各个环节的二苯乙烯苷和总黄酮进行了定量测定和转移率的研究比较,为优化口服液提取工艺和质量控制奠定了基础。主要内容如下:1、根据所查阅的文献资料,研究传统的水提醇沉法和水提离心法各个环节的转移率,并以HPLC法和紫外分光光度法对各个步骤的二苯乙烯苷和总黄酮含量进行了测定,结果显示,水提醇沉法提取液二苯乙烯苷在水提液经旋蒸水浴45℃浓缩后损失率最大,为22.51%,其次在醇沉液经旋蒸水浴45℃浓缩回收乙醇后,为6.62%,其它环节损失很少;水提醇沉法水提液总黄酮在水提液经加乙醇静置过滤后损失率最大,为23.90%,其次是水提液经旋蒸水浴45℃浓缩后,损失率为12.47%,其它环节损失很少;两法比较,水提离心法制备的口服液中二苯乙烯苷和总黄酮含量分别提高了20.08%、29%。2、根据实验室前期已完成对复方山楂口服液各成分定性工作的结论,进一步利用液质联用指纹图谱技术对主要药效成分进行了定量研究,与传统检测结果相对比,比较了各化学成分的含量差别,结果显示,两法提取液二苯乙烯苷、总黄酮主要的损失环节和其单成分检测是一致的;指纹图谱检测的二苯乙烯苷和总黄酮含量均小于单成分检测值;两法比较,水提离心法制备的口服液中二苯乙烯苷和总黄酮含量分别提高了22.92%、32.52%。结合生产成本和生产周期的考虑,认为水提离心法是比水提醇沉优化的提取工艺。

【Abstract】 Hawthorn extract compound was studied using HPLC method, UVspectrophotometry and HPLC-MS methods, in which all aspects of centrifugationstilbene glycosides and total flavonoids through aqueous alcohol and water extractwere quantitatively determined and transfer rates were compared. The main workfocusedonthefollowingaspects:1. According to the available literature, the transfer rates of the traditionalaqueous alcohol and centrifugation were studied. And the concentration of stilbeneglucoside and total flavonoids from the different steps was measured by HPLC andUV spectrophotometry. The results showed that aqueous extract alcohol stilbeneglucoside in water extracts by rotary steam condensed in a water bath 45℃is thebiggest loss for the 22.51%, followed by the liquid in the alcohol 45℃water bathrotary steam recycling ethanol concentration, the 6.62%;the other part of the loss issmall; water method alcohol aqueous extract of total flavonoids in the water extractby the increase of ethanol loss rate after holding the largest filter for 23.90%;followed by is the water extract by rotary steam condensed in a water bath 45℃, theloss rate of 12.47%; few other aspects of the loss; centrifugal water Preparation ofOralLiquidstilbeneglycosidesandtotalflavonoidswereincreasedby20.08%,29%.2. On the basis of the former quality study on the components in the Hawthorncompound oral liquid components, the quantitative research was carried on. And theresults were compared with those of the traditional method. It showed that stilbeneglucoside extract, with a total loss of the main aspects of flavonoids and theirsingle-component testing is consistent; fingerprint detection stilbene glycosides andtotal flavonoids were less than the value of single-component testing; two method,centrifugal water Preparation of Oral Liquid stilbene glycosides and total flavonoidswere increased by22.92% , 32.52%. Combination of production costs and productioncycle of the consideration that the water is more than centrifugation alcohol waterextractionprocessoptimization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

