

Study on Universal Design of Family Bathroom Products for the Wheelers and Slow Walkers

【作者】 王莉

【导师】 陈东祥;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工业设计, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目前在全球范围内,残疾人口的数量每年都在增长,老龄化进程也在不断加快。我国是世界上残疾人口最多的国家并已进入老龄化社会。随着社会对于残障事业以及老龄事业的关注,随着市场需求的不断扩大,越来越多的人开始关注如何为他们提供舒适便利的生活环境。卫浴产品是家庭生活中不可或缺的产品,也最能体现对人的关怀。目前家庭中普遍使用的卫浴产品,在设计时多是考虑正常人的需求,并不能极大满足行动上有障碍的人或者是老年人的需求,而家庭卫浴产品的使用者包括男女老少,包括健康人、残疾人等等,是一个多需求背景的用户群。如何更广泛地解决卫浴产品针对家庭人群的普遍适用问题,是本文试图探索解决的问题。论文首先结合生理学和心理学的相关知识,对行走障碍者的行为和心理特征进行了分析,确定了涉及行走障碍者家庭卫浴产品通用设计的目标——满足涉及行走障碍者家庭对卫浴产品存在的多样需求。其次,通过通用的家庭卫浴产品描述模型的建立,以及对涉及行走障碍者家庭卫浴产品通用设计的影响因素进行的调查分析,获得了涉及行走障碍者家庭卫浴产品通用设计的可靠依据。然后,提出了涉及行走障碍者家庭卫浴产品的通用设计原理及流程。结论中提出的原理与流程在论文最后通过淋浴间、盥洗器及坐便器的设计实践进行了说明验证。本文的创新点在于文中所提出的涉及行走障碍者家庭卫浴产品的通用设计原理及流程,为家庭卫浴产品的通用设计提供了理论支持与方法。

【Abstract】 The number of the disabled in today’s world is growing almost every year. The aging process is also speeding up. China has the largest disabled population than any other country in the world and has entered in the aging society. With the concern about the disabled and the elderly as well as the growing market demand, more and more people begin to pay attention to how to provide them with a convenient and comfortable living environment. Bathroom products are essential to family life and also best reflect the care for people. Most of the family bathroom products consider the needs of normal people when in design. Actually they can not meet the needs of the elderly or the wheelers and slow walkers. However, the users of family bathroom products include men, women, children, healthy people, the disabled etc. That is a multi-needs user-group. How to solve the universal application problems of family bathroom products, is what in this paper attempts to explore.First of all, the behavioral and psychological characters of the wheelers and slow walkers were analysed through the combination of physiology and psychology-related knowledge in this paper and the goal of universal design for the family, in where the wheelers and slow walkers live, were determined. That is, to meet the diverse needs of the family members. Secondly, by building a descriptive model of the universal bathroom product and through the survey and analysis of the impact factors of the universal design of family bathroom products for wheelers and slow walkers, a reliable design basis was received. Thirdly, the principles and process of family bathroom products universal design for wheelers and slow walkers were proposed. In the last of the paper the conclusions were tested and verified through the design of a shower, a wash basin and a toilet.In this paper, the innovation lies in the fact that, the principles and processes of the universal design of family bathroom products for wheelers and slow walkers, provide theory and methods support for universal design of family bathroom products.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

