

Research on Grid Resource Scechdule Based on Trust Mechnism

【作者】 陈敬男

【导师】 王新生;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 由于网格系统动态性、自治性、分布性和异构性等特点,使得网格环境下的资源调度十分复杂和具有挑战性。目前,多数网格资源调度仅仅考虑到性能的一些参数,而忽视了信任的影响。首先,本文概述了网格的基本概念、技术特点及分类,介绍了网格的体系结构,分析了网格资源调度的目标和资源调度算法的研究现状,并指出了各自的优缺点。其次,结合网格的特点,提出了一种新的网格信任机制,该信任机制分为行为信任模型和能力信任两部分。其中行为信任模型采取了以自治域为单位,分层次的结构,这样既能不改变原有的资源管理形式,又能达到资源共享。在行为信任的基础上,结合网格动态变化的特点,提出了能力信任,完善了信任机制。再次,通过对Min-min算法的分析,提出了一种信任驱动的资源调度算法TDS。该算法与Min-min算法相比,在保证性能QoS的同时兼顾了信任QoS,减少了恶意的用户和不实的资源,从而减少调度失败的次数,提高调度效率。最后,采用GidSim仿真软件对TDS和Min-min算法及另一种基于信任QoS的算法进行比较。

【Abstract】 Grid System consists of various resources,and the resources have more features of dynamic change,autonomy,geiographical dipersion and hetergeneous systems,which make scheduling of resources very complex and challenging.At present,most of scheduling in grid only concern some scheduling performance parameters,and largely ingore the impact of trust mechnism.Firstly,grid’s basic conception,technology characteristic and grid’s sorts are reviewed.The architecture of grid system is introduced.The aim of schedule- ng and scheduling algorithms are analysed and their advantage and disadvantage are pointed.Secondly,concerning the grid’s characteristic,a new trust mechnism,which compise behavior trust model and capability trust, is proposed.The behavior trust model with two layers is united by domain,this architecture not only needn’t change the form of resource management,but also can share the resources.Based on behavior trust and concerned grid’s dynamic change,capa- bility trust which make up the behavior trust,is proposed.Thirdly,A new trust driven resource scheduling algorithm TDS is proposed by ananlysing Min-min algorithm.TDS not only focus on performance QoS but also pay attention to trust QoS,besides reduce the vicious users and resources,accordingly reduce the failing times and inhance the scheduling efficiency.Finally,the performance of TDS,Min-min and TD Min-min are compared with GridSim.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

