

Participatory Method Applied Research in the Health Education of AIDS Prevention in High School

【作者】 苏晓梅

【导师】 韩云涛;

【作者基本信息】 昆明医学院 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:研究背景:艾滋病已广泛分布于全球五大洲200多个国家和地区,是当今全球面临的严重公共卫生问题和突出社会问题。在目前艾滋病既无特效药物又无有效疫苗预防的情况下,健康教育是预防和控制艾滋病蔓延的有效途径。随着健康教育工作的开展,健康教育评价越来越受到重视,目前对健康教育有很多评价的方法,各种方法各有优劣,有待在方法学上有所改进。本研究采用参与式研究方法对纳西族聚居区中学预防艾滋病健康教育工作进行效果评估,让目标学校的领导、教师和学生参与到评估中来,旨在提高健康教育干预效果评估的质量,保证评估的科学性和客观性,为今后更有针对性地开展健康教育工作提供依据,并将预防艾滋病的重点从知识的掌握引向态度和行为的转变,倡导学生积极的健康生活方式,对学校素质教育工作的开展起到推进作用。方法:具体通过对学校领导、教师和学生进行访谈、专题小组讨论等形式,在查阅相关文件和资料的基础上,对目标人群采用问卷调查了解师生艾滋病知识知晓情况、预防艾滋病健康教育师资培训、预防艾滋病教育及其成效和学校预防艾滋病健康教育管理等情况。结果:参与式方法作为学校预防艾滋病健康教育效果评估方法具备一定的优越性,在效果评估中使用参与式方法,能够及时总结经验,发现问题,及时调整计划,使项目活动与目标人群的需求相适应,始终能够吸引目标人群的积极参与。实际应用中需要合理应用参与式方法,选择适宜工具。参与式方法成功的关键在于使用者的态度和行为。建议:根据中学预防艾滋病健康教育参与式评估结果,提出预防艾滋病健康教育的发展策略;建议有关部门在改变预防艾滋病的健康行为方面,不仅重视预防工作的成效,更要注重此类活动的评估及其评估方法;参与式方法实际应用时应注意:1.使用的灵活性与创造性;2.注意赋权意识和社会性别意识,关注边缘化人群和弱势人群;3.协助者的任务是协助、记录和观察,应避免任何负性态度、干涉和夺权行为。

【Abstract】 Objective:Background: AIDS has been widely distributed in more than 200 countries on five continents and regions. People face a serious global public health problem and highlight social issues. Health education is an effective way to prevent and control AIDS as there are neither AIDS drugs nor effective vaccine to prevent. As health education launched, it is taken seriously. Nowadays, there are many methods to value Health education. Various methods have advantages and disadvantages to be improved in the methodological. This study used participatory research methods to assess the effect of health education of Naxi inhabited Areas School to prevent AIDS. The purpose of people participation of target school is to highlight the effect of health education and to ensure the scientific and objective assessment, which also provides evidence for it can be targeted to launch the health education. As the focus of AIDS prevention, it will be guided from the know-how to the changes in attitudes and behavior. It is proposed that students have positive healthy lifestyle. The education for all-round development has also been advanced.Methods:Specifically interview to leadership, teachers and students of school including in-depth individual interview and focus group discussion, etc. After accessing to relevant documents and information, questionnaires based on the target population are used to Understand AIDS knowledge of teachers and students, the teacher training and effectiveness of AIDS prevention health education, and the school management’s condition of AIDS prevention health education, and so on. Results:Participatory method as a health education effectiveness evaluation method for schools to prevent AIDS has certain advantage. Participatory method can contribute to experience summary, question finding, plan regulation and need of target population in accordance with project activities, at the same time absorbance of target population participation all the time. In the practical application, it requires a reasonable application of the participatory method and selects appropriate tools. The key to the success of participatory method lies in users’ attitudes and behavior.Proposals:According to the participatory evaluation results of high schools’ AIDS prevention health education program, the development strategy on AIDS prevention health education has been proposed. It suggests that on the purpose of changing the AIDS prevention health behavior, the related departments should make a point of the effectiveness of prevention; Moreover, they should pay more attention to the evaluation and the evaluation methods. It must be pay a attention to the following issues when we applying the participatory method practically: firstly, its flexibility and creativity of using ;Secondly, noting empowerment awareness and gender consciousness, paying attention to the marginalized groups and vulnerable populations; thirdly, the assistant whose task is to assist, record and observe, should avoid any negative attitudes, interferences and seizing power.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 昆明医学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

