

Study on Sleep Time and Obesity of 8~10 Years Old Students in Urban Zhengzhou

【作者】 杜小婉

【导师】 李燕;

【作者基本信息】 昆明医学院 , 儿少卫生与妇幼保健, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的本研究旨在了解郑州市8~10岁小学生的睡眠状况、睡眠时间及肥胖患病率水平,分析儿童睡眠与肥胖的关系,为制定适合切实可行的预防肥胖干预措施提供参考依据。方法应用横断面调查方法调查,采取分层整群随机抽样的方法,抽取郑州市四个主城区的12所小学的2500名8~10岁小学生,由家长及学生共同完成的问卷填写。当地疾病预防控制中心测量儿童身高、体重。根据2003年11月颁布的中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查BMI(体质指数)值分类标准诊断各年龄段男女生超重和/或肥胖。采用EpiData3.1进行资料录入,采用SPSS15.0进行统计学描述性分析、单因素和多因素分析等。结果1.共调查郑州市城区8-10岁小学生2283名,平均睡眠时间为9.85+0.83个小时,其中周一至周五为8.56±0.74个小时,周末为9.06±1.04个小时;男童的睡眠时间少于女童。影响儿童睡眠时间的因素为父亲的文化程度高、家庭月收入低、肥胖、出生时的体重低、断母乳的月龄小、孩子经常发生口腔疾病、经常发生胃肠道不适、每天的运动时间;2.儿童超重率22.9%,其中男性为30.0%,女性为14%;肥胖患病率为9.9%,其中男性11.7%,女性为7.9%,男性儿童肥胖和超重的患病率都高于女性,与国内其他中等城市相比,肥胖率和发病率水平相当;3.超重/肥胖儿童睡眠时间短于体重正常儿童;男女童体质指数与睡眠时间呈负相关(OR=-0.875,P<0.05)。多因素分析家庭经济条件较好、男童、睡觉时间越短、每天运动时间较少或不运动的城区肥胖率越高。结论郑州市城区8~10岁肥胖儿童睡眠时间短于正常儿童,男童的睡眠时间少于女童;儿童肥胖及超重患病率高,儿童睡眠时间较少是患肥胖的危险因素之一。应充分重视儿童睡眠的时间和质量,减少儿童患肥胖的风险,以保证儿童身心健康的正常成长。

【Abstract】 Objective The purpose of this study was to understand the level of sleep time and obesity, and the relationship between sleep time, sleep disorder and prevalence of obesity of primary school students aged 8-10 in Zhengzhou, and to develop practical reference for local children obesity prevention program.Methods Cross-sectional survey and stratified random cluster sampling method was applied. The total of 2500 students aged 8-10 in 10 primary school in four main urban areas of Zhengzhou were sampled. The questionnaires were filled by parents and their children. The hight and weight of child was measured by local CDC. Overweight and/or obesity of boys and girls of all ages were diagnosed based on the classification of China School-age Children Overweight and Obesity Screening BMI which was promulgated in November 2003. EpiData3.0 and SPSS15.0 were used for statistically descriptive analysis, univariate and multivariate and multivariate factorsResults 1. The survey actually covered 2283 children 8-10 years old in urban Zhengzhou. Average sleep time of the children was 9.85±0.83 hours,8.56±0.74 hours-on weekday and 9.06±1.04 hours in the weekends; boys sleep less than girls. Factors affecting children’s sleep time were the father’s high education level, low family income, obesity, low birth weight, early weaning, frequent oral diseases, gastrointestinal discomfort and daily sporting time.2. Incidence of overweight of the children mentioned above was 22.9%,30.0% for boys and 14% for girls; obesity incidence rate was 9.9%,11.7% for male and 7.9% for female, the incidence rate of obesity and overweight of male was higher than female, the morbidity of obesity was rather equal compared with other domestic medium-sized cities.3. Sleep time of overweight/obese children was shorter than that of normal weight children; BMI was negatively correlated with sleep time (OR=-0.875, P<0.05). Multivariate analysis suggested that higher incidence of children obesity was occurred in the rather better regional economic conditions, male and urban area with shorter sleep time.Conclusions Sleep time of obese children was shorter than normal children in urban Zhengzhou, boys’sleep time was shorter than that of girls; prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight was high, short sleep time was one of the dangerous factor of obesity. So much attention should be paid to children’s sleeping time and quality to minimize the risk of obesity and to ensure their healthy physical and mental growth.

【关键词】 儿童睡眠时间肥胖
【Key words】 ChildrenSleep timeObesity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 昆明医学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

