

Study on Grass-root Family Planning System’s Training Demands from the Perspective of Human Resources Optimization--A Case Study of China/UNFPA Country Programme 6

【作者】 高莹莹

【导师】 张开宁; 姜润生;

【作者基本信息】 昆明医学院 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的以中国/联合国人口基金第六周期生殖健康/计划生育项目为依托,通过对六个项目县2006年-2008年培训情况以及2009年培训需求分析,尝试从优化人力资源的视角探讨中国基层人口和计划生育系统队伍现状及培训需求,并分析东中西部和县乡村三级机构的培训需求差异,从人口计生队伍建设和人口计生事业发展的高度提出建议,为以后的培训提供参考。方法本研究为描述性研究,以定量研究为主,定性研究为辅。通过问卷调查表,收集六个项目县2006-2008年培训情况以及2009年培训需求等资料;并采用个人深入访谈法收集相关信息。结果从组织层面、任务层面和个人层面对基层人口和计划生育人员的培训需求进行分析,发现现有基层计生人员整体学历层次较低;在培训级别上,县级培训最受关注。在培训渠道上,直接培训更受欢迎,再培训随机构级别的降低受欢迎程度增加。在培训方式上,参与式培训需求最高;在培训内容上,存在重技术轻理念现象。不同地区和不同级别机构的培训需求存在一定差异。结论(1)基层人口和计划生育系统人力资源需要优化;(2)现有培训尚未提升到战略地位;(3)人力资本激励措施在培训中没有充分体现;(4)人口和计划生育领域重要理念的培训有待强化;(5)不同行政级别的机构人员在培训级别需求上存在显著差异;(6)从个人层面,对国家或省级专家开展的直接培训需求也显示出差异;(7)参与式培训效果优于授课式和研讨式;(8)有参观考察的培训班更受基层人口和计划生育服务人员的欢迎;(9)信息化对人口计生系统的人力资源优化至关重要。建议(1)基层人口计生系统的培训要具有战略眼光;(2)基层人口计生队伍的优化方式要注意多样性;(3)重视基层人口计生队伍培训的前瞻性;(4)基层人口计生系统的培训要遵循职业生涯发展规划;(5)建立并继续完善继续教育机制,理顺培训与职称晋升的关系;(6)以全员综合培训为基层人口计生系统培训的基础;(7)人口计生系统的人力资源优化要注意逐级培训;(8)视需要和许可条件选择组合培训方法;(9)电脑网络培训法应成为基层培训发展的重要趋势。

【Abstract】 Objectives: Based on China / UNFPA CP6 Reproductive Health / Family Planning (FP) Programme, this thesis, by analyzing the training situation of six pilot counties between 2006 and 2008 and training demands in 2009, try to explore the status and training demands of China’s grass-root FP staff from the perspective of human resources optimization, to analyze disparities in training demands between east, middle and west regions and between organizations at county, township and village levels, and to propose some suggestions for training in future, so as to promote the capacity building of FP staff and the development of population and FP programmes in China.Methodologies: The study takes descriptive and quantitative study as its primary means while qualitative study as secondary one. The data of training situation of six pilot counties between 2006 and 2008 and training demands in 2009 are obtained through questionnaire survey. In-depth interviews are also adopted to collect relevant information.Results: By analyzing training demands of grass-root FP system at the organizational, task and individual levels, it is found that: (1) the overall education level of grassroots FP staff is relatively low; (2) training organization level - county-level training obtained the most attention; (3) training channels - direct training is more popular; (4) training means -participatory training is of the highest demand; (5) training contents - skills are put above concepts; and (6) there are disparities in training demands in different regions and organizations at different levels.Conclusions: (1) grassroots population and FP system need to optimize human resources; (2) the existing training has not been upgraded to a strategic position; (3) human capital incentives are not fully represented in trainings; (4) training on key concepts in the field of population and FP need to be enhanced; (5) there are significant disparities in training demands of the staff at different administrative levels; (6) there are disparities in demands of direct training for consultants individually at national or provincial levels; (7) performance of participatory training is better than that in forms of classes or seminars; (8) trainings with field visits are more welcomed by grass-root population and FP staff; and (9) information plays a vital role in human resources optimization.Recommendations: (1) training of grassroots population and FP system should have a strategic vision; (2) means of optimization of grassroots population and FP staff should be more diversified; (3) emphasis on forward-looking training; (4) training shall follow population and FP staff’s career development planning; (5) to establish and continue to improve the continuing education mechanism, and straighten out the relationship between training and title promotion; (6) comprehensive training to all staff as a basis; (7) human resources optimization should pay attention to training at different administrative levels; (8) choose comprehensive training methods due to requirement and conditions; and (9) computer network training method should be the trend for grass-root training.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 昆明医学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

