

Study on the Key Technology and Engineering Demonstration of Rainwater Collecting System

【作者】 厉晶晶

【导师】 黄勇强;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 镇江,地处长江沿岸,水资源总量充沛,然而,随着社会经济的发展,人们对水的需求量越来越大,加上环境污染,水质型缺水的问题逐渐显现,同时市区用水浪费现象严重,管网漏失率比较高,镇江的水资源供应要保证长期的可持续发展存在一些隐忧。雨水是一种最根本、最直接、最经济的水资源,是自然界水循环系统中的重要环节,对补充地下水、改善和保护生态环境起着极为重要的作用,因此雨水利用成为实现水资源可持续发展的一条重要途径。论文主要研究了雨水收集利用系统的关键技术,结合镇江市实际情况,在镇江市第三人民医院建立示范工程,以期为镇江市城市雨水利用提供依据和技术支持。论文首先在研究大量国内外文献和应用实例的基础上,分析归纳了城市雨水利用的途径、原则,继而对示范工程现场的水资源情况、雨水径流污染的状况和水质特性进行分析,进行了水量平衡计算。在以上研究基础上,对收集的雨水进行净化处理。净化工艺采用:初期雨水弃流、旋流分离器和生态浮床技术,同时对此净化工艺进行污染物去除能力测定。最后对此雨水收集利用示范工程进行技术经济分析。论文的主要研究成果与结论主要包括:(1)示范工程所收集的雨水经合理调配完全能满足回用所需的水量要求。(2)示范区域初期雨水污染物含量较高,不宜直接利用,需进行净化处理,在径流初期COD高达210mg/L、SS达288mg/L、NH4+-N达20.5mg/L、TP达7.1mg/L、TN达26.3mg/L。并且各污染物浓度均随降雨历时呈减少趋势,后趋于平缓,可采用弃流部分初期雨水后进行收集。(3)雨水径流中,SS和COD、浊度、TP、TN存在一定相关性。可以采用旋流分离进行SS的去除,来达到去除部分COD、N、P的目的。(4)研究了雨水径流的冲刷规律,得出弃流初期3mm的雨水可去除50%-70%的污染物。(5)参考已有的文献和专利技术,设计了一套初期雨水弃流装置,该装置无需人工控制,部件简单,且从实验检测数据看,该装置运行效果良好,作用明显。(6)改进设计了一套旋流分离器,其中浊度最高去除率达77%、SS达70%、TP达55%、COD达53%、TN达32%。(7)生态浮床采用了空心菜、美人蕉这两种植物,并进行了实验室内的模拟试验,得出NH4+-N最高去除率达85%、COD达40%、TN达53%、TP达57%。在现场应用生态浮床,处理后的雨水优于回用水水质标准,并营造了良好的景观效果。(8)经济分析表明,示范工程每年综合利用雨水6000m3,平均每立方米雨水收益为3.46元,在经济上可以获得部分收益。

【Abstract】 Zhenjiang, which is located along the Yangtze River, has an abundant water resource. But as the socio-economic development, the demand for water is growing, coupled with environmental pollution, pollution-induced water shortage is gradually emerging, while the urban water is seriously wasted and pipe leakage rate is relatively high, so that there are some hidden dangers of water supply to ensure the long-term sustainable development of Zhenjiang. Rainwater is an important part of water circulatory system, and is the most fundamental, the most straightforward and most economical water, additional, it is also extremely significant to groundwater supplement, ecological environment improving and protecting. Therefore, the utilization of rainwater resource is an important way for sustainable development of water resources.This paper mainly studied the key technologies of rainwater collection and utilization system and established a demonstration project in third people’s hospital rely on the actual situation of Zhenjiang, aiming to provide the basis and technical support for urban rainwater utilization of Zhenjiang.The paper analytically induced the utilization path and principle of urban rainwater in the base of many documents from home and abroad and lots of examples, so as to analysis the situation of water resource, runoff pollution, water property as well, and calculated water balance.Based on the above researches, the collected rainwater was purified. Purification process is mainly composed of initial rainwater discarding, cyclone separator and ecological floating bed. Meanwhile the pollutants removal capacity of this purification process is determined. Ultimately, we made a technical and economic analysis on the demonstration project.The main research results and conclusions of thesis are summarized as follows: (1) Rainwater of the demonstration projection through the reasonable allocation is able to fully meet the amount of water reuse required. (2) The initial rainwater of the demonstration area can’t be directly used because of its high levels of pollutants, and then it is in need of purification treatment. In the initial runoff contain COD up to 210mg/L, SS up to 288mg/L, NH4+-N up to 20.5mg/L, TP up to 7.1mg/L, TN up to 26.3mg/L and the heavy metal content is relatively low. There was a decreasing trend in each pollutant concentration with rainfall duration and finally tends to flat. So we collect the rainwater after abandoning part of the initial flow of rainwater. (3) There is a certain correlation between SS and COD, turbidity, TP, TN in rainwater runoff. And Hydrocyclone can be used to remove part of COD、N、P, while removel the SS. (4) Studied the scour law of stormwater runoff, and obtained that abandoning 3mm initial flow can remove 50% -70% of the pollutants. (5) Designed a set of discharge device of initial rainwater referenced to the existing literature and patent. The components of this device is simple and without manual control. The experimental test data shows that the device is running well and the effect was significantly. (6) Improved and designed of a cyclone separator. Its maximum turbidity removal late reached 77%, SS up to 70%, TP up to 55%, COD reached 53%, TN up to 32%.(7) Simulation test in a laboratory was done using ecological floating bed with water spinach and canna. The results showed that the highest removal rate of NH4+-N reached 85%, COD up to 40%, TN reached 53%, TP reached 57 %. Ecological floating bed used in the field shows that the water quality standards of treated rainwater is superior to that of reused water. And the ecological floating bed created a good visual effect also. (8) Economic analysis showed that rainwater utilization of demonstration projection is 6000m3 per year and the average revenue of rainfall is 3.46 yuan per cubic meter. So it can receive part of the economic income.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

