

The Construction and Application of Mold Supply Chain City

【作者】 曹妍聆

【导师】 马汉武;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年出现的模具城(模具园区)为发展模具产业区域集群提供了良好的载体,使模具企业实现专业化的分工协作、整合资源、技术创新有了更大的可行性,积极地促进了模具产业和区域经济的发展,也为中小模具企业提供了更宽广的发展平台。但是,模具城内企业各自为政、资源配置不尽合理、集聚效应明显、缺乏整体规划和科学的组织与管理。供应链管理理论为模具城的管理和实践起到很好的补充,从而提升模具城的竞争力、促进模具产业发展,对正确引导和规划模具城的发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义,也给其他行业以借鉴作用。本文以供应链理论为基础,研究模具供应链城的构建与运用。全文分为五章,第—章绪论,介绍了本文的选题背景、研究意义、研究方法、技术路线和主要内容。第二章是全文的基础理论部分,介绍了供应链理论、产业集群理论、集群和供应链的关联机理、模具行业概况、我国模具城的发展现状,模具城与供应链的关联机理、并进行文献评述,提出模具供应链城的基本框架。第三章是论文核心部分,分别从三个方面分析构建模具供应链城的可行性和形成因素。界定模具供应链城的内涵,构建模具供应链城的概念模型,并对其主要组成部分——信息共享平台、公共资源服务中心、研发设计中心和模具制造商进行了详细分析。比较模具城和模具供应链城的企业结构和运作方式。对实施模具供应链城这一管理模式提出一些实施要点。第四章以长三角模具城为例进行分析,构建长三角模具供应链城的结构,对其运作平台和运作流程进行分析,并提出了—些发展策略。第五章是本文总结和展望。

【Abstract】 In recent years,mold cities(mold park) emerging one after the other,provide a good carrier for the development of mould industry regional dusters,make molds enterprises achieve specialized division of labor,integration of resources and technological innovation have a greater possibility,actively promoting the development of mold industry and regional economic,also providing a broader platform for the development of the small and medium mould enterprises.However,corporations in mould city go their own way,the allocation of resources is unreasonable,agglomeration effects are unobvious.Mould cities lack overall planning and scientific organization and management.Supply chain management theory plays a very good complement for the management and practice of mold cities,thus it enhances mold cities’ competitive power,promotes the development of mold industry.It has great theoretical value and practical significance to correctly guide and plan the development of the mold cities,also gives a reference to other industries.The paper,based on the theory of supply chain,studies the construction and application of mold supply chain city.It is divided into five chapters.Chapter 1,introduces the research background of this article,research significance,research methods,technical line and main contents.Chapter 2,is the basic theory of the full text,mainly includes supply chain theory,industrial cluster theory,the associated mechanism of cluster and supply chain’s,mold industry overview,current development of China’s mold cities,the associated mechanism of mold cities and supply chain,also conduots literature review,proposes the basic framework of mold supply chain city.Chapter 3 is the core part of the paper.It analyses the feasibility and form factors of the constructing mold supply chain city from three aspects,respectively,defines mold supply chaia city,constructs the concept model of mold supply chain city,analyzes its main components-information sharing platform, public resources service center,R & D center and mold manufacturers in detail.The chapter compares the structure and operation of mold cities with mold supply chain cities’,and presents some of the implementation of key points on the implementation of the mold supply chain city.Chapter 4,takes the Yangtze delta mold city as an example,builds the structure of Yangtze delta mold supply chain city,analyzes its operating platform and operating processes,proposes a number of development strategies.Chapter 5 draws a conclusion and views for future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

