

Distribution Features of Transitivity Processes in Speeches

【作者】 孙玉梅

【导师】 孙志祥;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 将及物性应用于语篇分析开始于二十世纪七十年代早期,当时韩礼德把语篇分析的及物性研究方法用于威廉·戈尔丁的小说《继承者》。在以后的几十年里,及物性分析受到越来越多的关注,很多学者把语篇分析的及物性研究方法应用于各种类型的语篇,尤以文学著作和新闻语篇居多。而就职演说,作为一种特殊的政治演讲,却只是在近几年才越来越受到广大语言学家的关注。多数学者是对单个语篇进行及物性分析,分析的重点就是语篇中及物过程和其相应的功能,而对就职演说中及物过程的分布却没有进行系统的研究。本文对美国总统就职演说的及物性过程做定量和定性分析,从众多美国总统就职演说文本中随机选取民主党和共和党各五篇就职演说,自建小型语料库作为本研究的研究对象。采用韩礼德系统功能语法中的及物性理论对美国总统就职演说中及物过程进行相对系统的分析,旨在研究就职演说中各及物过程的功能和分布特点。并将总统就职演说中及物过程的分布与其他文体文本中及物过程的分布作比较,探求及物过程在不同语篇中的分布规律,并以此来推断影响及物过程选择的因素。运用SPSS统计软件,作者分析了文本中的数据,得到了以下发现:一、四种主要过程的功能:物质过程和关系过程表达了对客观现实的看法,暗示总统想要说服听众;心理过程表达了情感、认知和感觉;而言语过程揭示了总统对于听众的态度。二、以及物过程为研究对象时,在所选语料中,物质过程和关系过程是就职演说中所占比例最高的两个及物过程,心理过程位居第三,所占比例相对较少,而言语过程、存在过程和行为过程则分别位列第四、五、六位。三、文章中及物过程的选择可能收到文本自身的文体和写作意图的影响。在所研究的大多数文本中,无论何种文体,物质过程所占比例都是最大的,而关系过程、心理过程和言语过程在不同文体语中的地位不尽相同,但基本占据了第二到第四位,存在过程和行为过程,在文本中所占的比例非常小。

【Abstract】 Transitivity approach to discourse analysis began in the early 1970s when M.A.K. Halliday made a transitivity analysis of William Golding’s novel The Inheritor. Then for decades, transitivity analysis has received increasingly more attention, and many scholars have applied transitivity to analyze discourses of various types, especially on literary works and news texts. However, only in recent years has inaugural address, as a type of political speech, aroused linguists’ interest. Presidential inaugural addresses are studied from many macro perspectives: political, structural, generic, stylistic or rhetoric. Most of the researches carried out from the perspective of transitivity choose only one inaugural address for analysis, and attention is given to transitivity types and their functions, whereas distributions of these processes haven’t been studied systematically.The research gives both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the transitivity processes in American presidential inaugural addresses. Choosing randomly ten inaugural addresses from both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party (five from each), the author establishes a corpus. The thesis applies Halliday’s transitivity theory to a comparatively systematic study of transitivity processes in American presidential inaugural addresses, focusing on the functions and distributions of each transitivity process. A comparison is also made between the distributions of transitivity processes of American presidential addresses and texts of other types, for the purpose of deducing the factors that may affect the distributions of these processes.By applying SPSS, the author analyzes all the data, and thus obtains the following findings. 1, functions of four main transitivity processes, material process and relational process express views about the objective reality and indicate that the president tends to convince the audience. Mental process expresses affection, cognition and perception. Verbal process reveals much of the president’s attitude to the person he is speaking to. 2, when transitivity types are taken as the subject, material process and relational process are the best options for inaugural addresses. Mental process takes the third place which has a small proportion, while verbal process, existential process and behavioral process share the last three places. 3, the choice of transitivity processes in the text may be affected by text types and writing purposes. In most of the texts studied, despite the text types, the proportion of material process is always the largest, while the orders of relational process, mental process and verbal process vary among texts of different types, occupying the second to the fourth place, though. Existential process and behavioral process have extremely small proportions in most cases.

【关键词】 及物性过程就职演说分布特征
【Key words】 transitivityprocessinaugural addressdistribution features
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

