

Research into New Retailer Mode of an Integrated B2C On-Line Supermarket and the Agile Delivery

【作者】 许志生

【导师】 刘晓松;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网应用的普及,以及现代零售业的演化,B2C网上超市与敏捷配送相结合的新零售模式逐渐成为社会的一种主流零售业态。B2C网上超市也就是通过互联网等作为展示的平台,线上进行订购,线下进行配送的一种新型的B2C电子商务运营模式。它节省了大量的店铺租赁和雇佣大量销售人员的相关费用,大大降低了经营成本,有很大的发展前途。零售业比较理想的状况是虚拟网与实体网的结合,实行线上零售与线下敏捷配送相结合,准直销加传统营销的推广模式争取优质客户。将信息处理系统、物流配送系统、营销支持系统,三大系统相结合,整合整个供应链,进化为省却大部分的信息成本、运营成本与物流成本的轻资产运营的零售业态。构建适合网上超市零售模式特点的敏捷配送物流体系对于B2C网上超市的发展以及对于提高我国零售业的整体竞争力都是至关重要的,因此研究B2C网上超市与敏捷配送相结合的新零售模式具有重要的现实意义。本文的研究工作是围绕以下几个方面展开的:首先,本文主要追溯了现代零售业态的进化历程,通过分析各零售业态的发展现状与趋势,并特别分析了无店铺业态中的B2C网上超市的零售模式,从中引出了B2C网上超市与敏捷配送相结合的新零售模式的概念,并着重探讨了这种新零售模式的优势与发展前景。其次,研究如何切实解决网上超市的物流配送这一“瓶颈”,构建适合网上超市与线下敏捷配送相结合的新零售模式特点的敏捷配送体系。先分析了我国B2C网上超市零售模式物流配送现状以及存在的问题,然后引入了敏捷配送的概念,结合B2C网上超市敏捷配送要实现的目的,提出了B2C网上超市敏捷配送的设计思想。再次,对网上超市的敏捷配送网络进行设计。先对配送站和配送中心的设置的数量与选址进行分析研究,然后研究了需求随机条件下基于库存控制的敏捷配送调度模型,为了求解所建立的模型,本章运用启发式算法进行迭代运算,最后,通过算例对该模型及其算法的有效性进行了分析,得到的结果证明了该算法是求解基于库存控制的敏捷配送调度的有效算法。最后,对全文内容及研究结论进行了总结,并对文中有待进一步研究的方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Internet application, as well as the evolution of modern retailing, new retail model which integrates the B2C on-line supermarket and agile distribution has gradually become a mainstream retail formats.B2C on-line supermarket is displayed through the internet as a platform, order online, delivery offline, which is a new B2C e-commerce business model. It is helpful to save the cost of leasing the store; it can increasingly reduce the operation costs.the ideal model is that integrates the virtual network and physical network, supports the agile supply based on combination of the online retail and offline logistics distribution, so as to attract quality customers.Combining the information processing system, logistics and distribution system and marketing support system can integrate the entire supply chain, which will evolve to the retail format of asset-light. It can reduce the information costs, operation costs and logistics costs. It is a very important work to construct a logistic distribution system which suit to online supermarket. Therefore, it is significant to study the new retail format which integrates the B2C online supermarket and agile distribution. Research on this field will improve the core competition of online supermarket and enhance efficiency of whole supply chain.The main job of this thesis includes:Firstly, This thesis traces the history of the evolution of modern retail formats, by analyzing the state and the trend of retail format, the concept of new retail model is proposed, which integrate the B2C on-line supermarket into agile distribution, focuses on the strengths and growth prospects of modern retail formats.Secondly, on-line supermarket distribution network is designed. At first, the configuration of distribution and the problems are researched, and then the concept of agility distribution is introduced. Combining the purpose of B2C on-line supermarket, the thought of agility distribution is proposed. Thirdly, the distribution network is designed. The location and the number of distribution station and center are analyzed. The model based on agility distribution is established, which considers inventory control policy on the condition of random demands. To solve the established model, the heuristic algorithm is designed. In the end, the efficiency of model and algorithm are proved by a numerical example.Finally, the results and the conclusions are presented, and the future research fields are proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】F724.6;F49
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1534
  • 攻读期成果

