

Damage Identification for Glass Curtain Wall Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform and Transmissibility Function

【作者】 郝文峰

【导师】 顾建祖; 骆英;

【作者基本信息】 江苏大学 , 工程力学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 玻璃幕墙是当代的一种新型墙体,它赋予建筑的最大特点是将建筑美学、建筑功能、建筑节能和建筑结构等因素有机地统一起来,建筑物从不同角度呈现出不同的色调,随阳光、月色、灯光的变化给人以动态的美。在世界各大洲的主要城市均建有宏伟华丽的玻璃幕墙建筑,如纽约世界贸易中心、芝加哥石油大厦、西尔斯大厦都采用了玻璃幕墙。香港中国银行大厦、北京长城饭店和上海联谊大厦也相继采用。由于我国上世纪八十年代兴建的幕墙工程至今已经基本达到其设计使用年限,但是多数幕墙玻璃在预防玻璃脱落、突然自爆方面,没有采取任何防范措施,存在安全隐患。它们是否能满足安全使用要求呢?若不能的话,应如何检测以及应如何采取措施进行补强和加固等等,一直是困扰着工程师们的问题。本文以工程结构动力检测理论为基础,采用Hilbert-Huang变换的信号分析方法,将振动传递率作为损伤识别指标,进行了以下的研究工作:介绍了振动传递率基本理论,将其应用到玻璃幕墙开胶损伤识别中并与频响函数进行了对比,研究结果表明:频响函数和振动传递率都能应用于玻璃幕墙开胶损伤识别,振动传递率方法在一定程度上优于频响函数;介绍了一种新的信号分析方法——Hilbert-Huang变换,这种方法适用于处理非平稳、非线性信号,已广泛应用于地震检测、生物医学、海洋平台及结构健康监测等领域,并取得了许多成果,数值仿真表明,将Hilbert-Huang变换用于非线性、非平稳信号特征分析是可行的,较其它信号分析方法具有优越性;针对风荷载,地震荷载等的存在以及难以精确量测,提出一种无需量测外荷载的新的损伤识别方法,提高了损伤动态测量精度,与传统方法相比,此方法无需量测外荷载也能识别结构损伤,损伤参数值能反应损伤大小。

【Abstract】 Glass curtain wall is a new type modern wall, which unites the architectural aesthetics, building function, building energy conservation, and architectural construction. The building presents diverse hue from different angle; and shows people dynamic beauty in the sunshine, moonlight or lighting. There are many magnificent glass curtain walls all over the world, such as World Trade Center, Amoco Building, Sears Tower, Hong Kong Bank of China Tower, Beijing Great Wall Sheraton Hotel, and Shanghai Union Building. Most of the Chinese curtain wall projects constructed in 1980s reach the expiration of their period of design. Nevertheless, there are no prevention measures for most glass curtain walls against shedding or sudden exploding, which lead to hidden safety trouble. Because of the various types of potential danger existed in current glass curtain wall structures, it is of great necessity to provide an evaluation system for the safety of the glass curtain walls. This dissertation, which is based on structural dynamic testing theory, applied the Hilbert-Huang transform signal analysis method and vibration transmissibility function damage identification index to the damage identification of glass curtain wall. The main works of this dissertation are as in the following:The basic theory of vibration transmissibility function was introduced, which was applied into damage identification for glass curtain wall. Both the vibration transmissibility function and the frequency response function can apply into damage identification for glass curtain wall, and the vibration transmissibility function is superior to the frequency response function in some degree. A novel signal analysis method, Hilbert-Huang Transform, which is suitable for processing nonlinear and non non-stationary signal and was widely applied to earthquake motion, biomedicine, and structural health monitoring etc., was introduced. The numerical simulation showed that using Hilbert-Huang Transform processing non-stationary or nonlinear signal is feasible, and it is superior to other methods. A novel dynamic damage identification method was proposed. Compared with traditional methods, this method can identify the structural damage without excitation measurement. The severity of damage can be reckoned through the damage parameters.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江苏大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

