

【作者】 王晓潺

【导师】 陈国辉;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 商业经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 粮食问题是一个重要的理论问题和现实问题。粮食是人类赖以生存的必要物品,具有很强的不可替代性;粮食是治国安邦的必要条件,粮食的多少和丰歉直接关系到一个国家的稳定;粮食是国民经济的基础,在古代,粮食赋税是国家主要财政来源,在当代,粮食也依旧是国民经济发展的血脉。总而言之,粮食是关系国计民生的重要战略物资和特殊商品。从古至今,不论是国内还是国外,粮食问题一直都是各国政府高度重视的问题。研究粮食问题是中国乃至世界经济稳定发展的现实需要。粮食生产的季节性、不稳定性和粮食消费的常年性、连续性以及不确定性,决定了粮食储备的不可或缺性。粮食储备是国家宏观调控的重要物质基础,对维护政局稳定、维护社会安定和促进国民经济的持续发展都具有重要的作用。因此,从建国以来,我国一直致力于粮食储备的建设,我国的粮食储备制度也经历了一个较长时期的建立和发展过程。本文首先从粮食、粮食安全和粮食储备这三个层面肯定了粮食问题的重要性,再通过我国粮食储备体系和国外粮食储备体系现状的对比分析,最后得出相应的结论并给出对策建议。本文认为我国目前的粮食储备存在很多问题,如粮食储备的目标不明确、粮食储备规模不够合理、粮食储备的运作方式比较落后以及粮食储备的决策主体过于分散等等。这些问题都导致我国的粮食储备无法充分实现保证国家粮食安全的目标。只有尽快解决粮食储备中存在的这些问题,才能进一步完善我国的粮食储备体系。总体来讲,本文认为应该从以下几个方面来解决我国目前的粮食储备问题。首先,要明确粮食储备的目标、理顺各目标之间的关系。其次,要确定一个合理的储备规模,防止规模过大增加储备成本,造成财政负担过大的后果。最后,要改善粮食储备的管理体制和运营机制,通过提高粮食储备管理的效率来增加粮食储备的灵活度。

【Abstract】 The food problem is both a question of theory and a practical issue. Food is the necessities for human beings to live on and it is irreplaceable; food is one of the necessary conditions for a country to develop and the quantity has been related to the country’s stability; food is the national economic basis which is the main source of government finance in ancient society and the blood for the development of national economy nowadays. All in all, food is one of strategic materials which are of vital importance to the national economy and the people’s live hood. Food problem is always an issue paid much attention by all governments. It is necessary for us to study food problem so that the world economy could develop steadily in the future.The grain reserve is very necessary as the grain production is seasonal, unsteady while the grain consumption is perennial, continuous and uncertain. Grain reserve is the material basis of state macro control which plays a significant role in maintaining politics and society stability and also is important to the sustainable development of national economy. Since the founding of the People’s Republic, the government has always been devoting itself to the construction of grain reserve system which has a long developing period.Through expounding the concept of food, food safety, the grain reserve and the relationship among them, the article holds that the food problem is a very important issue. Through analyzing Chinese grain reserve system and historical experience of other countries in the world, the article comes to a conclusion and gives suggestions. There are still many problems in Chinese grain reserve system. The reserve goal is obscure; the reserve scale is unreasonable; the operation is under-developed and the number of decision makers is large. These entire problems make Chinese grain reserve can not achieve the goal of keeping food security. We should solve all these problems to improve the grain reserve system and make it become perfect.On the whole, we should solve the grain reserve problems from several aspects. First, to make the grain reserve goals clear and definite and understand the relationship among them. Second, to fix an appropriate reserve scale to reduce cost. Third, to improve the operation and grain reserve system which can increase the efficiency and flexibility of grain reserve.

【关键词】 粮食储备储备目标规模管理机制
【Key words】 Grain reserveReserve goalScaleOperation and system

