

【作者】 陈萌

【导师】 李长城;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 经济法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城市社区自治是从私法自治中衍生出来、借鉴公法自治模式产生的一种新类型的特殊自治。城市社区自治在某种程度上借鉴了国家管理的模式,以建筑物区分所有权为理论基础将业主对于房屋的所有权和管理权进行分离。随着社会的发展,私法领域也开始借鉴公法中的管理模式,例如公司的股东大会、董事会、监事会即借鉴国家立法权、行政权、司法权分立的模式设立,卢梭的“社会契约论”同样也适用小规模的社会群体的管理,我在本文中对于城市社区自治结构的讨论也正是以借鉴这种理论和模式为基础。近年来,城市社区自治在实践中显现出来的问题日益突出,业主自治纠纷呈逐年上升趋势,严重影响了社会的安定。我认为,立法上的缺失、行政管理的缺位、以及业主民主参与意识的淡漠是引发社区自治纠纷的主要原因。为此,加强立法,建立有效的法律救济手段并改变行政管理模式,在提高业主的自治能力和参与意识的基础上引入居民委员会的基层民主领导,才是预防和解决这类纠纷的有效措施,这也正是本文研究的现实意义所在。本文拟从经济法的基本原理出发,通过民商法以及行政法相关的法律作为背景进行分析和探讨,最后提出完善城市社区自治的法律建议。首先,文章第一章介绍了社区自治的基本概念及理论基础,从宏观的层面上对城市社区治理的现状进行概括性描述,通过现实存在的各种矛盾为下文社区自治中的法律关系的阐述提供铺垫。第二章,介绍了以美国、日本、新加坡为代表的国外典型社区治理模式。第三章,对我国城市社区治理情况进行了系统的梳理分析。该部分指出了现阶段社区治理中存在的问题,结合前两章的基本知识对我国社区治理中遇到的困难进行了逐一的分析,从而论证我国在立法中、实践中对业主自治模式进行规制的必要性。第四章主要针对第三章所反映的具体问题提出了以业主为权利主体的社区有限自治制度。希望通过本题的完成能明确城市社区自治的概念及相应的法律关系,规范城市社区治理在实践中的运作,通过对法律制度完善和以居民委员会为基础的“有限自治”模式的提出更好的协调社区的矛盾、保护业主的权利,促进以社区自治为基础的基层民主更规范、有效的发展。

【Abstract】 The urban community autonomy is derived from the autonomy of private law, use for reference public law to become a new type of special autonomy. It was drawing on the nationality administrantion to some extent, depends on the theoretics of buildings classification ownership self-management model, in order to separated property owners for housing ownership and management. With the development of society, private law also began to draw on the field of public law in the management model, such as the company’s shareholder meeting, the board of supervisors that draw on legislative power, executive power, judicial power mode of separation of the establishment, Rousseau’s "Social Contract" also applies to small-scale management of social groups, My structure in this paper for the discussion of self-government in urban communities is precisely based on this theory and model.In recent years, urban communities of autonomy,appear out of the issue in practice have become increasingly prominent, the dissension about owner of autonomy seriously affect the social stability on the rise year after year. I think that the absence of legislation, administration of the vacancy, and the sense of indifference of democratic participation for the owners are the main reasons for community self-government dissensions.Therefor strengthening legislation, to establish effective legal remedies and to change the administration mode of self-government, introduc the neighborhood grass-roots democratic leadership based on the improving of the owner’s ability. And that sense of participation is preventive and effective measures to resolve such disputes. This is exactly the practical significance of this paper.In this paper I intends to proceed from the basic principles of economic law, through the Civil and Commercial Law and administrative law as a background for analysis and discussion, finally put forward a sound legal advice autonomy in urban community autonomy.First of all, the first chapter introduces the basic concepts and theoretical of community autonomy, from the macro-level to conduct a general description of the community autonomy status quo, through the various contradictions that exists in reality for the following community self-government in the elaboration of the legal relationship to provide foreshadowing. The second chapter describes the urban community autonomy in United States, Japan, Singapore, represented by the typical foreign community governance model. ChapterⅢ, carry through a systematic analysis of the urban community autonomy. This section pointed out the problems in urban community autonomy, combined with the the basic knowledge discasside in the first two chapters and carried out the difficulties encountered in each analysis to demonstrate the necessary solution by the legislation, in practice for urban community autonomy model in our country. Chapter IV targeted at specific issues reflected in proposed to the owners for the right of the community with limited autonomy.I hope that through the completion of this paper, we can definitude the concept of urban community autonomy and the corresponding legal relations, criterion its operate in practice, through the legal system and to neighborhood-based to improve "limited community autonomy " model,made forth better coordination of community conflicts, protecting the rights of owners to promote community-based grass-roots democratic self-government is more standardized, effective development.


