

Design of Digital Rebound Hammer and Application in Detection of Concrete

【作者】 韩俊秀

【导师】 齐剑玲;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,建筑业在国民经济中的比重越来越大,但是建筑工程的质量一直是消费者投诉的热点。混凝土的质量直接关系到建筑工程质量,因此,探讨混凝土的无损检测是非常有意义的。本课题来源于实际项目数字式回弹系统的设计。根据混凝土质量的检测要求,针对现有回弹仪精度低、价格高、速度慢的缺点,设计了数字式回弹系统。文中所设计的数字式回弹系统所有数据的处理均满足国家标准《回弹法检测混凝土抗压强度规程》,保证了其所测数据的准确性以及回弹系统的全国通用性。具体设计工作主要包括硬件和软件两大部分。(1)在大量需求分析的基础上设计了数字式回弹系统,它由传感器及检测电路、回弹系统主机组成。由于目前市场上没有能满足本系统性能指标的传感器,所以自行研发了基于IR908、PT2559B和光栅实现的光电式位移传感器,传感器的测量电路采用低价格、高性能的串行8位开关电容逐次逼近型A/D芯片TLC749;回弹系统主机芯片采用P89V51RD2,设计了键盘、LCD、存储器、USB口和串口等电路。根据测试结果,达到了以USB口或者串口的方式与上位机进行通信的目的。光电式位移传感器实现了回弹值的自动采集,提高了数字式回弹系统的反应速度和采样精度。(2)在Keil uVision3环境下,用C语言编写了回弹系统主机的主程序、各模块的驱动程序及与上位机的通信程序,实现了数据的实时处理功能。介于所测的数据量较大,通常需要进行批处理,采用Visual C++开发了上位机软件,该软件也能达到保存或打印测试结果的目的。系统设计完毕后,对回弹系统主机和上位机进行了功能、通信测试,结果表明该系统性能良好,速度较快,满足项目需求。目前,该系统即将投入市场。它降低了生产成本,提高了工作效率,具有实用、可靠、耐用、体积小、准确等优点,对混凝土检测起到监督作用,在一定程度上促进了建筑行业的飞速发展。

【Abstract】 With the development of China’s economic construction, the proportion of the construction industry plays an increasingly large role, and provides an effective and immediate impetus to the growth of economy. However, the construction quality has always been one of the hot consumer complaints. The concrete is one of the raw materials commonly used in construction. As a result, the quality of concrete construction relates to the effectiveness of the project, the safety of the country and people’s lives and property, affects national economic development and social stability.Rebound hammer is non-destructive testing machine which is used to detect compressive strength of the construction industry. It plays a supervisory role in the development of concrete construction, has become a reliable monitoring tool for the construction of China’s rapid and healthy development. Rebound hammer is mainly used to measure the value of concrete strength, which is the maximum stress the concrete can withstand under certain force status and working conditions.This text designed a digital automatic rebound hammer according to the current construction situation, the rebound hammer consists of rebound sensor, intelligence system and software system of PC. The circuit of rebound sensor is composed of signal transmitter, signal receiver, amplification, shaping, and judge circuit based on the principles of opti-electronic transformation. The intelligence system takes P89V51RD2 as its core, including concrete strength detection, data view, data transmission, data delete and enter the carbonized value. Embedded software of the intelligence system is designed with C language in Keil uVision3. Software system of PC using Visual C + + to generate an independent and can run exe files. Software system can process data that has been transmitted by rebound sensor or entered directly by the user. Users can choose USB or serial port to transmit data to computer according to the environment of detection. The detected data can be processed singly or in batches. Data can be saved or printed after analysis and calculation, also can be converted to Microsoft Word or Excel files.The key technology of rebound hammer system is innovation of data sampling in non-destructive detection. It is digital, automatic, accurate and convenient and so on.


