

【作者】 刘佳

【导师】 张国华; 徐怀念;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 项目管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 学分制的英文全称是“Credit System”,可译为“学分系统”,也可称为学分积累制,完善的学分制与传统学年制的不同在于,学生可以自主选择学习进程、自主选课、自主选择任课教师。允许学生提前或推迟毕业,允许学生跨年级、跨专业甚至跨校选课,允许学生通过自学取得学分。学生学习自主性、个性得以彰显。这种教学管理体制是与我们实施素质教育的培养目标相一致的,也是与社会人才需求多元化、多样化相适应的一种教学管理制度。本文对学分制条件下的行政班级管理进行了初步的研究。本文首先阐明对学分制条件下行政班级管理方法进行调查研究的现实意义,依此提出本文的论题,为研究工作展开思路。接下来阐述了学分制的产生及其在我国高校应用的现状,接着论述了学分制的内涵以及特征、选择等理论,介绍了学分制条件下学生行政班级管理工作面临的新问题。在此基础上,结合实行学分制带来的学生管理的新变化及行政班级管理的新要求,讨论并分析了学分制下行政班级管理面临的新挑战及深层次范畴。最后,结合学分制下行政班级管理的现状,引出并定义实施个性化管理的策略。其中采用比较研究法对现行行政班级管理机制与学分制条件下行政班管理机制进行比较分析。同时对发挥教师作用,构建导师制的必要性、类型及方法进行了阐述。根据学分制给当前高校学生德育工作带来的挑战,提出了加强道德教育的重要性,指出做好学分制下高校学生德育工作的对策,并对学分制条件下如何明确规章制度提出了一些建议以及改进措施。

【Abstract】 Educational System is a didactical management system,which is based on complete credit system and congregate elective system,hierophant system and credit point system into one. It is Chinese credit system. Comparing with traditional credit system, it used credit and point to calculate the quality and quantity of the student’s study, and permit the students elect speciality , course, teacher and studying term(elasticity) freely, and emphasized the individuality development of students. The management of students mainly depend on aim management. It is an elastic didactical system which is suitable for the difference of individual.In this paper, the status quo in the field of higher education in China, focused on the credit system under the administrative class management strategy and implementation. The implementation of the credit system, enhance the vitality of teaching will help students and teachers to play the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the management system, In the past the management of students and ideological education depend on class, with the implementation of the credit system, a ban was originally a curriculum for each student into a curriculum, students in courses as a link to form a varied group of classes, changed The original form and content of the class. With the deepening of the credit system, the body of the class of the new building. This article on the credit system under the class-change issues arising from the study, to look for an executive management class good way to deepen the reform of the credit system of teaching can draw on to provide the basis for the theory and practice.

  • 【分类号】G451
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】459

