

Geophysical and Geology Study in Talagan Reservier of Lujiapu Depression Jiaolige Area

【作者】 邵明

【导师】 王南萍; 刘兵;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 陆家堡凹陷是辽河外围中生代盆地中油气勘探最早获得突破的凹陷,此次研究区块位于开鲁盆地陆家堡凹陷交力格洼陷东侧即交力格油田及其南侧,由于该区以往地震资料的品质较低,同时水库条件的影响,以往资料形成了空白区,影响了该区油气资源的进一步开发,为此在2005年对该区进行了新的三维地震资料采集,目的是通过三维地震资料进行解释评价,具体落实目的层的构造形态及断层的展布,结合对沉积体系的研究,明确有利储层的分布,最终为油气勘探开发及井位部署提供科学的依据。本次研究以运用层序地层学旋回理论和基于标准层层位标定的对比划分理论,通过对钻井、录井、测井以及油气藏生产数据的分析,对九佛堂组下段、九佛堂组上段、沙海组、阜新组地层进行了统一的层位划分,并准确进行了标定。研究区以湖相沉积为背景,发育了近岸水下扇、扇三角洲、深湖—半深湖以及滨浅湖等沉积体系。其中,九佛堂早期主要沉积相类型为扇三角洲和湖泊相沉积;九佛堂晚期随着湖域范围扩大,物源供给不足,三角洲砂体向岸快速退积,主要沉积相类型也为扇三角洲和湖泊相沉积;沙海期尽管湖域范围与九佛堂晚期相比没有明显的变化,但湖水明显变浅,主要沉积相类型为扇三角洲相和湖泊相沉积,滨湖相和浅湖相占主导地位;阜新期随着断裂活动减弱,湖盆进一步充填、水域的变小,在洼陷边缘发育有扇三角洲—滨浅湖体系,洼陷中央发育浅湖沉积。通过对主要目的层九佛堂组下段底界、九佛堂组上段底界、沙海组底界、阜新组底界的解释,进一步明确了研究区断裂和构造情况,根据断层在凹陷形成时的作用、规模和期次、延续时间的不同,可将研究区断裂分为三级,新发现和落实有利构造圈闭两层7个,主要构造演化经历了强烈不均衡断陷期、缓慢稳定断陷期、整体稳定下沉期、双断式地堑沉陷期四个时期。根据储层反演结果,明确了研究区阜新组底部、沙海组、九佛堂组上段储层平面展布特征。九佛堂组上段砂体最大厚度位于交25井、交18井区附近,厚度达到354.0m,向北变薄,北部厚度变化范围在50.0—200.0m之间;沙海组储层相对不发育,底部较中上部储层更为发育,主要分布在研究区范围内以南、以西;阜新组底部储层最大厚度位于交4井、交25井、交50-54井区附近,厚度分别达48.0m、47.0m,储层在研究区内厚度变化范围在0—48.0m之间。通过对油藏进行剖析,该区油藏类型有断裂背斜油藏、断层—鼻状构造油藏、断块油藏三种类型,以断裂背斜油藏为主,油藏受构造和岩性联合控制。以沉积学、石油天然气地质学、储层地质学和层序地层学以及陆相盆地油气富集规律理论为指导,在地震资料精纲解释、储层预测、油藏剂析的基础上,通过地质综合评价,将研究区划分为三个有利区带,提出了4口建议勘探井位。

【Abstract】 Lujiapu Sag is one of sags in Mesozoic sags surrounding Liaohe, which the exploration was made earlier and where exploration success was also gotten earlier. In this research, the interesting area located in Geli oil field and its suthern area, which was on the east of Jiaolige seg, Lujiapu sag, Kailu Basin. The exploration and development of this area was blocked because of the blanked block in the seismic data, which was developed with the influence of water storage reservoir and low quality of seismic data. So, a new 3D seismic data was gathered for further interpretation to (1) clarify the fault distribution and the structure, (2)characterize the distribution of favorable reservoirs with the research of sedimentary system, and then (3) make a guide for the development and drilling.This research was based on the cycle theory of sequence stratigraphy and reference-layer-based strata correlation theory. Strata correlation and accurate calibration were made with drilling, logging and production data in the strata of lower Jiufotang group, upper Jiufotang group, Shahai group and Fuxin group.It deposited lake-sedimentary systems. The facies of neritic fan, fan delta, lacustrine sedimentation and offshore were all developed. It deposited fan delta and lake sediment in strata of early Jiufotang; in the late Jiufotang period, the lake expended and the sediment-supply was lacked, so retrogradation developed and it deposited fan-delta and lacustrine sedimentation. Although, the area of the lake in Shahai period was the similar with that of late Jiufotang, the level dropped significantly, so sedimentation of shore and shallow lake were dominated in the fan-delta and lacustrine sedimentation. In the Fuxin period, with the attenuation of the tectonic activity, there were a further basin-filling and lake-atrophy, fan-delta and shore sedimentation developed on the basin edge while deposition of shallow lake developed in the center of the seg.After bottom interpretation of the above groups, the fault and structure were clarified. The faults were classified in three according to their affection, scale, period and active time. Seven new favorable traps were found in two groups. Four tectonic periods were classified including disproportionate rift period, slow-stable rift period, whole-stable depression period and bi-faulted depression period. The reservoir distribution of lower Fuxin group, Shahai group and upper Jiufotang group was characterized with the seismic inversion result. In upper Jiufotang, the max sand thickness was 354.0m which was located around well Jiao25 and Jiao 18; the sandbody was northward thinner and the thickness was between 50.0m and 200.0m. Reservoir developed worse in Shahai group; the reservoir in the bottom developed better than that of the middle and upper parts. The sand bodies of this formation developed in the south and west. In lower Fuxin group, the max sand thickness was 48.0m and 47.0m which separately located around well Jiao4, Jiao 25 and Jiao50-54; the sandbody thickness was between 0m and 48.0m.In this research, it is concluded that there are three types of reservoirs including fault- anticline reservoir, fault-nose structure reservoir and fault block reservoir. Fault-anticline reservoir was the dominated. The reservoirs are controlled by both structure and lithology.Based on the theory of Sedimentology, Petroleum Geology, Reservoir Geology, Sequence Stratigraphy and land-basin hydrocarbon gathering theory, comprehensive geological evaluation was made with the result of researches including seismic interpretation, reservoir predication and reservoir characterization. In this research, the research area was classified into three favorable belts and 4 new wells were suggested.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【下载频次】95

