

The Study of 2D Geometry and the Software for Drawing It

【作者】 李洋

【导师】 王彦春; 刘兵;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在实际二维地震采集过程中,甲方公司往往会要求地震队在最后的资料上交过程中提供带有高程曲线、井口时间曲线和静校正量等曲线的观测系统图,然而现有的常用软件中,无论是KLsies,Mesa或者是Omini,都不能够直接绘制这种二维观测系统而满足甲方的要求的,地震队的施工人员不得不使用较为原始的办法,利用图片衔接的办法将KLsies绘制的观测系统图和用EXCEL表所绘制的高程、井口时间和静校正量等曲线图连接在一起,但比例问题很难解决,绘制的观测系统既麻烦,又不是很标准,所以本文利用VISUAL BASIC编写了一个利用最终SPS数据绘制二维观测系统的软件。本文通过查阅大量的参考文献,对二维观测系统非常深入的研究,充分考虑了标准SPS数据的格式,并参照了国内外很多甲方公司的常见要求,利用VISUAL BASIC语言编写软件,采用调取最终SPS数据内部的信息的办法,生成了带有观测系统信息的命令,并且可以被AUTO CAD 2009读入的".SCR"脚本文件,该脚本文件的命令中带有可以绘制带有炮检点高程曲线、井口时间曲线和静校正量曲线,以及覆盖次数和接收关系的二维观测系统,再利用AUTO CAD 2009调用该文件,随后便可以在AUTO CAD 2009中显示所生成的观测系统图了。之后根据具体情况,我们便可以利用AUTO CAD 2009来完成该二维观测系统的绘制。本文所研究设计出来的软件,可以绘制带有高程曲线、井口时间曲线、以及静校正量曲线,并可以显示覆盖次数的标准观测系统,并能够利用AUTO CAD完成不同纸张的打印。

【Abstract】 In the 2D seismic acquisition, the client will often require a geometry map with the elevation curve, the hole-time curve and the statics curve, the geometry system at the end of the acquisition. However, the existing software, no mater KLsies, Mesa or Omini, can not draw a geometry map with these curves and meet the requirements of the client. The geophysicist of the seismic party have to connect the geometry, which drawn by the KLsies, and the elevation curve, the hole-time curve and the statics curve, which drawn by the EXCEL, so it takes a lot of time to do it, and the geometry is not so exact. So we used VISUAL BASIC writing a program, which can use the final SPS data to draw the map.After reading a lot of relational literature, studying the 2D geometry, we considered the standard SPS data formats, referenced the demand of many domestic and foreign companies, and then we used VISUAL BASIC language software to create a script file, ’.SCR’, which can use the information of the SPS data. The script file includes a geometry, which can be drawn with the elevation curve, the hole-time curve, the statics curve, and the fold. The script file can be read by the software AUTO CAD 2009. We can call this document in AUTO CAD 2009 display generated geometry map. Then according to the specific situation, we can use the AUTO CAD 2009 to draw this 2-D geometry map.The software in the text, can draw a geometry map with elevation curve, the hole-time curve, and the statics curve, and it can display the folds on the geometry map. We can use AUTO CAD to print the geometry map in various papers.

【Key words】 VISUAL BASICAUTO CAD2D geometry mapSPS
  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【下载频次】86

