

Molybdenum Resource Assessment and Development Feasibility Study of China

【作者】 石晓琛

【导师】 肖荣阁;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 钼矿作为重要的工业矿产,一直也是我国的一种传统优势矿产,主要应用于钢铁领域和其它合金领域及化工领域。在全球占有重要地位,对经济具有支撑作用。主要的钼矿床类型包括:斑岩型钼矿床、矽卡岩型钼矿床、脉型钼矿床和沉积型钼矿床。我国的钼矿主要有以下几方面的特征:分布广且相对集中;斑岩型和斑岩—矽卡岩型钼矿床类型占80%以上;贫矿多富矿少且品位低;具有工业价值的伴生组分多;易采易选;原生钼多,副产钼少。也是基于以上几点特征,导致我国有些地方因为钼的平均品位低且嵌布均匀,生产成本较高,尚未大规模开采;某些小钼矿点因交通不便、周边环境不好、原矿品位低、储量小等原因,无人开采;而还有些地方受暴利的驱动没有根据特定的钼矿床情况合理有效地开采。并且没有在矿石的伴生有用组分上开展合理的综合回收利用,同时造成了矿产资源中有用组分的流失。我国钼矿主要分布在东部成矿域、西南部成矿域和西北部成矿域。包括十三个分布带,即东秦岭—大别山钼成矿带、小兴安岭—张广才岭钼成矿带、冀北—辽西钼成矿带、胶东—辽东钼成矿带、赣北—浙西成矿带、东南沿海钼成矿带、西南部成矿域、南岭钼矿带、大兴安岭钼成矿带、长江中下游钼成矿带、得尔布干钼成矿带、祁连山钼矿化区、北天山钼矿化区。其控矿因素主要是岩浆岩和地址构造。通过对钼矿矿区的自然地理条件、基础设施;矿化特征,包括大地构造背景、地层、控矿构造、岩浆岩及围岩、区域地球物理化学特征等方面;矿床类型;控矿条件、找矿标志等的研究,并且要根据矿区不同的矿床规模、矿石品位、贫富差异、伴生矿产等因素完成储量计算,然后对该区的钼矿进行资源评估。可行性研究的主要内容包括对矿山资源储量、矿山周边环境保护措施、矿山工程的安全及投资效益等诸多方面的评估。它是保证建设项目用最少的投资耗费得到最佳的经济效果的科学手段,也是实现建设项目在技术上先进、经济上合理和建设上可行的科学方法。

【Abstract】 Molybdenum as an important industrial mineral, is also a traditional Chinese mineral, mainly used in steel and other alloys fields and the field of chemical industry. It occupies an important place in the world and takes a supporting role on the economy. Major molybdenum deposit types include: porphyry molybdenum deposit, skarn Mo deposit, vein-type molybdenum deposit and sedimentary Mo deposit. China molybdenum mine have the following characteristics : wide distribution and relative concentration; porphyry and porphyry - skarn Mo deposit type accounts for more than 80%; poor quality ore and more small and low grade ore; industrial value associated components; easy selection; less by-product molybdenum.China’s molybdenum ore field is mainly in the east, southwest and northwest metallogenic ore field. Including 13 distribution zones, namely the East Qinling - Dabie molybdenum metallogenic belt, Xiaoxing’an - Zhangguangcai molybdenum metallogenic belt, northern Hebei Province - molybdenum metallogenic belt in western Liaoning, Jiaodong - molybdenum ore belt in eastern Liaoning, Jiangxi and north - western Zhejiang metallogenic belt the southeast coast of molybdenum ore belt, southwest metallogenic domain, Nanling molybdenum belt, Daxinganling molybdenum ore belt, the Yangtze River metallogenic belt molybdenum, molybdenum Derbugan metallogenic belt, molybdenum mineralized zone in Qilian Mountains, North Tianshan of molybdenum mineralization. The main ore-controlling factors of magmatic are rocks and address structures.Studying natural geographical conditions and infrastructure; mineralization, including the tectonic setting, stratigraphy, controlling structures, magmatic rocks and rock, such as the regional geophysical and chemical characteristics; deposit type; ore conditions, find mine signs, etc. According to different deposits, ore grade, differences between rich and poor, make the area of molybdenum ore resource evaluation. The main contents of the feasibility study include mining reserves, environmental protection measures around the mining, mine safety and investment efficiency projects, and other assessments. It is ensure that construction projects cost the least investment in the best economic results of the scientific method, but also the technical realization of projects advanced and economically rational and scientific method of building viable.

  • 【分类号】P618.65
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】608

