

Study on High-temperature Water-based Waste Drilling Fluid

【作者】 单文军

【导师】 彭志坚; 孙金声;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 化学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近年来钻井深度的增加,抗高温磺化聚合物水基钻井液体系在海洋钻井中得到大面积使用。该钻井液体系为了抗高温,使用了大量的磺化类产品,其胶体非常稳定、处理剂浓度高、毒性大、色度高、COD值高,为后续废弃钻井液处理增加了难度。随着国家环保法令、法规的键全,对海洋环境的保护提到议事日程。海洋石油开发,迫切要求解决废弃钻井液无害化处理的问题。为此,中国海洋石油集团公司重大攻关项目就《钻井废弃物处理技术及工艺研究》将高温水基钻井液废弃物处理技术作为重要内容开展了深入研究。本文研究分析了抗高温聚磺水基钻井液稳定性的原因及其破胶机理,形成了一套抗高温聚磺钻井液高效破胶技术。优选出破坏聚合物交联结构的破胶氧化剂GLK-1和GXPJ-3。这两种破胶剂具有协同增效作用,对废弃抗高温水基钻井液破胶效果显著。通过对钻井液双电层作用机理和化学架桥联作用机理的研究分析,形成了一种废弃泥浆高效絮凝、混凝技术。优选出絮凝剂聚合氯化铁和助凝剂聚丙烯酰胺,并优选出高产混凝设备一体式强化混凝净水器设备及离心分离设备。废弃泥浆通过破胶后进行有效的絮凝处理后,最后达到良好的固液分离效果。对固液分离后的含油量较高的污水,形成了一种含油废水高效除油技术,研制了高效除油剂CY-16,并优选出高效气浮除油设备,对含油废水除油率达95%以上。通过对化学氧化、脱色机理的分析研究,形成了一种废弃泥浆脱色技术。优选了能够有效脱色并除COD的氧化剂。通过对吸附过滤介质的过滤效率研究,成功研制出以活性炭和KDF电化学金属材料作为滤芯的精细过滤柱,形成了一种使废水进一步脱色降COD的技术。通过对高效破胶、絮凝、固液分离、除油、氧化、吸附、过滤等技术及相关设备研究,形成了一整套废弃抗高温聚磺水基钻井液固液分离处理工艺,废液处理后为无色,COD值从大约35956mg/L降低至367.6mg/L,油含量≤50mg/L,pH值7~8,悬浮物≤200mg/L,达到了规定的考核指标。为海洋环境保护及废弃聚磺泥浆无害化处理提供技术支撑。

【Abstract】 With the recent increase in drilling depth, high temperature water-based sulfonated polymer drilling fluid system get a large use in the ocean drilling. In order to anti-high temperature, the drilling fluid system use a large number of sulfonated products, the collid is very stable, high concentration of agent, toxic, high color, COD was high, as the follow-up treating of waste drilling fluid more difficult. With the national environmental laws, the protection of the marine environment is on the agenda. Offshore oil development, an urgent need to solve harmless waste drilling fluid disposal. So China National Offshore Oil Corporation on major research projects,"Drilling Waste Management Technology and Process" will be high-temperature water-based drilling fluid waste treatment technologies as important to carry out in-depth research.This paper analyzes the causes of stability of the high temperature water-based polysulfonate drilling fluid and mechanism of breaking plastic, forming a high resistance to high temperature drilling fluid polysulfonate break techniques. Optimization of the destruction of polymer cross-linked structure formed by gel-breaking antioxidants GLK-1 and GXPJ-3. Both breaker with synergies, the high temperature water-based drilling fluid waste gel breaking effect is remarkableThrough the mechanism of double-layer fluid and the chemical mechanism of bridging research and analysis together to form a waste slurry and efficient flocculation, coagulation. Optimized ferric chloride and polyacrylamide, and optimized high style coagulation equipment and water purification equipment. Drilling mud through the flocculation treatment after the gel break, and finally achieve a good solid-liquid separation.After the separation of the solid-liquid oil content of effluent,formed a highly efficient oil-water separating technique, developed a highly efficient degreasers CY-16, and optimized high flotation oil removal equipment, waste oil removal rate more than 95%.By chemical oxidation, decolorization mechanism analysis, the formation of a drilling mud bleaching technology. Optimized effective decolorization and COD of the oxidant additionBy adsorption filtration efficiency of filter medium, the successful production of activated carbon and KDF electrochemical metal material as the fine filter cartridge column. Formed a set of further decolorization of wastewater COD reduction technologyBreaking through the plastic efficiency, flocculation, solid-liquid separation, degreasing, oxidation, adsorption, filtration technology and related equipment such as research, and forming a high temperature waste water base drilling fluid polysulfonate solid-liquid separation treatment process, wastewater treatment is a colorless, COD from about 35956mg / L down to 367.6mg / L, oil content≤50mg / L, pH of 7 to 8, SS≤200mg / L, to achieve the assessment Index. It provides technical support for marine environmental protection and waste mud polysulfonate harmless disposal.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【下载频次】589

