

Study on Disposal and Long-distance Conveying of Drill Cuttings on Drilling Platform

【作者】 倘向阳

【导师】 杨义勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 机械工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 钻屑属于石油钻井污染中的固体废物污染,是废弃钻井完井液固液分离后产生的对石油钻井无用的固相。钻屑中含有大量的有机物和有毒重金属,是一种对海洋环境有害的固体废物。钻屑的直接排放,严重污染了海洋环境,必须做无害化处理。海洋钻井环境局限于狭小的钻井平台,现场没有足够大的排污池处理钻屑,海洋石油钻井业发展初期都是直接排入海洋。随着人们的环保意识日益增强,各海洋钻井公司为适应海洋环境保护法律法规的要求,采用船输钻屑的方法运送钻屑,但这种方法成本较高,且易受海洋天气的限制,为减少海上钻井废弃物运输费用,国内外各大石油公司纷纷研究和开发钻屑处理和输送的新技术。本文主要针对钻屑的输送问题进行研究。根据钻屑远距离输送的实际要求,设计出一种输送钻屑的方案,即将钻井废弃液首先在钻井平台进行固液分离,然后将分离得到的钻屑输送到陆地做进一步无害化处理。主要研究内容如下:(1)在分析废弃钻井液及钻屑流变特性的基础上,根据对废弃钻井液固液分离程度的不同,设计出膏状钻屑和颗粒状钻屑的输送方案,通过对比方案,确定以干燥的颗粒状钻屑输送方案为研究对象,研究过程中对比了负压气力输送和正压气力输送的结构特点和输送情况,最终选择连续性的正压气力输送方案;(2)研究了正压气力输送系统的工作原理和工作流程,以系统中的关键零部件供料器和下料阀为对象研究了其结构特点,分析了它们在系统工作中可能存在的问题,并针对问题对其进行了结构优化;(3)根据输送的具体要求,计算了气力输送系统中的关键参数,并根据参数的计算结果对系统中的烘干系统和压缩气源装置做了选型;(4)利用流体仿真软件对设计的正压输送系统进行了数值模拟,研究结果表明正压气力输送系统模拟过程中所建立的模型和采用的算法具有较高的准确性和预测能力。

【Abstract】 Drill cuttings belongs to the solid waste pollution, which is the useless solid phase of the waste drilling fluid after solid-liquid separation. Drilling cuttings are harmful solid waste product during drilling operation, for there’re a lot of organic matters and toxic heavy metal ions in them. The discharge of drilling cuttings created serious marine environmental pollutions, so they must be harmlessly treated. Unlike the land-based drill operation, the offshore drilling’s drill place is limited to the drilling platform, and there aren’t large enough places to handle the drill cuttings in sewage pool. So people always discharged the drill cuttings and drill waste into the ocean directly. As the awareness of people’s environmental protection growing, in order to meet the requirements of environmental protection laws and regulations, oil companies transport the drill cuttings by boat, but this method cost much and was limited by the weather. In order to reduce the cost of offshore drilling waste transportation, many foreign oil companies start to do some researches of the new technologies about local processing of drilling waste.This paper studied on the treatment of drilling cuttings during the offshore drilling. According to the demand of the four-hundred transportation distance and the area limitation of the drilling platform, proposed a solution that treated the drilling cuttings on the platform firstly, and then transported the cuttings to land for further treatment. The main contents are as follows:Firstly, two different programs was put forward based on the level of solid-liquid separation of drilling waste, which were paste cuttings transport and granular cuttings transport. Then, analyzed the structural and transportation features of the two different conveying systems, one was the negative pressure pneumatic conveying system, the other was the positive pressure pneumatic conveying system. At last, decided the continuous positive pressure pneumatic conveying as the research program according the work requirements.Secondly, the system principle and work flow of positive pressure pneumatic conveying system was analyzed, and the problems existing in the pneumatic conveying process was studied on. This paper optimized the feeder and replaced the ball valve by the latest dome valve, which is a good solution to the valve wear.Thirdly, the important parameters in the pneumatic conveying system was calculated according to the requirements of transportation, such as the conveying distance and the conveying capacity, then select the air compressor and the dryer.Lastly, the conveying system simulated with the fluid simulation software, and the simulation results showed that this simulation model had high accuracy and good predictive ability.


