

A Study on Procedural Rights of College Students

【作者】 胡政莲

【导师】 郑良信;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,已经成为国家法治建设方略的发展方向。随着国家法制建设的不断完善,公众维权意识不断增强,作为思维最活跃的高校学生群体,他们自然也日益关注自身权利的保护与实现。虽然教育领域已经初步形成一个相对有序的教育法律体系,但目前高等教育法律秩序与法治国家的要求还是有一定的差距。法律权利可分为实体性权利和程序性权利,在高校与其学生之间的诉讼案中,反映较普遍的问题是高校管理在程序上的不合法,学生不能充分享有程序性权利,正是由于学生程序性权利在高校管理中的缺失,从而使得学生的实体性权利受到侵害。因此,确认和保护高校学生程序性权利,使社会、高校、学生本人等都来关注学生的程序性权利,有利于高校学生实体性权利的保障。本文通过文献整理、问卷调查和案例分析对高校学生程序性权利现状进行分析,并进一步对知情权、听证权、申诉权、参与权和其它程序性权利的具体内容和现状进行详细阐述,提出高校学生程序性权利缺失问题。并对高校学生程序性权利保障的制约因素进行多角度、深层次探讨,从而指出教育法律体系的不完善、高校管理行为缺乏规范、学生维权能力的缺乏和其它外部条件的制约是无法保障高校学生程序性权利实现的主要制约因素。最后,从提升维权意识、营造维权环境和完善制度建设、构建保障体系两方面提出了我国高校学生程序性权利保障的具体的、可操作的对策与建议。这不仅有助于提升学生维权意识,切实保障学生权利,更有利于进一步推进高校依法治校,同时也是构建和谐校园的客观需要。

【Abstract】 Manages state affairs according to law, the build socialism country under the rule of law, already became the national government by law construction plan the development direction. Along with the ceaseless strengthening of Chinese legal system and the public consciousness of vindicating rights,as the most active university students, they also day by day pay attention to how to protect their rights. The educational fields also already initially formed a relative order the legal framework, but the present higher education law order and country under the rule of law’s request had certain disparity. The legal right may divide into the reality right and the procedural right, in university’s with its student between lawsuit, reflected that the universal question is the university manages in the procedure is illegal, the student cannot enjoy the procedural right fully, is precisely because student procedural right, in the university manages the flaw, thus causes student’s reality right to receive the violation. Thus causes student’s reality right to receive the violation. Therefore, confirms and the protection procedural rights of college students, causes the society, the university, student and so on to pay attention to student’s procedural right, is advantageous in the university student reality right safeguard.This paper discusses the actuality of procedural rights of college students in China from two sides,one side is text analysis, another is demonstration review. Then this article analyses the content of procedural rights of college students in detail, such as the right to know, the right to be heard ,the right to appeal, the participation right and the other rights, and then points at the question of procedural rights of college students flaw. And carries on the multiple perspectives, the deep level discussion to the procedural rights of college students safeguard’s restriction factor, points out that the education legal framework imperfect, the university administrative action lacks the standard, student Uygur power strength lacking is unable the main restriction factor which with other external condition restriction safeguards the procedural rights of college students to realize. Finally, from promoted the Uygur power consciousness, to build the Uygur power environment and the consummation system construction, the construction safeguard system two aspects proposed Our country procedural rights of college students safeguard concrete, might operate countermeasure and suggestion. Not only this is helpful in promotes the student Uygur power consciousness, safeguards the student right earnestly, is more advantageous to further advances the university to run the school legally, simultaneously is also the construction harmonious campus objective need.

【关键词】 高校大学生程序性权利
【Key words】 CollegesstudentsProcedural rights

