

【作者】 宋蓉洁

【导师】 刘正国;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文的研究对象是:皖东地区曾经流传于民间的地方戏曲——“洪山戏”。“洪山戏”渊源于民间的“香火戏”,对当下吴语地区的扬剧曲调发展起了重要作用。本论文对洪山戏进行了整体性研究,突破以往研究中单纯对“香火戏”、“洪山戏”或者扬剧本身的研究,而将三者贯穿于一条主线,较为翔实地将洪山戏的历史、文化意义揭示出来。论文主体部分一共包括四章:第一章通过各类辞书、资料对有关“洪山戏”戏名的来源作了描述和分类,并阐述了观点;第二章结合民俗学相关知识,并以田野调查作辅助,论述了“洪山戏”与民间“香火戏”、“香火仪式”以及“傩俗”的渊源关系;第三章集中了戏曲的概念和知识,举例对“洪山戏”的各种唱腔音乐作了分析,并将“洪山戏”的曲调与扬剧曲调作了对比,揭示了二者之间的亲缘关系;第四章是笔者分别对与“洪山戏”相关的民间社团、研究者以及老艺人的实地考访;论文前有“绪论”后有“附录”,“附录”部分为“洪山戏”在抗战时期所起宣传作用的一段史实的叙录,并列出了洪山戏演员表。本论文的研究,是为濒临失传的“洪山戏”提供了第一部较为系统的具有重要参考价值的文本资料。

【Abstract】 This paper aims to study the HongShan drama, which is the local drama of the east of Anhui province and was popular among the local areas.HongShan drama originated from the Temple drama among the audiences and played a very important role in the development of Yang ju opera in Wu dialect-speaking areas. Instead of the previous sole study on the Temple opera ,Hongshan opera or Yang ju opera, this paper will give a holistic study on the Hongshan opera and string the three operas together so as to reveal the historical and cultural meanings of the Hongshan opera in detail.The theme of this paper consists of four chapters. The first chapter is about how the descriptions and categories of the various names of Hongshan opera came into being through lots of lexicographical books and reference materials. The second chapter deals with the kinship among the Hongshan opera and Temple opera, opera for religious ceremony, as well as Nuo vulgar through field research. The third chapter focuses on the concepts and knowledge of Chinese traditional drama in order to analyze the singing style of Hongshan opera and reveal the kinship between them by giving examples. The last chapter is about the visit paid to the nongovernmental association, researchers as well as the old performers who are closely related to the HongShan drama.The paper starts with a prolegomenon and an appendix after it. The appendix is mainly on the narration of the history when it was anti-Japnese war. It lists the names of the performers of HongShan drama.The intention of the reseach is to provide a valuable material for the study of the extinct form of art. It is of great value for the further systematic research into the HongShan drama.


