

The Research on Reflective Learning Strengthened Collaboration in the Information Environment

【作者】 黄翠银

【导师】 陈向东;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 反思是对自己的思维过程和结果进行再认知的检验过程。传统的反思一般从“对学习者学习过程的反思”、“对学习者学习结果的反思”、“对学习者学习环境的反思”和“对学习者学习动机的反思”四个方面研究,这种反思注重宏观方面研究,但在微观方面研究存在不足。本文通过对国内外相关研究的整理,提出了一种促进协作的反思性学习方式,学生在学习过程中反思其交流和协作过程,以促进学生间的合作。本研究的主要工作包括:1.对国内外反思性学习的研究现状做了整理和分析。在社会建构主义的基础上,采用文献研究法和内容分析法,分别从文献量和论文主题两方面阐述近10年国内外反思性学习的研究现状。2.在对“国内外学者对反思性学习研究现状”的认知基础上,提出了一种新型的学习方式——促进协作的反思性学习,让学生在相互沟通与交流中反思自身与他人的协作过程。3.将提出的促进协作的反思学习方式的设想,用于信息环境下的教学实践中,以上海市国和中学预初一(3)班的学生为实验对象,验证这种学习方式的有效性。研究结果表明,促进协作的反思性学习方式,可以让学生通过自我反思的方式,反思其与他人的协作,找出协作中存在的问题,让学生间的关系更清晰和直观,从而促进学生间的协作,加强学生间的网络强度。本文的研究成果主要有两点:1.促进协作的反思性学习方式突破以往研究者对反思研究的局限。从一个新的角度——协作来探讨反思性学习的应用。2.利用社会网络分析法了解班级群体特征和班级中的学生间的人际关系。本研究只是一种探索性尝试,虽然取得了一些研究成果,但是还存在诸多问题,但这些问题也为后续的研究提供了进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Reflection is an inspection process which people recognized their own thoughtprocesses and thought results. In tradition, reflection is often researched from“reflectthe learning process”,“reflect the learning result”,“reflect the learning environment”,“reflect the learning motivation”. We try our best to propose the new learning methodwhich foster collaboration when the students reflect their collaboration.Students reflect their own collaboration when they cooperate with others in theirlearning. We have researched as follows:First, collect and analysis the status quo of the reflected learning in order toachieve the necessity of the research, we used the constructivism theory to review thepresent situation of research on reflective learning with Bibliometrics.Second, on the basis of the "the present situation of research on reflective leaning", we proposed the learning method which promote students’ collaboration. In this newlearning method, students will reflect their own collaboration when they cooperate withothers.Third, put the thinking of promoting the collaboration into the teaching practice.We choose the class 3, junior students in Shanghai GuoHe Middle School as theexperiment subject, in order to prove the validation of the learning method.The findings indicated that this new learning method will made students fosteredtheir network strength and the students collaborate through students’self-reflection.Meanwhile, students look up some problems on the process of their collaboration andthe relations between the students will become more clear and visualization when theyreflect their collaboration between other students. The research results have two points:First, we find the new aspect—“collaboration”to research the reflective learning.Second, We analyzed students features when they reflect their collaboration withother students with SNA.Though we have got some research results about the reflection, yet there are someproblems in the research.


