

【作者】 张剑

【导师】 李建中;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中外政治制度, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 当代社会,政治沟通已经成为政治生活的常态。它对一国的政治民主化、决策科学化等起着重要的推动作用。在我国地方人大代表直接选举中,选民将自己的政治信息和要求向代表候选人传达,代表候选人向选民作出政治承诺,这在本质上是一种政治沟通过程,其本身就是一种正式的政治沟通通道。目前,我国地方人大代表直接选举中的政治沟通机制存在着领导控制式、动员参与式、协商确定式、互动了解(详知)式四种类型。本文运用政治沟通理论对我国地方人大代表直接选举中政治沟通机制存在的不足、原因及改进对策进行了深入探讨,指出:领导控制式政治沟通机制由于沟通者将计划经济时代“党管干部”原则的一些理念运用于当代中国,具体地领导控制整个沟通过程,导致受者(选民)沟通积极性低下及政治信息在二者之间的对流不充分,从而影响了沟通效果的实现。因此,沟通者应正确认识“党管干部”原则在当代中国的应用范围,摆正执政党与人大代表选举的关系。改革县、乡人大代表选举中代表候选人的提名推荐制度,确保“选民联名提名”与“组织提名”的平等地位,使受者(选民)感觉到自己在代表候选人提名中能真正发挥作用而更积极主动地参与沟通。动员参与式政治沟通机制由于沟通者(选举机构、选民小组长等)对参选率与民主政治之间的关系理解错误,用多种不当方式去动员选民参与选举沟通,使受者(选民)在沟通过程中处于被动状态,政治信息对流不充分,沟通效果不佳。因此,沟通者应切实转变观念,正确认识参选率与民主政治的关系。改革县、乡人大代表选举中的选区划分等制度,增强人大代表选举的内在驱动力和吸引力,从而调动广大选民的参选积极性和主动性。协商确定式政治沟通机制由于现存法律制度中相关规定比较粗疏,导致沟通主体(沟通者与受者)的多元性不足;沟通内容不全面;沟通通道少,从而影响了沟通效果的实现。因此,必须改革选举委员会和选民小组的构成,广泛吸收各方面代表人士尤其是普通公民代表参加,以增强沟通主体的多元性、民意代表性及地位平等性。同时,应修订相关法律制度,明确规定“酝酿、讨论、协商”正式代表候选人的内容和具体方式,确保沟通内容全面、沟通方式多元,使沟通信息在沟通主体之间充分对流,以实现预期效果。互动了解(详知)式政治沟通机制由于我国现行选举法对介绍代表候选人的主体、方式及内容的规定过于原则和笼统,导致沟通过程中沟通者少、沟通内容简单、沟通方式单一,沟通效果不佳。因此,应修订相关法律、法规,明确规定代表候选人必须主动宣传介绍自己、并规定代表候选人介绍主体介绍代表候选人的具体内容和方式,从而实现预期效果。总之,应通过增加沟通多元性、强化制度性、增强互动性,使我国地方人大代表直接选举中的四大政治沟通机制向理想的政治沟通机制——多元互动式政治沟通机制转化,从而使地方人大真正成为广大人民群众当家作主的权力机构。

【Abstract】 Contemporary social, political communication has become a normal political life. It has played an important role for a country’s political democratization, scientific decision-making and so on. In the direct election of Local People’s Congress, voters convey own political messages and asks to candidates, candidates convey political commitments to the voters, this is a political communication process in essence, itself is a formal political communication channel. At present, the direct election of local deputies has four types of political communication mechanism: Leadership controlled, Mobilization Participation, Consultation style, Interactive Learn (details known).In this paper, I use political communication theory to analyze the shortcomings of political communication mechanism of the direct election of local deputies, point out: the communications effect of the leadership controlled political communication mechanism is unsatisfactory, because communicator (the communist party of china) misinterprets the principle that the party is in charge of cadre management, Specifically lead and control the communication process, causing the communication and active of recipients is low, political messages inadequately flow between communicators and recipients. So, communicator (the communist party of china) should changes its viewpoint, correctly understand the application of "cadres" principle, and put the relationship between the ruling party and the election of deputies rightly. Related departments should reform nominated system of county and township People’s Congress elections, ensuring that "voters nominating" and "organization nominating" equality, letting that recipients (voters) feel that they can really play a role in the nomination of candidate, and more actively involved in communication. The communications effect of political communication mechanism of Mobilization Participation is unsatisfactory, because communicator(sElectoral institutions, leaders of electoral groups and do on)misinterpret the relationship between voter turnout and democracy, and use of a variety of improper ways to mobilize voters to communicate in the elections. Recipients (voters) are in a passive state in the communication process. Political messages inadequately flow between communicators and recipients. So, communicators should changes their viewpoint, correctly understand the relationship between voter turnout and democracy. Related departments should reform the system of electoral division of county and township People’s Congress elections, strengthening the internal driving force and attractive of Deputies elected, mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of voters in the election. The communications effect of the political communication mechanism of consultation style is unsatisfactory, because the relevant provisions of the existing legal system are more careless, leading the main communication (communicator and recipient) lack of diversity, communication content is not comprehensive, and communication channel is less. So, related departments should reform the composition of election commission and electoral groups; abroad absorb representatives from all walks of people, especially representatives of ordinary citizens, which can enhance the diversity of the main communication, representativeness, equality of status. At the same time, related departments should amend the relevant legal system, Specifies that the content and the specific ways of "the preparation, discussion and consultation" the official representative, Ensure that communication is comprehensive, multi-communication. The communications effect of the political communication mechanism of Interactive Learn (details known) type is unsatisfactory, because the requirements of the subject, methods and content of introducing the candidates in the existing electoral law are over-Principles and general, causing less communicator, communication is simple, a single communication. So, related departments should amend the relevant legal system, Specifies that candidates must take the initiative to publicize themselves and the specific content and methods of introducing the candidates.In short, through increasing the diversity of communication, strengthening the system, and increasing interaction, we can transform the four types of political communication mechanism of the direct election of local deputies to the ideal of political communication mechanism - multiple interactive mechanisms. So that local people’s congresses truly become masters of the masses authority.


