

The Comparison Research on the Old-age Insurance System in the Three Countries of the East Asian

【作者】 陈恩平

【导师】 刘诚;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人口老龄化是当今世界各国共同面临的社会问题,越来越多的老年人口影响着社会的人口结构。如何安置好这部分人的生活,已成为各国迫在眉睫的任务。养老保险制度就在这一形势下产生并不断发展和变革。其最初建立的目的就是为了保障劳动者在退出劳动领域或丧失劳动力后的基本生活。也就是对劳动者老年生活的保障。随着社会经济的发展,养老保险也在不断的变革,保障的范围渐渐扩大至社会各个阶层的老年人。保障的内容也更加详细和完善。如今养老保险已成为社会保障的核心部分,直接影响着社会的稳定和经济发展。随着我国老龄化的不断加剧,简单的养老保险制度已不能满足需要,要建立合理完善的养老保险体系才是关键。我国养老保险制度从建立到现在,虽然经历了过多次的改革,但由于时代的发展制度本身存在的问题和局限性也不断暴露。为了有效地完善我国的养老保险制度,促进养老保险的改革,应该充分借鉴国外的成功经验。因此,本文选取了和中国有着相似历史文化背景的日本、韩国和新加坡三国的养老保险制度进行分析和研究,希望能从中找出适合我国的措施和对策。东亚三国在养老保险制度方面都有很长发展历程,累积了不少的经验。特别是日本,作为老年人口大国,建立养老保险制度有50多年了,已经形成了一整套完整的养老保险体系,在东亚直至整个世界都是极有代表性的。韩国在养老保险方面也有几十年的改革和发展,虽然在某些方面和日本的养老保险有所类似,但也有自己的特点,其根据自身的实际情况形成了一套合适自己的养老保险体系。新加坡也是世界上养老保险制度有代表性的典型国家之一。尽管学术界对制度的褒贬不一,但从其实施的效果及长久以来屹立不倒就可以看出它还是有值得学习的地方。本文在比较东亚三国的养老保险制度之前,首先对养老保险的概念、意义和理论基础等进行阐述,为后文的比较研究打下基础。接下来,通过对东亚三国养老保险制度中涉及的养老保险覆盖范围、养老保险基金的筹集、养老保险基金的管理、养老保险基金的运营和养老保险基金的给付等方面进行详细比较、和综合分析,总结出东亚三国在这些方面上的共同点和区别。同时,也分析了我国养老保险制度在以上方面存在的问题,并通过对东亚三国的比较提取出适合我国的经验,为我国养老保险制度的改革提出意见和建议。

【Abstract】 The aging population is facing the world today social problems, more and more elderly population affecting the demographic structure of society. How successful resettlement of these people’s lives, has become a pressing task. Old-age insurance system created in this situation and constantly develop and change. The establishment of its initial purpose is to protect the workers out of work in the field or after the loss of labor’s basic livelihood. That is, for workers to protect the elderly. With the social and economic development, pension insurance, also constantly change, the coverage gradually expanded to all levels of society in the elderly. To protect the contents more detailed and improved.Today, the social security pension insurance has become a central part of a direct impact on social stability and economic development. As China’s growing aging, a simple old-age insurance system has been unable to meet the needs, we must establish reasonable and perfect old-age insurance system is the key. Old-age insurance system in China from the establishment to the present, although the reform has experienced many times, but the development of the times the system itself due to the problems and limitations have been exposed. In order to effectively improve China’s old-age insurance system, and promote the reform of pension insurance, this paper selected and China share a similar historical and cultural background of Japan, South Korea and Singapore’s pension insurance system for analysis and research, it would be to find suitable for our country measures and countermeasures.The three countries of East Asia in the old-age insurance system had a very long development process, has accumulated a lot of experience. Especially Japan, as a large elderly population in the country, the establishment of old-age insurance system has more than 50 years, and has formed a complete set of old-age insurance system in East Asia until the entire world are highly representative. South Korea pension also has decades of reform and development, although in some respects, and Japan have a similar old-age insurance, but also has its own characteristics, based on the actual situation in their own form of an appropriate system for their own old-age insurance. Singapore is also the world’s old-age insurance system is one of the typical representative. Although the academic system of mixed, but the effect of its implementation, and will survive a long time can see that it is worthy of study areas.Before the comparative of the three countries’old-age insurance system in the East Asia in this paper, first, set forth the concept, significance and theoretical of the old-age insurance system, that in order to elaborate the comparative study of the post-lay the foundation for the text. Then, through the old-age insurance system in the three countries of East Asia involved in the coverage of pension insurance, pension insurance fund raising, the management of pension insurance funds, pension insurance funds and pension insurance funds operate in areas such as a detailed comparison of pay, and a comprehensive analysis of, summed up the three countries of East Asia on a common ground in these areas and differences. At the same time, it analyzes the pension insurance system in China the problems in the above areas, and through comparison of the three countries in East Asia to extract suitable to China’s experience for China’s pension insurance system reforms comments and suggestions.

【关键词】 东亚养老保险问题比较借鉴
【Key words】 East Asiapensionproblemcomparisonreference

