

【作者】 李花

【导师】 邬眉;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作曲家黎英海先生为民族音乐理论研究与创作付出了毕生的精力,在古诗词艺术歌曲创作上有很深的造诣。他创作的古诗词艺术歌曲《唐诗三首》1的诗歌意境、旋律音型、伴奏和声等均有着非凡的艺术魅力,可称得上是中国艺术创作歌曲的精品,深受人们喜爱。作为中华诗词学会会员的男高音歌唱家姜嘉锵先生在古曲、古诗词艺术歌曲的演唱上独具一格,誉为“古诗词歌曲演唱第一人”,两大精英的完美结合将《唐诗三首》的神韵表现得淋漓尽致,为声乐界古诗词艺术歌曲的演唱指明了前进方向。本文在广泛的文献检索、深入的理论分析和名家演唱实践分析的基础上,阐述了《唐诗三首》的创作背景、艺术魅力、演唱探析及古诗词艺术歌曲的演唱。重点指出了作品的艺术魅力、演唱的要点及难点,旨在能给演唱者提供理论依据和可供参考的演唱建议,并引发与其他研究者们就关于古诗词歌曲课题相关的深入探讨,来填补这项并不被人重视却又散发着中华民族优秀文化韵味的专题空缺,同时用研究来吸引注意力,从而推动中国民族声乐作品的艺术创作。

【Abstract】 Conversant with Chinese culture, Li Yinghai as a composer of great attainments in composing music for classical poems, devotes all his life to the composition and research on Chinese national music. The endearing songs composed by him and based on the Three Poems in Tang Dynasty are regarded as the art treasures in China because of their fine images, melodies and accompaniments. Jiang Jiaqiang, a tenor and a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, develops his own style when singing the songs with classical and poetic origins and is called the first man who sings the classical poetic songs. The perfect cooperation between Li Yinghai and Jiang Jiaqiang leads to the romantic charm of the songs based on the Three Poems in Tang Dynasty, which has pointed the way forward for singing the poetic songs.This paper, based on extensive references, profound theoretical analysis and the analysis of famous singers’practice, expounds the Three Poems in Tang Dynasty on their backgrounds, artistic charm and the ways the poetic songs are sung. With emphases on the artistic charm, the main points and the difficult points when the poetic songs are sung, it attempts to provide singers with a model and some advice. By doing so, other researchers would be aroused to explore deeply in this field which is vacant despite its strong pleasing charm. Then, the gap would be filled. With enough attentions, the composition of Chinese national music will be promoted greatly.


