

The Investigation about Pp and Prepositional Framework of Modern Chinese "AnZhao"

【作者】 徐敏

【导师】 陈昌来;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究的对象是“按照”类介词(按、照、按照、按着、照着)及这类介词与“说/讲/看/来说/说来/来讲/看来/来看/看”等准助词构成的介词框架。除引言外,共分四个部分。第一部分主要对“按照”类介词短语和介词框架的构成进行描写,分析了介词宾语和介词框架后部的准助词,并分析探讨了“按照”类介词内部的差异。第二部分主要探讨了“按照”类介词短语和介词框架的句法功能,并分析了句法、语义、语用等因素对句法位置、句法功能的影响,其中语义因素是最深层的影响因素,句法、语用因素其次。第三部分主要分析“按照”类介词短语和介词框架的语义、语用功能。“按照”类介词的语义功能在不同的个体之间存在着差异。“按照”类介词短语和介词框架的语用功能主要表现在标记话题和篇章的衔接与管界功能上。第四部分主要描述了“按照”类介词和介词框架的形成与发展。介词“按”在汉代形成,表凭借的介词“照”在唐宋出现,表处所的介词“照”在明清出现,其它双音节的“按照”类介词都是在近代汉语中形成并发展的。“按照”类介词框架则是在清末时期出现的。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the object is "AnZhao(按照)" category Pp (An、Zhao、AnZhao、AnZhe、ZhaoZhe) and the type of preposition and "Shuo / Jiang / LaiShuo / Kan/LaiKan"and other pre-auxiliary consisting of preposition framework. In addition to the introduction, the divided into four parts.The first part of the main right " AnZhao(按照)" category Pp and prepositional frame the composition of its description, analysis of prepositions and prepositional object framework for the rear of the pre-auxiliary . Discussed and analyzed " AnZhao(按照)" category preposition internal differences.The second part mainly discusses the " AnZhao(按照)" category Pp and their syntactic function of prepositions framework and analyzes the syntax, semantics, pragmatics and other factors on syntactic position, syntactic function, in which semantic factors are the most deeply affected by factors, syntax, followed by pragmatic factors.The third part of the main analysis semantic and pragmatic functions of " AnZhao(按照)" category Pp and the preposition frame. " AnZhao(按照)" category preposition semantic feature different there are differences between individuals. " AnZhao(按照)" category Pp and the preposition framework reflected in the pragmatic functions of the main topics and chapter marks the interface between functions and the management sector.Part IV will describe the formation and development of " AnZhao(按照)" category Pp and preposition fram . Preposition "An(按)" in the formation of the Han Dynasty, the table by virtue of the preposition, "Zhao(照)" appeared in the Tang and Song dynasties, That the premises" Zhao(照)" In the Ming and Qing dynasties there, the other pairs of syllables " AnZhao(按照)" category in Modern Chinese prepositions are formed and the development of . " AnZhao(按照)" category preposition framework is emerging in the early republic.


