

The Study of Hu Yuan’s Educational Psychology Thought

【作者】 丁丽萍

【导师】 燕国材;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 燕国材先生曾说:“长时期来,我国的教育心理学不是言必称西方,就是言必称苏联;而对我国自己的有关思想,却很少问津。这显然与我们这样一个有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国是不相称的。我们应当改变这种‘蜂蝶纷纷过墙去,却疑春色在邻家’的局面,用现代教育心理学的眼光,把我国古代的教育心理思想遗产,爬罗剔抉、分析整理一番,以贡献于本民族,贡献于全人类。”本文秉承燕老这一精神,旨在完成对北宋初期教育家胡瑗的教育心理思想的介绍和研究,以期充实当代对古代教育心理思想的研究,发掘胡瑗教育心理思想对当代教育的启示和借鉴。胡瑗(993-1059),字翼之,江苏泰州海陵(今江苏如皋)人。是我国北宋初年著名的学者和教育家,“宋初三先生”之一,因祖居陕西安定,被门人学者尊称为“安定先生”。他开宋代理学先河,集教育理论、教育实践和教学改革于一身,倡导以儒家思想为中心,形成了“明体达用”的教育理念,创造了闻名后世的“苏湖教法”。所谓“明体”,就是学习领会儒家经典,所谓“达用”,就是把所学道理付诸实用,学习一门或者多门专业技术,作为修身和治国的手段。“苏湖教法”的内涵丰富,包括分斋教学、直观教学、博采众长、身体力行等等。本论文是按照燕国材教授对古代教育心理思想研究的体系,从心理学角度对胡瑗的思想进行探讨。除“绪论”和结论,本文另外从四个章节,分别是胡瑗教育心理思想的基本观点、学习心理思想、德育心理思想、差异心理和教师心理思想五个方面来论述。绪论介绍了胡瑗的生平、生活的时代背景、其主要著作和现代对胡瑗的研究,说明了研究胡瑗教育心理思想对当代教育的意义。第一章教育心理思想的基本观点是讲了胡瑗教育心理思想的理论基础“性善论”、“学知论”和“明体达用”。第二章学习心理思想讲了胡瑗对学习心理学中几个问题的观点,如“学习的意义”、“学习的过程及其阶段”、“学习的原则与方法”。胡瑗非常重视德育,本文第三章德育心理思想探讨了他对“德育的意义”、“德育的过程”、“德育的原则与方法”三个问题的看法。第四章是胡瑗的差异心理思想和教师心理思想。差异心理思想主要从胡瑗分斋教学,因材施教方面进行探讨,教师心理思想讲了尊师爱生、身体力行、博采众长和直观教学四个方面。结论部分对胡瑗的教育心理思想进行了小结。

【Abstract】 Professor Guocai Yan ever said: it has been a long time that China’s educational psychology worship the West or the Soviet Union, but rarely concern about our own. It is not proportionate with china such a ancient civilization with long history and splendid culture. We should change this situation of‘Bees and butterflies go over the wall, so we wonder if spring is in the neighborhood ’.This paper aims to complete the introduction and research of the educational psychology theory of Hu Yuan who was an educationalist and a theorist in early Northern Song Dynasty. To enrich the contemporary research of the ancient educational psychology, explores the inspiration and reference of Hu Yuan’s educational psychology thought to contemporary education.Hu Yuan(993-1059), character Yi Zhi, Hailing Taizhou Jiangsu(Rugao of Jiangsu Province) . He was one of the forerunners of the Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism, and set educational theory, educational practice and teaching reform in one, advocated Confucianism as the center, forming a“Ming Ti Da Yong”educational concept, creating a well-known“Suhu teachings”.“Ming Ti Da Yong”, that is, understand the Confucian classics ,practice what they have learned.“Suhu teachings”is rich in content, including sub-vegetarian teaching, visual teaching, reading much, personally doing and so on.In addition to“Introduction”and“Conclusions”, this paper is divided into four parts. Introduction describes the life of Hu Yuan, life historical background, his main works and the modern study of Hu Yuan. Hu Yuan’s basic views to educational psychology talk of“theory of human nature is good”,“learning to know theory”and“Ming Ti Da Yong”.Learning psychology ideas talk about“the meaning of learning”, “learning process and its stages”,“the principles and methods of learning”. Hu Yuan attached great importance to moral education, this paper explores his“the meaning of moral education”,“the process of moral education”and“the principles and methods of moral education”three issues. Differences psychology ideas talk about sub-vegetarian teaching. Teacher psychology ideas talk about the psychological thinking of love students and respect for teachers, personally doing, reading much, visual teaching.Conclusion is the part that the whole paper is summarized.


