

【作者】 刘佳玺

【导师】 胡知凡;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 21世纪初,儿童图画书在中国大陆日渐红火,影响着中国大陆出版市场的同时,也逐渐走进了中国教育界的视野,而本文主要从学前教育的角度,分析什么是儿童图画书,她对学前儿童的教育价值具体是指哪些方面?她在学前教育中的发展现状如何?我的研究主要分为三个部分:第一部分主要是对儿童图画书的定义、基本构造以及在国内外的发展状况进行概述,以解答什么是儿童图画书;第二部分是探讨儿童图画书的教育价值,我从两个方面进行讨论,第一个方面是探讨儿童图画书对学前儿童成长的存在意义,第二个方面是探讨儿童图画书在学前教学中的运用,即图画书教学。这两个部分的研究结果显示,儿童图画书运用大量图片表现故事内容,其形象性的特点不仅可以帮助学前儿童阅读故事,培养良好的阅读习惯,同时还对学前儿童的语言表达能力、观察力、想象力、审美能力、逻辑思维能力及情感道德培养等诸多方面的发展都具有推波助澜的作用。不仅如此,图画书本身还是亲子阅读的最佳媒介,她的故事内容展现了儿童的世界观,帮助成人了解儿童的心灵世界,她的创作手法丰富多样而又各具匠心,帮助成人提高鉴赏能力的同时,也拉近了成人与儿童文学的距离。可是,最近的资讯显示,儿童图画书的市场销售状况始终处于“有心栽花花不开”的状态,我根据上述两部分的研究结果推测,问题应该不是出在儿童图画书本身,而是出在儿童图画书的发展途径和宣传手段上,所以,我又进行了第三部分的研究。第三部分的研究主要以上海地区为例,亲自进入出版社、幼儿园和读书会,通过对编辑、原创作者、学前教师和家长等共计410个人的访谈调查,通过了解他们对儿童图画书的认知程度,剖析他们对儿童图画书的真实看法,揭示儿童图画书的发展现状及问题缩在。调查结果显示,儿童图画书的发展阻碍主要是由于“缺乏交流渠道”,家长、学前教师和出版界各有想法,却找不到交流合作的空间,由此产生了诸多误解,阻碍了儿童图画书的发展。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of 21st century, children’s picture book in China became more and more prosperously. It not only affected the publishing market, but also entered the pre-school education’s vision. Then, this article mainly focuses on analyzing the relationship between the children’s picture book and pre-school education.My research is divided into three parts:In the first part, the author presents a general review of the children’s picture book, including the definition and the basic structure and the historical development at home and abroad, to answer what is the children’s picture book.The second part will focus on the relationship between the children’s picture book and pre-school education, to answer what are the details of its educational value.The study showed that the children’picture book always present story by a large of pictures, which makes these pre-school children who are not literate to read, and promote their language skills, observation, imagination, aesthetic ability, logical thinking and emotional and moral training. Moreover, the children’s picture book is the best medium for parent-child reading. Its story shows the child’s view of the world, to help adults understand the child’s inner world, and its artistic content can help adults improve their appreciative ability, t at the meanwhile, closing the distance between adults and children literature. However, resent information shows that the children’s picture book sales not very well. Still many people do not care of its existence. But according to the above study results, I suggest that there is no problem with the children’s picture book itself, but its means of development. So I proceeded with the third part of the study.In the third part, I choose Shanghai to conduct a case study to achieve a further understanding of the current situation of the children’s picture book. By surveying 410 people, the study shows that the lack of communication is the mainly problem. Parents, pre-school teachers and press has their own ideas, but can not find a way to share and cooperate, which resulting a lot of misunderstanding and hinder the development of the children’s picture book.

  • 【分类号】G239.2
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2452

