

【作者】 陈文文

【导师】 高红霞;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 上海开埠后,西方饮食文化通过各种途径输入上海,五口通商的租界首当其冲成为咖啡引入的桥头堡,后来出现了独立营业的咖啡馆。咖啡馆最初主要为适应外侨休闲和聚会而设立,后来逐渐成为上海部分市民的一种生活方式。它在上海的发展折射出近代上海地域文化特征和市俗人情百态。咖啡馆作为较早的西方舶来品,无论在建筑装饰还是在品饮方式上都体现了异域特色,成为人们了解西方生活方式的窗口;在经营管理等方面,咖啡馆一方面承袭了西方的理念,同时也适应着上海特色,成为上海城市的一道风景。对咖啡馆业的管理主要来自同业公会和政府。上海咖啡馆业在近代发展中形成了自己的同业组织——西菜咖啡商业同业公会,公会在规范各咖啡馆的营业、协调咖啡馆之间的矛盾和促进咖啡馆发展等方面起着积极的作用。另外,咖啡馆业也被纳入到政府的管理之下。政府通过对咖啡馆价格、营业时间、娱乐活动等方面的日常管理,将政府的政策推行到咖啡馆中,进而影响市民的日常生活。政府在加强对咖啡馆的管理过程中,与咖啡馆经营者也发生了一些矛盾。同业公会在协调两者关系中起到了重要作用,一方面,公会有着一定的独立性,为维护会员利益方面与政府进行了多次的交涉,另一方面,公会受制于政府,成为政府政策的执行者。随着咖啡馆的发展,它逐渐成为上海市民多维活动的公共空间。咖啡馆一度成为人们炫耀性消费的舞台和身份标识的场所,同时它也是市民休闲娱乐、聚会交流场所,更是商贸洽谈、商品交易的理想选择,众多公开和秘密的政治谋划和活动也选择咖啡馆作为展开的舞台。总之,上海咖啡馆在近代上海城市生活中,承担了复杂的社会功能。

【Abstract】 After Shanghai opened the port, the western diet culture input Shanghai through each way, the opening of five ports foreign settlement became bridgehead of coffee introduction ,afterward presented the independent business cafe. At first ,the cafe mainly adapted foreigners’leisure and meeting to set up, afterward, it gradually became the Shanghai partial resident’s life style. Its development reflected the modern Shanghai region culture characteristic and the common custom human sentiment hundred condition.As the early western imported product, the cafe manifested the foreign characteristic in the construction decoration and the diet; In management and operation, the cafe carried on western idea, and simultaneously adapted the Shanghai characteristic and became a scenery of Shanghai.The cafe industry management mainly came from the trade association and government’s management.The cafe industry formed own trade organization--Western Cuisine Coffee Hanse in the modern development, the trade association played the vital role in standarding cafe business, coordinating cafe’s contradiction and promoting cafe. Moreover, the cafe industry was also integrated under government’s management.The government carried out government’s policies into the cafe through the management of cafe price, the business hour and the recreational activities, then affected resident’s daily life. The government had some contradictions with the cafe operator,in the process of strengthening the cafe management. The Trade association played an important role in coordinating both relations. On the one hand,the trade association had certain independence and carried on the multiple negotiation with the government for the member benefit,on the other hand, the trade association was restrained the government and became the government policies’performer.Along with the cafe development,it gradually became Shanghai resident’s multi-dimensional activity public space. It once became the stage of ostentative expense and status marking, it was not only a place which the resident rest, recreat,met and exchanged, but also an ideal choice where the resident discussed business and exchanged commodity.numerous public and secret politics plans and activities also chose the cafe as the stage. In brief, the cafe in Shanghai had undertaken the complex social function in the modern Shanghai city life.

【关键词】 咖啡馆同业公会公共空间
【Key words】 cafethe trade associationpublic space
  • 【分类号】K29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】778

