

The Regional Tourism Cooperation-competition Development Research for Hubaoe

【作者】 张薇

【导师】 何雨;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化和区域一体化发展趋势影响下,旅游业的发展无法脱离区域这一宏观地理背景。同时,每一个旅游地都不可能脱离其他旅游地而独立存在。但是,由于旅游资源的有限性和分布的不平衡性,使得地区之间的旅游竞争无法避免,因此有必要在竞争的现实基础上,实现区域旅游合作,达到共同获利的区域旅游发展格局。概括而言,区域旅游竞合发展是指在市场经济条件下,以区域旅游的整体发展为背景,以相关地方利益为基础,以市场交易为基本方式,以政府协作为补充,在塑造和发挥地方及景区特色的基础上,实现区域旅游的一体化。基于以上的认识,笔者在查阅大量文献以及实地深入调查的基础上,分析了呼包鄂区域旅游竞合发展现状与存在问题,总结区域旅游竞合的必要性与可行性,对比引鉴前人的研究成果,尤其是国内研究者对于区域旅游竞合发展模式的构建,提出呼包鄂区域旅游竞合发展的构想。试图对提升呼包鄂区域旅游整体竞争实力,构建和谐区域旅游发展格局提供力所能及的思路和启示。全文由七个章节组成,具体阐述了四个方面的主要内容:第一部分,阐述了呼包鄂区域旅游竞合发展的背景及其论文写作的技术路线和研究方法。具体论述了国内外区域旅游竞争、区域旅游合作以及区域旅游竞合的发展状况,并对相关概念进行界定。运用文化区理论、社区参与理论、共生理论等作为文章的理论支柱。第二部分,论述呼包鄂区域旅游竞合发展的现状,通过实地调研和资料的收集,发现区域内部竞合观念模糊、总体规划缺失、产品雷同等方面的问题。在此基础上,笔者论证分析了该区域发展旅游竞合的必要性与可行性。第三部分,根据收集的文献,整理归纳出区域旅游竞合模式的四种类型,并对此进行共同点与不同点之间的评述,结合呼包鄂区域旅游资源状况、区域交通状况和经济发展状况,选择将联动发展模式作为本区域旅游发展的基本框架。第四部分,阐述呼包鄂区域旅游联动发展模式的构成要素、发展战略以及该模式建立所要遵循的原则。根据第二部分的发展现状与存在的问题,在总体规划、基础设施建设、产品构建、产业要素组合、市场开拓等方面,提出联动发展的措施。为保障这些措施的顺利实施,有必要建立起对应的相关保障体系。

【Abstract】 Under the economic globalization and regional integration, the development trendof regional tourism can not be divided with the macro background of geography. At hesame time, every tourist resorts are impossible from others and exist independently.However, the limitation of the tourism resources and distribution of the imbalancebetween the area, making the regional competition is inevitable. So it is necessary toachieve the cooperation of regional tourism, under the realistic basis of regional tourismcompetition. At last we will see a scene that the tourism development pattern can takeadvantage of it. In a world, because of the competition in the market economy condition,regional tourism cooperation-competition is tending to regional tourism integration.And the overall development of the regional tourism is a background. The markettrading is the basic mode with the government is playing.Based on the above, the author collected a large number of documents and madean in-depth investigation on this field. Then analyzed the present situation andexisting problems of the regional tourism cooperation-competition in hubaoe area.After this, author summed up the necessity and feasibility of the regional tourismcooperation-competition. And compared to previous research achievements,especially coming from domestic researchers. At last, made an ideal of the regionaltourism cooperation-competition in hubaoe area. From this, I wanted to have someenlightenment to improve the competitiveness of the regional tourism in hubaoe area.The thesis is divide into seven chapters with main contents of four aspects:Part one: sum up the background of the regional tourism cooperation-competitionin hubaoe, and then analyze technical route and research methods. After this, authorexplains concepts such as region, regional tourism, competition, cooperation. At last,author use theory of cultural, community participation and so on, as the background ofthe thesis.Part two: the analysis of the cooperation-competition of regional tourism onhubaoe. This part analyzes the cooperation-competition status of hubae. In detail bysurveys and interviews, and then reveals the existing problems of the region, for example, having no regional tourism plan, be same with tourism produce, and so on.On this basis, author analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the cooperationcompetition of regional tourism.Part three: the analysis of four different types of cooperation-competition pattern.According to materials, the author summarizes four different types of cooperationcompetition pattern. And then, author introduces the difference and sameness of thefour types. Based on states with tourism resource, tourism traffic, development ofeconomy, author chooses the type of linkage development mode.Part four: explain the development mode. In this part, author explains what thedevelopment means is and how the mode can be worked. The content include tourismdevelopment mode of elements, development strategy and the principles. According tothe second part of the development of the current situation and problems, author makesmeasures for development, such as overall tourism plan, infrastructure construction,market development, etc. At last, author makes some safeguard measures.


