

Research on the Incentive Model of Digital Resources Sharing among Colleges and Universities

【作者】 田鹏

【导师】 施宏伟;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的发展,高等院校的数字化教育资源共享已经成为近年来广受关注的问题之一。通过共享,可以实现资源的优化配置,使资源在高校间达到均衡分布,缩小不同地区高校资源的贫富差距,同时也可以发挥资源的最大效用,提高利用率,并最大限度地满足用户日益多样化的资源需求。目前大多数高校都认识到了共享的好处,而且随着科技发展,技术已不在成为制约高校之间资源共享的主要因素,尤其是对数字化教育资源而言,其便利的传递性更使资源共享变得易于实现。然而,高校对于共享所表现出来的积极性并不高,使高校间特别是实力不等高校间的资源共享一直未能有效实现。针对上述问题,结合数字化教育资源的特点,以高校数字化教育资源共享过程中的成本和收益为研究出发点,基于委托代理理论的分析框架,对数字化教育资源共享中高校的行为进行了分析,并以此为基础提出了促进高校资源共享的激励模型,指出了采用差异化服务策略的方案,对共享过程中各主体的收益进行调整,将各主体的效用与他人的贡献量和自己的努力程度相关联,实现共享主体在享用他人资源的同时,也会建设自己的资源并积极贡献,从而提高共享系统的有效性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of internet digital educational resources sharing among colleges and universities is becoming a widely concerned problem. By means of resources sharing, it can make the resources allocation more efficiency, and balance the distribution of resources among colleges and universities, narrow the resources gab between the rich and the poor, maximize the utilization rate of resources, meet the increasingly requirements on resources of users. Although many colleges and universities have realized the advantage of resources sharing, especially with the advances in technology, the digital educational resources is becoming easier to realize, they show no enthusiasm for the resources sharing, lead to the resources sharing among colleges and universities especially those have large gab in resources can’t proceed effectively.Based on the analysis of cost and benefit of participants and considering the characteristics of digital educational resources this paper made an analysis of the behavior of colleges and universities in resources sharing using the principal-agent theory and proposed an incentive model. Using the different service strategy the incentive model adjusted the benefit participants gained from the system and made the utility of participants is related not only to the amount of others’contribution, but also to their own efforts. They were forced to build and contribute resources first if they wanted to use others’resources. So it made the sharing system more efficiency.


