

Design and Implementation of Pay Tax Online for Shaanxi Local Taxation

【作者】 杜军胜

【导师】 刘西洋; 张军利;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界正逐步进入信息化时代,经济活动的超时空趋势对传统的经济运行方式开始形成挑战。从世界范围来看,社会经济各部门之间利用计算机和网络实现数据交换和信息共享已是大势所趋。在线申报正是顺应时代发展要求而推出的一项服务举措。实行在线申报符合税务信息化建设的要求,应用条件简单,易于操作,快速便捷。纳税人在客户端系统中对申报数据进行录入,软件对数据进行自动审核,并进行错误或正确提示,使申报数据更为准确、完整;纳税人不受时空限制,自动化程度高,降低了纳税成本,有效节省了纳税人上门报税所耗用的时间,大幅提升了办事效率。本文在对税务部门和纳税人双方进行了充分的需求分析后,制定了在线申报系统的总体架构,采用C/S与B/S相结合的软件系统体系结构,即在纳税人客户端采用C/S结构,用Delphi语言设计开发,而在税务局管理人员部分采用B/S结构,用Java语言设计开发。并且借助于目前较为成熟的Web Service技术和Oracle数据库等进行了详细的模块设计,部署了测试环境,制定了测试方案,在经过系统的测试后,具备了在线申报系统中纳税申报、申报资料采集及查询统计等三大功能,基本实现了在线申报。

【Abstract】 In the face of information world, the trend of the economical activities beyond time and space is challenging the traditional economical style. Data exchange and information sharing via computer and network among all the social and economical departments is irresistible.The system of paying tax online is a service corresponding to the requirement .The system of paying tax online meets the requirements of development of taxation informationization, It is easy, quick, and convenient. Taxpayer input the data on the client side, the software system reviews the data automatically and provides prompt of wrong or right, to ensure the data is accurate and complete. The system also has the following merits: no restriction of time and space, reduce costs of taxpaying, saving time of taxpayer of going to the specific place, and improve the efficiency.After adequately analyzing the demand between taxation department and taxpayer, this paper develops the system of paying tax online architecture using the integrated structure of client/ server and browser server. Namely, the client server structure is used by the taxpayer client that was designed by Delphi language; while the browser server structure that is used by the taxation department administrative personals was designed by Java language. The detailed modules design, test environment and test scheme were developed by the advanced Web service technology and Oracle database etc. A systematic test indicated that this tax online paying architecture satisfied three major functions: tax declaring, data collecting and inquiry, which basically achieved tax online paying function.

【Key words】 TaxationJavaWeb servicePay Tax Online
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】35

