

The Research of Enterprise Growth Based on Industrial Cluster

【作者】 吴玉凤

【导师】 赵文平;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 企业作为社会经济体系的基本构成,对促进区域和国民经济发展具有非常重要的作用。企业成长问题作为企业研究的重要分支,其研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。然而,企业成长与它所处的环境密不可分,在不同的环境中,企业成长行为具有差异性。产业集群的成长与壮大不仅反映了一个地区乃至一个国家的经济发展水平,而且作为一种特殊的产业组织模式,它也给企业成长提供了特定的环境。本文在产业集群和企业成长相关理论综述的基础上,展开了一系列的理论探讨和实证研究。首先,根据以往的对集群企业成长机制的研究以及集群企业竞争优势理论,提出了“集群网络—集群企业竞争优势—集群企业成长”的分析框架,并据此提出研究假设和建立相关模型。该模型一方面遵循以往的“集群网络—集群企业成长”的分析框架,另一方面,也试探性地建立了以集群企业竞争优势为中介的“集群网络—集群企业竞争优势—集群企业成长”的分析框架。其次,在理论分析的基础上,本文根据研究假设和模型设计了调查问卷,并利用SPSS17.0统计分析软件对收集的数据进行了描述行统计、信度分析、效度分析(因素分析)。最后,结合结构方程建模技术,通过SPSS的相关分析与回归分析对研究假设和模型进行验证。研究结果表明:(1)集群网络对企业成长是有影响作用的,而且不同的网络特征对企业成长的影响作用也不同。(2)集群网络除了会直接作用于企业成长外,它还会通过集群企业竞争优势这个中介间接的影响集群企业的成长,即集群网络通过影响集群企业竞争优势进而影响集群企业成长的内在机制。

【Abstract】 Enterprise is the basic frame of social economy,it plays an important role in economic development. As an important branch of enterprise research, the research of enterprise growth has a very significant theory and practical meaning. But it is well known that enterprise growth has a close relation with its circumjacent environment, different environment will have a different effect on it. Industrial cluster is a special kind of organization which is not only very important in the development of regional economy but also provides a growth environment for enterprises. Base on the review of correlative research, this paper conducted an intensive theory discussion and empirical study.First, base on the review of research on clustered enterprise growth and the competitive advantage of clustered enterprise, it put forwards the frame of“clustered network-the advantage of clustered enterprise-the growth of clustered enterprise”and it also gave us a conceptual model.Secondly, according to the above research, this paper designed a questionnaire, and conducted a survey. Then, it mainly analyzed the data’s reliability and validity.Finally, by using SPSS statistical analysis tool, it conducted the model’s confirmation and got some research conclusions. Following conclusions were reached:(1)First, each dimension of local networks characteristics has a different influence on the growth of clustered enterprise.(2)Second, clustered networks influence enterprise growth through influencing the competitive advantages of clustered-enterprise.


