

The Builder-based Research on the Multi-objective Optimization Control Process of Maoergai Hydroelectric Power Station

【作者】 马红光

【导师】 施宏伟; 柳大惟;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 项目管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在讲求经济、社会、环境协调、可持续发展的今天,优先开发、利用水能资源符合全人类的共同利益,而且也是保护生态环境、实现可持续发展的客观选择。我国水能资源的可开发利用潜力十分巨大的,多年以来水电站建设一直是电力建设的主攻方向。由于水电站建设项目具有一次性任务的属性,项目管理则是有力的管理工具。如何对水电站建设项目进行多目标优化控制一直是实践中不断探索的问题,尤其是对质量、工期、成本等经济目标的优化控制是水电站建设项目管理的重点。论文是以毛尔盖水电站为例,阐述了这一水电站工程项目的基本情况、特点和施工方的项目管理水平;分析了影响工程项目的关联方,构建了项目要素体系,阐述了质量、工期、成本三者之间的关系并进行层次分解;然后利用项目管理中的有关质量管理、工期管理、成本管理的相关理论和方法,立足施工方对毛尔盖水电站截流工程进行了时间优化、时间-费用优化以及质量、工期、成本的综合控制,同时为了确保对质量、工期、成本优化控制的实施,从实践的角度提出了质量保证体系、计划管理的具体方法和成本的跟踪监管制度等。从毛尔盖水电站的工程施工进展情况来看,已经完成的单项工程、分部工程的质量、工期、成本均达到了预期目标,质量、工期、成本的优化控制效果十分明显。

【Abstract】 Today, the priority to development and utilization of water resources are not only in line with the common interests of all mankind but also the objective choice of protecting the ecological environment and realizing sustainable development. In China, the availability of water resource is abundant, and the building of hydroelectric power construction has always been the main direction of the power construction for many years.The project of building hydroelectric power station is of the one-off task, while the project management is a powerful management tool. How to realize the multi-objective optimal control has always been an issue continuously explored in practice, especially the optimal control on economic objectives, such as quality, duration, cost, which is the focus of hydroelectric construction project management.This paper elaborated the basic situation and characteristics of this hydropower project, and the builder’s management level, analyzed the impact of the project’s related parties, built the project element system and described the relation among the quality, duration and cost, and made a hierarchical decomposition; and then used the relevant theories and methods, such as quality management, duration management and cost management to realize the optimization of the time, cost and the integrated control of quality-duration-cost of the closure project based on the builder. Simultaneously, in order to ensure the implementation of the quality-duration-cost optimization control, this paper Proposed many measures as the quality assurance system, specific methods of program management and cost control tracking system.Seen from the construction progress of maoergai hydroelectric station, targets of the completed individual projects, the division project quality and duration and cost have been met, and the effect of optimization was obvious.

  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【下载频次】36

