

Research and Implementation of CAD/CAM Technology on Straight Bevel Gear Mold Electrode

【作者】 薛兴涛

【导师】 周来水;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车行业日益发展,汽车差速器、发动机所用的直齿锥齿轮要求强度高和成本低。普通制造工艺是采用切削法加工直齿锥齿轮,但是该加工工艺需要价格昂贵的专业加工设备,并且生产率较低,成本较高。在这样的背景下,直齿锥齿轮的精密锻造工艺引起人们越来越高的关注。直齿锥齿轮精锻模具通常采用电火花加工制造,需要设计和制造与直齿锥齿轮相同形状的加工电极。直齿锥齿轮模具电极的加工通常在刨齿机上完成,其工艺参数调整困难,劳动强度大,生产准备周期较长。为此,本文结合某齿轮制造企业的实际需求,从分析直齿锥齿轮数学模型入手,研究了渐开线直齿锥齿轮和圆拉直齿锥齿轮的参数化建模方法,并在此基础上研究了齿廓曲面数控加工编程技术。利用Visual C++开发工具,以UG软件为二次开发平台,开发了直齿锥齿轮模具电极CAD/CAM软件。输入相应参数,可自动生成符合标准的渐开线直齿锥齿轮模具电极和圆拉直齿锥齿轮模具电极,给定加工参数,可生成相应的数控铣削刀具轨迹。最后给出了算例,证明了上述工作的可行性及其合理性。

【Abstract】 With the development of the automobile industry, a straight bevel gear with high strength and low cost was used in the automobile differential mechanism and the automobile engines. The straight bevel gears are typically shaped which have a high cost and low efficiency, so the technology of precision forging on mold electrode aroused the people higher and higher interest.Usually straight bevel gear precision forging’s manufactrue is used electrical discharge machining which need a mold electrode the same like a straight bevel gear. Straight bevel gear mold electrode is usually shaped by the gear generator which needs tremendous work to adjust its parameters, the gears shaped by the gear generator have a high labor intecsity and low efficiency and long period of manufacture. The thesis,is designed for requirement of straight bevel gears industry. Beginning with the analysis of the gear engaging theory, this thesis sets up the mathematic model of the profile of the involute gear and achieves the 3D modeling of the complex gear using CAD technology. The thesis also makes a research on the computer aided manufacturing of the gear. Using the Visual C ++ developing tool, the thesis implements the CAD/CAM system for involute gear based second development in UG. Then inputs the parameter of the mold may creat the gear mold electrode autolly and inputs the parameter of the processing may creat milling tool path autolly. Finally the thesis gives the example which has proven the above work is feasibilty an rationality.


